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Everything posted by DaBillsFanSince1973

  1. I see the TT defense is still strong. all I can say is he better come out of the gate and put the offense on his shoulders and throw passes all over the field and win game one. he doesn't do that, what will the excuses be? how can one determine this is a top 10 offense when they've yet to play a single game?
  2. you know, when I looked at your name just now, I couldn't help but think about this theme. as for playoff wins, can't say I don't agree, none. but he is the last to help get them there, back to back seasons. surfer I can't keep my shoe on boy started 7 games (4-3) to fluties 25 starts (17-8) yet they started johnson at tenn and haven't seen the post season since. maybe they thought rob could win the tenn game since he did so well in his 7 starts?
  3. which one was the last to help lead the (back to back seasons) team to the postseason? other than that, none really deserve an honorable mention or rank. look at the records aside from '98-'99 and you have your rank. man, that's a sad list, where did 20 years go? if you're still here after some of those agonizing seasons, you're a die hard.
  4. 1-15. got it archived until they win their second game. then it'll drift off in to cyber space somewhere.
  5. I have lost total interest in the marketing hype. just win. anything less is just that, hype.
  6. says who, you? no need to answer, there were some like yourself that thought so, so it must be true. after all you're probably a genius when it comes to evaluating talent. agree. rob the knob johnson, now he sucked and couldn't keep his shoes on.
  7. http://www.foxsports.com/nfl/story/buffalo-bills-denver-broncos-tyrod-taylor-contract-111615 According to Mike Rodak of ESPN, it could have happened. The Broncos reportedly offered Taylor more money than the Bills did, but Taylor chose a chance to start in Buffalo over a richer contract. Clearly, it’s worked out for both the Bills and Taylor, but it’s fairly safe to say the Broncos would be grateful to have him as their backup quarterback right now.
  8. so now you're changing it to 3 wins? glad I could get a good laugh out of you, jack. your prediction has been archived in my sig and we'll see who will be laughing at who, wont we, jack.
  9. 1-15 mark it down. okay I'll just leave it in my sig. although I don't believe they make the playoffs, I do believe they'll win more than one game. may even win 8?
  10. I don't know if it's a great sign but does show his chances may be greater at starting. if he does start he better have an above avg game and they better win as I don't think McD has him on a very long leash. pressure is on you taylor, if you're a go, don't disappoint.
  11. not so sure they aren't but have my doubts. QB position-uncertain rookie HC-uncertain defense-uncertain many changes on the roster-uncertain OP, be sure, as you already have been, to be mocked and laughed at but your thread is a legitimate question for discussion.
  12. it's starting to look that way. going to piss some off about it but I'm pulling for the kid.
  13. I only root for bandwagon fans, oh wait, no I don't. I root for the buffalo bills. you're a bandwagon fan OP and since you will be rooting for other teams why don't you go to their board and share your views on why you'll be rooting for them?
  14. I have no problem with this regime ridding the remnants of the previous one. the drag is that I've seen too many of these deals and don't have a lot time to go through many more. that's the selfish side of it but from a business/organization/management/coaches perspective they're doing what they feel is right in building their own team, with the players they want. (still scratching my head for not cutting ducasse) there may even be more surprises to come and I expect this will be kyle and the big fellas last season. likely why they stocked up on picks as they seem to not want to drag it out too long but you have to believe it will be another two, maybe three seasons before or if they reap the rewards? so, those who are finding it hard to deal with may want to be more open minded and come to terms about the process and be prepared to possibly see the drought reach two decades? can I say 6 days yet?
  15. so in your opinion sammy talked to him, get while you can, huh. seen tyrod in practice and decided to run like hell. yeah, if I was going to make something up, it would be exactly like this right here.
  16. how do you know this and why would you be stating as fact?
  17. keeping yates and ducasse baffles me.
  18. seems you have. fake news huh. soon find out I suppose. my opinion still stands until proven otherwise.
  19. they kept yates? maybe the tank fans are on to something?
  20. way to present yourself boldin. retire because you want to pursue your calling in society only to come back and claim you still want to play the game. just not for the buffalo bills. loser/quitter
  21. this little comment from the article is very misleading. why compare a taylor led offense to fluties big year (playoffs) or the last two superbowls led by kelly when the taylor led offense and team finished 7-9? the argument has been, some blame it on the defense which was part of the reason. at the end of the day, there is no comparison nor should they/he be acknowledged in the same sentence (other than the almighty meaningless stats) as flutie or kelly. 7-9 peterman is getting closer to starting the opener with still no solid news on taylors condition? I really don't expect taylor to start, but if he does, he better light it up and not be a factor in a loss to a division rival. they open 0-1 and 0-1 in the division they will need to take some serious thought as to whether they put the rookie in. I know, they should lose three or four games before benching taylor, right? taylor starts he's going to be under some serious pressure. question is, can he handle it?
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