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Everything posted by DaBillsFanSince1973

  1. can't say there was many. but I think the denver game this season brought the bar up some for sure.
  2. I speak for myself. don't crowd me in with those who also don't like your agenda around here. you're right, it is an opinion based board. some opinions make good sense, some don't and some just flat out suck. carry on, with your opinions.
  3. unfortunately. so you just pick out the wins you find justifiable. not that it's a win, it's a win you can't justify in your mind. guess what, a win is a win, no matter how you want to spin it or deny it was worthy of a win.
  4. I bet the OP has won a lot of hands at poker. he's had his poker face on in this whole thread so far.
  5. I was 11 when pong came out and 18 when space invaders and asteroids came out so not a lot of arcade gaming as a kid. I did dig getting stoned and going to the local bar and playing space invaders and asteroids. pretty challenging games at the time, especially high...
  6. defense is stout. they're playing hard for McD, for sure.
  7. noted. hopefully he'll have them up to the challenge. so far I have been impressed with McD.
  8. so basically the OP is obsessed with 300 yd games and doesn't care that wins can come without a 300 yd passing game as evident. basically what I see here is nothing more than bitching and moaning, nothing more.
  9. kid may just turn out to be a special player.
  10. the only thing I can say good about orton was he came in and replaced EJ. he did a fair job but I lost all respect for him when going for the slide before the 1st down marker. it was gutless play and to me it told me he wasn't willing to take a hit for the team. that said, he does not belong on the wof, period.
  11. drafting better in '18, hopefully. this is a short ride for taylor, maybe he can make the best of it, maybe not?
  12. such a small example. my question would be was the right foot ever on the ground before/during the catch? if not, then I see only the left foot touch in bounds. therefore, the patsies got what they always have gotton. the calls/flags go their way, even with such evidence in the gif.
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