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Everything posted by DaBillsFanSince1973

  1. two sides to the coin. like I said, both have been on a major crusade through the off season that has/is carrying over in to the season. right wrong or otherwise, a crusade is just that, a crusade. not real impressive company with McCown there.
  2. just as you take yours personally, so it goes both ways really. you have been on your anti taylor crusade while calling those like trans CoT. while he has been on his pro taylor crusade. in short, your comment is nothing more than calling the kettle black.
  3. agree. but you know, the consensus was/is, it was the jets. on to carolina.
  4. I was impressed and such a breath of fresh air compared to the circus that ruined the team the past two years.
  5. you've been crying all off season champ. no, I wont stfu.
  6. I wouldn't say really good. however, he got the job done. I was more impressed with coaching, I thought for his debut, McD did a fine job.
  7. still crying even after a win. pathetic.
  8. you going to whine through this whole game?
  9. thought they both were tanking?
  10. I was going to ask the same...WTF
  11. okay, so we move it here. LETS GO BUFFALO!!!!!!!!
  12. https://www.reddit.com/r/nflstreams/
  13. isn't that the truth. GO BILLS!!!
  14. I broke out my 1994 logo athletic shark tooth hat. t-minus 3 hrs 10 min 18 secs https://w2.countingdownto.com/1938742
  15. LOL https://w2.countingdownto.com/1938742
  16. it's finally here!! let's get this division win baby! GO BILLS!!!
  17. hopes: they don't embarrass, stay healthy. expectations: a division win, play well in all phases. https://w2.countingdownto.com/1938742
  18. I enjoy every win regardless of team. I'm not underestimating their D but they have no real threat on offense, so it could be pretty lopsided. division rival who swept the bills last season, I'd be happy with a W.
  19. I tend to agree. the young fella just can't let go and move forward, no looking back. one can not dwell and hold ones self back from reality, well, some can. I'm going to believe those in control know a tad more then most if not all here on the board, well, some feel they know more. the decision was made in the teams interest going forward. they have shown, regardless of talent, if you're a remnant of the past regime and you don't fit our future goal of building the team, sayonara. they'll be more to come this next off season. it's best to just move on, go with the process and toss some salt over your shoulder, cross your fingers and just hope they will/are making the right decisions? sammy plays for the rams. may he fare well with his new team.
  20. even sloooooower now me thinks. I don't care what you eat, drink or what extravagant regime you're on, 40 is no spring chicken and I'm looking forward to the front four getting in his face. something the chiefs didn't do real well.
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