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Everything posted by DaBillsFanSince1973

  1. not that it is always successful but coaching/scheme/play-calling to a players strengths would certainly give you a better chance at success as was evident last week. we'll see if he continues to taylor, to taylors strengths in atlanta? a big test for sure. if it helps to win football games, do what you need to do to succeed.
  2. boycott the boycotters, meanwhile enjoy the game. GO BILLS!!!
  3. burning apparel, boycotting games...drama I'll be wearing mine and watching the games.
  4. OP, you're really late to the party...on to atlanta.
  5. keep me posted. I'm sure it'll keep your interest since you been keeping tabs on all his money, weight, what he eats and his captains hat.
  6. he's in the same pod as sessions so this does not surprise me.
  7. my point of evaluation is the bye.
  8. I'm sure they're losing sleep over it, like some around here have been.
  9. this post doesn't surprise me considering the source.
  10. good. that means they all got to see their team lose.
  11. dallas faced one in week 2, scored 42 on them.
  12. couldn't be happier that left town.
  13. are you really that naive? I'm guessing you are with that statement. John McCain “He’s not a war hero,” he said at an Iowa summit in July 2015. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/times-trump-insulted-u-s-veterans-military-service-article-1.3204210 Veterans are not happy about Donald Trump’s ‘callous’ PTSD comments https://thinkprogress.org/veteran-on-trumps-ptsd-comments-just-one-chapter-in-a-long-story-of-disrespect-2477fdd605d8/ while answering a question about veteran health care, he made an offhand comment saying that “strong” veterans don’t deal with PTSD. @iava As a veteran of the USAF I cannot take the way this man speaks about any group of people including veterans. https://twitter.com/peterdaou/status/782972025195331584 … Amid Donald Trump's Feud With the NFL, This WWII Veteran Took a Knee https://www.popsugar.com/news/WWII-Veteran-Takes-Knee-Support-NFL-Players-44069929
  14. powerful song with a powerful message, lost in time.
  15. right to the unemployment line...fare well snowflake
  16. while he's being a twit sitting on the shitter posting on twitter. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2017/09/26/san-juan-mayor-trump-tweets-you-dont-put-debt-above-people/703096001/
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