it may of been wishful thinking at the time but boy howdy nothing like a beat down in their own house. of course word is they've lost the opener in the past only to come back and win the superbowl. although that wasn't with a porous looking defense and an aging brady and he showed his age last night.
if you aren't happy about a patsie beat down in their house on opening day, I don't know what to tell you.
that includes gilmore getting torched. 65 million, LOL
just because they need to earn it doesn't mean you have to disrespect them like that. he and his sidekick had their nose up the patriots ass and I'm glad the patsies lost their ass after all the praise they were giving them.
it was back in '08, season opener. marcia goes down with the season ending injury. they still finished 11-5 with cassell but missed the playoffs
their opponent, kansas city cheifs