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Posts posted by SinceThe70s


    Oh, here we go with the guy with the Bills tattoos who paints his nipples red and blue every Sunday, even when it isn't football season.


    Yes. I'm still a fan of the team. I just know they suck this year, as they have sucked for the last 16 years prior. That doesn't make me less of a fan. It just makes me a person who calls it like it is.


    I've been a Mets fan since 1983 and guess what ... they !@#$ing suck, too. But I watch 162 games/year, regardless.


    Being a fan means that you stay loyal and don't dump the team, even when they suck. Kind of like unconditional love IN REAL !@#$ING LIFE.


    It doesn't mean that you say they're good even when they're not.


    Don't leave that hair dye in too long. It'll stay that way.


    I'm a Mets fan too...sucks but I have vague memories of 1969 and GREAT memories of Seaver.


    My reply was to your statement:


    "I honestly don't care. I'm just glad we lost that pathetic game. One game closer to a better draft pick and getting rid of a crap QB. How's that for analysis?"


    I do care, I suspect you do too. I get your point about the draft pick but:


    Will you root for the Bills this Sunday at New Era?

  2. Can we all agree that if you have 3 points with under a minute that you simply don't deserve to win a football game?


    This pass/catch wasn't the reason we lost.


    That's one take and while I agree whole-heartedly that one play rarely makes/breaks a game, another take might be "Can we all agree that if you only gave up 9 points on the road with under a minute that you should expect (not going with deserve) to win a game?


    So no, I don't agree with your premise that the number of points you've scored with a minute left in the game determines whether you "deserve" to win the game.

  3. It's ownership's job to put the people in place to scout Eichel or the QB.


    Agree 100%. Can't speak to Eichel, did he fall into the Sabres laps or was that a genius pick?


    As to the Bills and your comment, it's an interesting dichotomy...I want an ownership with the football savvy to build a winner, but the ability/humility to put people place to do so and watch it happen.

  4. Theres clearly a learning curve when owning a pro sports franchise let alone owning two. Its not just about spending gobs of money. After a few misteps I think both franchises may finally have the right GM and coach in place. The Sabres are a little ahead of the Bills imo because of Eichel. Gotta get a quarterback if you want to win a Superbowl or have a ridiculously dominant defense but both teams are on the right track.


    I'm not disagreeing with anything you've said.


    But do you put it on (or credit) the ownership to find Eichel or the QB? I don't.

  5. No vote on the Sabres.


    A+ on the Bills so far.


    They were willing to spend big money on Rex and then willing to cut their losses when it was an obvious mistake.


    As fas as I can tell they are not meddling on personnel issues.


    Not sure what's not to like a few years in.

  6. Guy walks into his house and says "honey pack your bags, I just hit the lottery". She says "where are we going? what should I pack?" ... He says "I dont care, just get the hell out."


    Love this joke, told it many times, but I heard/told it from the perspective of the guy coming home from work and wife won the lottery. Either way, great one.

  7. A woman brings her Great Dane, Gugny, to the vet. After waiting for a bit in the lobby they get called into the examination room. When the vet came in and asked about the woman's concerns for her dog, she explained "I was wearing only my bathrobe yesterday as I was outside watering my plants, and when I bent over to water my Tulips, Duke jumped on my back and had sex with me."


    The vet paused for a moment, and replied "I am so sorry about this. You must have been horrified. So, I'm guessing you're here to have Gugny neutered."


    The lady responded "No, I am here to have his nails trimmed."




    You had me at Gugny.

  8. Commanding officer arrives at his new outpost in the middle of the desert and asks a private to show him around the grounds.


    Private walks him around, "On the left is the enlisted barracks, officer quarters straight ahead. To your right is the mess hall and just past that are the latrines".


    "PRIVATE!", says the CO, "What's that tent behind the latrines?"


    "Um, well, er, I wasn't going to say anything, but that's where we keep the camel. These men are out here in the middle of the desert without any women and after awhile they have their urges, so..."


    "SAY NO MORE! Perfectly understandable. Show me to my quarters!"


    A month goes by and the CO has his own urges. "PRIVATE! I need some time with the camel!.


    The CO pays a visit to the camel tent. There's a lot of grunting, groaning and eventually the CO emerges from the tent pulling up his pants with a smug smile on his face.


    "PRIVATE! Is that how the enlisted men treat the camel?!?"


    "Uh no sir....they usually ride it into town and get a hooker!".

  9. I bought this extension for a garden hose to clean my gutters. Saw it on one of those cheesy TV commercials. After a few weeks it didn't arrive in the mail so I called up and they said they'd send me another.


    It ended up being a flimsy aluminum extension and when I turned on the water it was flailing around completely out of control spraying water everywhere but the gutters and soaking me in the process. I felt like a putz.


    A few days later the replacement came in the mail and I laughed again at my stupidity.

  10. That is what I thought too, I would not give up if there was 30 seconds left if it was the Kelly days. They were so obnoxious and loud during the pre game ceremony


    Cool that you saw casual Pats fans in misery, I'd like that too.


    But give me the pain of the hard core fan, as Bills fans we deserve that.


    I have a college friend from the Boston area who is a hard core Pats fan. I give him credit for two things: he was on Brady's greatness early and he has fueled my hatred (jealousy?) of Brady/Pats ever since.


    I remember calling/torturing him from a vacation in Steamboat Springs after the first SB loss to Eli. I was brutal to him, it was enjoyable.


    In fairness he has not been a d*ck to me about the Bills because all he cares about is Brady/Pats.


    So maybe I'm the d*ck here. Oh well.


    Go Bills!

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