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Everything posted by mileena

  1. You actually can get a satellite dish: https://tvnerd.com/directv-condo-apartment/
  2. Peterman's career is done. It's over. You never recover from throwing 5 picks in one half, even a seasoned veteran. Mentally, the effects are devastating. Jay Schroeder, a Pro Bowl QB, threw 5 picks in the 1990 AFC Championship vs Buffalo, and he never recovered. Went from a career high 90.8 QB rating that year to 71.4 in 1991 and never higher again. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/S/SchrJa00.htm
  3. We only have upscale grocery stores in northern California, like Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Costco, and Safeway. Also a ton of ethnic chains, like Chinese, Korean, Phillipino, and Mexican grocery stores which are all over California.
  4. SMH. Johnson and AVP do not belong here. Stop it with the drought posts. And you forgot Matt Cassel, Thad Lewis, Jeff Tuel, and Brian Brohm.
  5. Oh, I don't know. Might have something to do with the fact that Miami is our main rival???? Remember when they beat us 20 times in a row in the 70's and the fans tore down the goal posts at Rich Stadium on opening day 1980 when we finally beat them?? Most people here get pumped for the Miami games and they always sell out. Really?!?! That's why the Jets and Giants are in the same divsion, or the Chargers and Rams or the 49ers and Raiders. Familiarity breeds contempt. Sure, I'd rather have Tom Brady. Indianapolis and Cincy also have claims. I'd rather be with NYJ and New England.
  6. Peterman is a BUST. You don't recover from throwing 5 interceptions in your first start.
  7. His bonus was paid over many years; it wasn't a lump sum. His injuries will be taken care of and he was offered the insurance for accident/disability. What more does he want? He wants pay for work he isn't performing.
  8. The Bills owe him nothing; "paying his dues" is irrelevant. He was comnsated in the past for services he performed. I suppose the Patriots owed Lawyer Milloy something when they didn't re-sign him and he left for the Bills. It's just business.
  9. So he should be greedy? SMH They should. Why should they pay the bum for not working?
  10. Schobel, Kelsay, Kyle, Takeo, London, Jairus, Evans, Lynch, Moorman, Peters, and McGee all beg to differ with you.
  11. Actually, bad topic. Why does everyone here focus on the negative, even thought the drought is over?? Posts about best coaches during the drought years, posts about the all-drought team, etc. People, you need to buy into the culture and mindset that McD has set, not dwell on the negative. Stop it. Just like on the other Bills message board, Billievers, people kept on bringing up abuses by the BBMB former moderators, who started posting there. The moderator of that board put that to an end, and said stop focussing on the past. It's a fresh start.
  12. No. The list onlty inlcdes coaches who never made the playoffs with the Bills during their drought. And he isn't included since he is so good that he led the Bills to a playoff spot. Post-Bills Williams became a cheater. SMH.
  13. Haha, good post. I am a Sabres fan, but can you blame me for liking both the Sharks and Golden Knights? And the Golden Knights unprecedented success bodes well for the Bills. If Las Vegas can win the Cup, the Bills can win the SB this year. I don't understand why people here are so negative. Let me ask this: when the Raiders move to Las Vegas, if you are a fan, will you still support them? The answer is yes. So, because of that, any support of other Las Vegas teams is fine. There is room to support both the Sharks and Golden Knights in our area. We can support both the Giants and A's, right? Or both the Raiders and 49ers? So why not both the Sharks and Golden Knights? You can bet plenty of Raiders fans will be making the trip to Vegas for home games, just like they did when they were in LA.
  14. There is only one true Bay Area, although San Diego and Tampa claim it too, especially "South Bay".
  15. Oakland. Enough said. Let me correct that for you: Cavaliers Championships: 1 Bills Championships: 2 This thread: +1 Therefore: Buffalo Bills > Clevaland Cavaliers.
  16. 17 years is nothing. The Montreal Expos had the longest post-season playoff drought: 30 years, from 1982 to 2011: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Major_League_Baseball_franchise_postseason_droughts#Longest_postseason_droughts_in_the_expanded-postseason_era
  17. I lived in Philly from 2000-2009. I despised the Eagles, Phillies, 76ers, and Flyers. But in SF, it is hard to hate their teams, since the people are so nice. Curry, Thompson, and KD are humble, good athletes and their team was built from the ground up. The SF Giants are working class and underdogs who won the WS each time. OTOH, Philadelphia is a s---hole area and the athletes are arrogant. I lived in Maine from 1992 to 2000 and despised the Patriots, Red Spox, and Bruins. I hated how people there made a trip to Sullivan Stadium regulary to suport the Patriots, especially in their Super Bowl year under Drew Bledsoe. I lived in Rochester in 1989 when I went to the U of R and was furious there was a student who cheered for the SF 49ers in Wilson Commons (the student union) and made fun of the Bills on a regulalr basis. He made fun of us evertyime we lost in 1989, when we were 9-7. We had to also endure many NY Giants fans who went upstate from NCY for school there. They begged us to turn the TV to the NFL Today on CBS (covered the NFC) for the 12:30 PM weekly pre-game show, when we Bills fans watched NFL Live on NBC, which covered the AFC. Well, if Buffalo had an NBA team, that would be a different story. But they don't, so I am free to choose. However, for NCAA men's basketball, I am a loyal fan of Syracuse. BTW, people from Buffalo are obligated to like the NY Yankees, as if they were called the Buffalo Yankees. The was a poll in the early to mid 80's in the Buffalo News, asking what team should Buffalo adopt for the MLB. TBN said would cover them then as if they were a home team. That team was the Yankees, who recieived an overwhelming number of votes. The only MLB team that received no votes was Atlanta. There was a poster on the old BBMB who was from Buffalo and liked the Bills and Sabres, but also like the Mets. He had this in his signature. I was very angry at him and condemned him for being a traitor to Buffalo.
  18. Since I have moved to the Bay Area in 2009, our teams have won five world championsips (three by the SF Giants and two by the Warriors) and are about to win two more: Warriors this year and Golden Knights in the NHL (Las Vegas is an adopted hometown for our area due to the fact the Oakland Raiders are moving there soon). I have never enjoyed success like this in my entire life, so you can't blame me for embracing it.
  19. LOL. My main team is Boston. I'm no bandwagoner. I also support Golden State since I live here now. Guess you're jealous I have good teams to root for. I am disappointed in your statement. 73-9. Greatest season ever by an NBA team and greatest team of all time. They needed LeBron every time to make the NBA finals. And what do they have to show for it? 1-4, and them stealing the title in 2016 with the help of referees. We were extremely dominant in the laste 80's and 90's with Jim Kelly and crew; much better than Cleveland's dominance recently. I'd take Buffalo anyday over the Cavaliers.
  20. I started liking them in 2012-13 when they finished second in their division. My favorite team is the Boston Celtics (who, if they had Kyrie Irving and Gordon Hayward, would have easily beaten the Cavaliers).
  21. Haha! It's true. Which team is better: The Buffalo Bills or the Cleveland Cavaliers?
  22. Being from the Bay Area, I am in ecstacy that the Golden State Warriors just reached their fourth consecutive NBA league championship, as did the Cleveland Cavaliers yesterday. This got me thinking: who was the last team to reach four straight finals in the four major sports? Oh, that's right: the Buffalo Bills. Which led me to think of their four straight Super Bowl losses and how everyone makes fun of that. Well, in about two to three weeks, the Cleveland Cavaliers willl lose yet again to the Warriors in the NBA Finals. They also lost last year in 2017, and in 2015. They should have lost in 2016 too when they were down 3-1. So, basically, the Cavs should be 0-4 in the last four finals, and 0-5 overall. So, 0-5 is worse than 0-4 for the Bills (who really should be 1-3 since they should have beaten the Giants in SB XXV), so the Cleveland Cavaliers will be the new worst team in the four major sports. LOL. Cleveland sucks; Buffalo rocks.
  23. LOL. Who are "Nate Odems:, "Harold Ballard", " Joe Delamilure ", "Wil Wolford", and "Leshon McCoy"??
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