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Everything posted by DaBillsFanSince1973

  1. so that comment hurt your feelings. you thought it was classless? I swear, soft, soft, soft society. feelings get hurt over the littlest things. so he said it feels good to be wanted. well good for him.
  2. I smoke mine. no pharmaceuticals for this old hippy.
  3. long time ago...
  4. my bad. definitely getting old thinking he was the sports anchor. commander tom was weather?
  5. I still get a kick out of your avatar. old Irv, channel 7 news. he goes way back. hell, I was a kid when he started out as the sports anchor.
  6. kind of the response I expected almighty one...you really are an !@#$
  7. but, but he's an alabama player. the biscuit!
  8. thanks man, it was a good watch...muted!!
  9. you know, I see you doing a lot of judging on this board, a lot. so just a question for you. what do you consider yourself? I could judge you based on your posts but that would not really be a fair way to fully judge and I don't know you so I have to ask from your own perspective. you may not feel the need to give an answer, may not care and may even judge me for asking but since you seem to judge, a lot, you must be a good judge of character, no? as for this trade. I really don't follow carolina much at all so anyone else have some insight on the kid besides being a chump and lazy?
  10. done by 4 pm. there you go OP go have a pbr and shot of vo, you called it. and done before 4 pm
  11. thanks for the link to the tweet. doesn't seem to be any real legitimate source so I'll continue to consider it to be nothing more than talk/rumor.
  12. declined = no more trade offer can you link the other talk for a receiver? otherwise it's just talk which also = no trade offer
  13. don't even open a tab for their site. get enough here and few other sources but most all bills related can be found right here. that's why I appreciate the hell out of this site. some negativity to wade through here and there but that comes with the territory. overall, hell of a community made up with a variety of bills fans. can you dig that, mon... so, are you boasting about that? I was just wading through the posts and thought I would ask. even if not, it still had a boasting tone to it.
  14. I had to google it. interesting how much I learn with a couple clicks, big time encyclopedia
  15. great read shaw. this is a different bills team, I'm really beginning to believe that...GO BILLS!!!
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