is it an obsession to dissect a player as been the case with taylor?
I mean serious dissecting, like his every move. yeah, I'm thinking it's an obsession, no it's discussion, wait, definitely an obsession.
I'm thinking they don't win another game. my brain has been sizzled with the 17 year drought and no way can I see them win another game this season. they need to cut tyrod and put peterman in there so they can finish 19-0 in 2018, claiming the lombardi.
why anyone could even have the slightest optimism about the next 8 games is beyond me.
sarcasm intended
no, he's no whiner. does the greedy nfl care? it would not surprise me if with the way the "word gets out" they may look in to it. then again, greed can be blinding.
the injuries alone should wake them up to considering ending tnf?
well, at this point we can not say that in this case here. only hope because he is sorely missed when not on that field. they're hurting as it is on that line.
time will tell.
right on
I don't know, it would seem more of an individual deal but you can say players get injured, that's a fact. how they recover/come back is more on the extent/type of injury that varies. my point, not really knowing the extent of his but being feet/ankles at that position can not be good obviously and also hurts the team if you continue to be injured. such is the case here where this will be his 3rd missed game.
my main point is what good is talent if you can not stay healthy?
started what, 5 this season. he's on pace to miss at least 3 this season, so far?
it would seem his type of injuries could be career hampering? those complaining about trading him must not base his worth on starting 16 games, especially a key position such as his. if he can not stay healthy you might as well throw out the talent argument, no?
this right here. they do need to evaluate it especially with numbers dropping as they are. personally, they could do away with it altogether. sunday/sunday night/monday night is plenty enough nfl coverage for the week.
sorry to offend you. just calling it as I saw it. I was not upset about your outlook as that other poster in row 33 may of claimed. you want to have a poor outlook halfway through the season and claim it being a realist, be my guest.