long before any of this came in to the spotlight, I never paid no mind to the anthem they play before a game. the american way I suppose, like hot dogs and chevrolet. I never felt that my not paying much attention to the anthem before a game had anything to do with disrespecting the flag or military. I'm all for the anthem on memorial day or fourth of july, but a football game?
that is totally your view and may be the view of others which is your right to express as such. it is not mine. seems there are those who haven't the full understanding of the 1st amendment and the very reason this country was\has been protected by those who serve(d). and that is for the freedom and rights to all americans, which includes freedom to express\protest. the deal now is that even in silent protest some feel they not only don't have that right to do so, but believe they're disrespecting the flag as well as the military and that could not be further from the truth. as for the platform, what greater audience. it even got the potus involved. this battle of political views and the direction society seems to be going, is not going to have a pretty ending I'm afraid. this is an ugly world we live in today
it's a real damn shame watching this country divide as it has and the hate that dwells in the mist. anger is an emotion only you yourself can control.
while this is all going on, I will be watching football games. it's source of entertainment and I'm not going to allow an anthem, that as I said, I really paid no mind to anyway, interfere anymore than I'll allow this present political battle interfere. I mind my own.