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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. Not picking a fight, but who do you like more? I always thought he approached the drums as more of a musician than others and that was only based on seeing him once....but from the third row.
  2. Saw Rush once many many years ago. For the most part I fixated on Neil Peart, Always thought he blew away every other drummer I ever saw live. By far. Nobody came close until I saw Gavin Harrison play with Porcupine Tree a few years ago.. Not sure if this does him justice:
  3. Enemkpali "took a swing at Cyrus Kouandjio" ...before fellow offensive lineman Ryan Groy stepped in to make it a "two-on-one situation." Sadly I can't add to the humor value of previous posts (which were awesome), but In a case of cross-thread pollination minutes ago I questioned why nobody on the Jets had Geno's back.
  4. 'Hey, this is not my fault. I'm the victim here, and this guy should be going to jail.' Instead, I manned up. I owned it. I took responsibility for whatever actions I had in that altercation, and I chose to let that fuel me to become a better man and a better player." Maybe I'm splitting hairs, but this sounds like agent-speak that Geno wasn't quite on board with: My actions vs. whatever actions I had...and make sure that anyone listening knows that IK should have gone to jail. I'm not defending IK, but what always stuck with me was nobody on the Jets had the starting QB's back after he got sucker-punched by a backup.
  5. Just saw this, did a quick check and didn't see a similar post so here it is: http://www.newsday.com/sports/football/jets/brandon-marshall-puts-ryan-fitzpatrick-in-elite-company-1.12125274
  6. Hmmm..is that an anti-TT comment or a pro-Hogan comment...and what would Schultz say (Sgt our Kurt)? Cuz they have Brady. Deion Branch looked like a world beater until he went to Seattle
  7. OK so I got past my complacency issues and read the article. Perhaps I obsess too much, but: "Yet he repeatedly burns NFL cornerbacks on deep passes," Has that really happened? If so, did I miss the outrage on this board when we let him go?
  8. You could be right...we get caught up in parsing words and attacking sometimes we miss the big picture. I'm gonna read the article past the word complacent and my guess is my reaction will be: decent guy, but your a Patriot now so f off
  9. Fair enough, I couldn't get past the complacency quote. To me complacency in the NFL = early forced retirement
  10. I stopped reading the article after "I was complacent". Apart from the fact that since he is a Patriot and as such I wish him a slow and painful death, I have nothing against the guy...but what did he he ever accomplish to make him complacent as a Bill?
  11. I hate the Jets as much (or more) as anyone, but hats off to Ferguson for a great career. Those Iron Man stats are off the charts. He's everything you expect from a top-5 drafted tackle.
  12. When I was growing up I had a board game called NFL Pro Draft. You had to build a team thru the draft and players were rated either "A" or "B". "A" players were rated something like 0-30 or 70-100 and B players were from 30-70, but you didn't know their actual rating until you drafted the player. It was a pretty simplistic model of the real draft and you weren't winning unless you hit on your A picks. These days the draft gets analyzed to death even though by and large draft picks amount to educated guesses and/or filling a need. What would be interesting to me is to look at the top 10% of players in the league and see the distribution of which round they were drafted in. My guess is that unless you have a great roster you should take your best shot with your first rounder.
  13. Your game recaps were must-read material for me and became part of my Sunday night routine. Thanks and be well!
  14. It made a non-competitive, inconsequential play meaningful so I'm on board.
  15. It's the first 10 years when you get sucked into the vortex. I've watched it evolve for my 2 boys over the past 10+ years. I remember being horrified when my youngest said he liked the Cowboys one year for no apparent reason. Chalked it up to the unis and/or Cowboys/Indians thing and fortunately it passed. Now I see its about the star power. Hasn't changed since I grew up on Long Island when the Jets and Giants had no star power and long story short: OJ and the fact that the Bills played in NY state made me a Bills fan...and so far my boys are all in too, With that said, 70's were the best but the most enjoyable was 88-96 when the Bills were great. Can't wait to enjoy the Super Bowl victory with my boys...it will happen!
  16. Well put. I haven't seen the footage either and don't pretend to know who was most at fault, nor do I care. It smells of a stupid booze-filled bar misunderstanding/disagreement/fight gone way too far that either the off-duty cops or the high-profile NFL star should have defused and/or walked away from.
  17. I'm 100% with you regarding the 2013 defense. The sacks blinded many to the fact that the run defense was non-existent. Wasn't that the year that L. Blount looked like a man among boys? (and no it wasn't just the return game...that just made it worse).
  18. If I was a Denver or Carolina fan it would've been 4 hours of pure torture with all of the turnovers and near turn-overs. But I'm not and I thought it was a very entertaining game from the beginning to (just about) the end. A lot of people point to last year and while the second half was great I though the first half was like watching paint dry.
  19. Maybe a little off topic since the threads been about the business side of football, but some great quotes about what football will be like in 10 years: http://www.newsday.com/sports/football/super-bowl/what-will-football-and-the-super-bowl-look-like-in-10-years-1.11419374
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