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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. Strudel zum Toasten? Ist es auch gut?
  2. The writing was on the wall when Judge stole the HR. Second time that's happened with a NY team in a game 7 championship series game and both were losses.
  3. Allmans and Wolfmother back to back. Nice.
  4. T-N-T and "It's a Long Way To The Top" are my AC/DC faves (who knew bag pipes could kick a$$). But I'm not embarrassed singing them unless someone turns down the volume on me. Of course that goes for any song.
  5. I'm a Mets fan too and this sums it up pretty well for me. I can't think of anything to hate about this group of Yankees...except of course that they are Yankees Only thing I disagree with is the playing with house money comment. That was probably true up until they won the last game. Now it's on them to finish the job. Getting this far isn't easy, especially coming back from 0-2 in 2 straight series. And as bright as things look right now, it can change quickly. Don't want to squander an unexpected opportunity like the Mets did a few years ago,
  6. You reached out to this board and it responded with compassion and advice and I hope that helps. All I can add is one more voice of compassion. I wish you all the best.
  7. . ..or if your sample set is too limited you could arrive at the wrong solution for all the right reasons.
  8. ...or there's more than one possible solution. If we can assume a '+" somehow relates to a*b + (a-1)*a no reason we couldn''t also assume the sequence of the equations has significance. In truth, I like the a*b + (a-1)*a solution better, just thought it was interesting that I came at it from a slightly different angle.
  9. I was assuming the order of the equations mattered and was independent of a: 3+7 = 3*7 + 3*1 = 24 2+3 = 2*3 + 2*2 = 10
  10. FWIW, I looked at it using a sequence: 1. 2+3=8 2. 3+7=27 3. 4+5=32 4. 5+8=60 5. 6+7=72 6. 7+8=? Using the sequence number, this equation works: a*b + seq*a = c 7*8 +6*7 = 98
  11. His principles only went so far: "If they take football away, my endorsements from me, I know that I stood up for what is right" http://ftw.usatoday.com/2016/08/colin-kaepernick-49ers-national-anthem-sit-explains
  12. Just saw the pool story: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/california-couple-spent-hours-pool-survive-wildfires-article-1.3560722
  13. The crossing guards at the schools in my area driver newer and nicer cars than me.
  14. Hmm, no frozen grapes...guess we'll have to go back....for the grapes! BTW, wrong thread but happy birthday!
  15. Only time I was in Vegas was a few years ago, bookends of a trip to Bryce/Zion. I'm not a gambler, but glad I got a small taste of the strip. Wife was horrified, I was amused. Saw the Cirque "O" show and while it was good, we both thought it was highly over-priced and over-rated. Off the strip, others have mentioned Red Rocks and skiing, I'll put in a good word for the Valley of Fire. Hot as f*ck but jaw dropping. On the flight home my son (9 at the time) is drawing vacation pictures and wifey asks what it is and he says it's a girl in a bikini. She asks where he saw that and he looks up incredulously and says "Mom, there were a lot of bikinis in Las Vegas...A LOT!!"
  16. I expect that they will part with quality draft picks if/when it makes sense. In season seems unlikely.
  17. My fathers (RIP) come back: "That's because I wasn't foreman on the job!" Apologies for the irrelevance to the thread. WRT to OP....since when are impactful personnel changes made in season in the NFL? This isn't baseball. Not saying it never happens but I think its rare and I agree with others that there is no way I could see McBeane spending draft capital for a quick fix.
  18. Have Jose Ramirez and the guy who played Bubba in Forrest Gump ever been seen in the same place together?
  19. One way I can rationalize 2+2=4 and 3+2=4 would be to extract the extra 1 from the left side of each equation to make them equivalent and then add up the right sides to get 1 and 8 or 18...Kyle Ortons number as a Bill...clearly you are still obsessed with Kyle getting on the Wall.
  20. LMFAO. Mine are a bit older so I haven't seen one for years....but I remember being in awe of the same thing.
  21. There seem to be a lot of complaints about duplicate and unnecessary threads and I wonder if there would be a similar proliferation of clubs. Also, I'm assuming this is a feature that could be turned on in the future after the initial migration to the new site so my suggestion is to hold off on adding clubs for now.
  22. KISS principle: Keep It Simple Scott. Leave the past behind and focus your time and effort on the new site features and setup. Good luck with the new software and thanks for all you do.
  23. That's a pretty lofty standard to set. Hasn't worked out so well for Drew Brees the past few years.
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