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Everything posted by DaBillsFanSince1973

  1. you apparently did not comprehend what I posted. WHO CARES rookie? who say's I have to handle it, you? ha!! if it has no bearing on me or affects my life in anyway, why the !@#$ should I care about it? I don't listen, like you do, I don't read the ****, like you do. so why the !@#$ should I care? because you think I should. don't try and patronize me with your rookie bull **** kid, it wont work. enjoy the game, unless you're one of those who are offended and choose to not watch.
  2. you love to hate. good for you old timer
  3. who cares. move this where it belongs, in the basement.
  4. if they lose the next 3 it could be at the bye but then again they may just leave taylor in for the long haul because after all, they're tanking right?
  5. more fans don't give a **** than those that do. those that think they're the majority, are nothing more than the minority.
  6. what's he have to do with the moron there now. oh, that's right, not a !@#$ing thing.
  7. what do you expect from a racist pos?
  8. I'll still be watching. but that's because I could give a rats ass what an nfl player does during an anthem. I only care what they do on the field because it's not about protest, a given right I may add, but about the game. those that say they will not watch or be a fan anymore, do you really believe you'll be missed?
  9. I was going to give you a box of 64. plenty of colors to choose from...
  10. want the truth and only from my perspective, I choose to see what I want to see. I don't pay any attention to it and frankly, I can't remember the last time I listened/watched an anthem before a game. I allow anyone to choose how they want to live as long as it does not affect my life. kneeling for an anthem, does not affect my life whatsoever. here you go:
  11. they're all snowflakes. anyone bothered by a football player kneeling during an anthem, is a snowflake. does his kneeling affect their life, does it hurt their feelings? doesn't mine. I'll still stand for the flag and just because joe blow football player doesn't isn't going to make me lose sleep, it's his right. is he bitching and moaning at me for standing? no soft society today, real soft.
  12. in actuality, from my perspective, it would be those offended by it that are the snowflakes. why some just don't ignore it and watch the !@#$ing game is beyond me.
  13. I just realized it took me 10.97 secs to get to the bathroom. I almost didn't make it.
  14. this thread should be moved here: https://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/187980-kaepernick-and-the-national-anthem/
  15. hello, good bye. I don't watch football games for the national anthem. I watch it for football. this debate about not watching because a player chooses to kneel is irrelevant to the game at hand. call me unamerican or whatever you may, I'll still be watching. I posted earlier that society has become so soft and easily offended. if it doesn't have an impact on me, regarding flags, monuments, groups or protests, which they don't, then I'm not offended. kneel all day for all I care.
  16. awe, loss of viewers. like monuments, flags, groups, etc. society is so easily offended these days...so !@#$ing soft. learn to ignore the protests and just do what you came to do or turned the tube on to do, watch the !@#$ing game. otherwise, if it offends that much, don't watch. the games will go on regardless and I'll be watching.
  17. a thread like this makes me loose my mind. on another note: "if" is the biggest two letter word in the dictionary. folks need to realize that those players that are gone and those that will be gone this upcoming off season are part of beanes plan in the direction he wants to take/build this team. they, along with the others are not part of the plan. the sooner you understand that the better off you'll be. not understanding that is just a case of denial and constantly complaining about the moves will not change that plan.
  18. I laughed out loud. for some reason all this clapping has this song stuck in my head.
  19. I take it, you're another that doesn't like his clapping? sammy who?
  20. good when he was on the field, yes. I think some are having an issue with beane and his plan, which didn't include sammy watkins.
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