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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. Off topic: One of my favorite quotes came from Tommy Lasorda when asked about contract negotiations with Fernando Valenzuela: "He wants Texas back" On topic: today I learned that I never pass up an opportunity to share my favorite quotes.
  2. I saw that too but was too lazy busy to post. https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/airplane-mode/emotional-support-peacock-denied-flight-united-airlines-n842971 Looked like someone trying to get their 15 minutes of fame: “We explained this to the customer on three separate occasions before they arrived at the airport,”
  3. The latest from Sandy (it may be behind a fee wall): https://www.newsday.com/sports/baseball/mets/sandy-alderson-mets-1.16477763 Article says he recoiled to a direct question about Moustakos. But I was OK with his answer: “Well, it’s possible what he’ll end up doing is signing a one-year contract,” Alderson said of Moustakas. “I don’t know. " Big thumbs down from me on this statement: Alderson was quick to point out that the Mets have done more this winter than “probably 80 percent” of the teams, I'm more concerned with whether we've done enough to be legit playoff contenders. I feel like we haven't.
  4. The scene in Daddys Home 2 with Will Ferrell and John Lithgow kissing was unbelievably cringe-worthy. Set the tone for the rest of the movie IMO. Back to Brady: is it too much to ask that his kid has the flu and passes it along with the effects hitting Tommy Boy full force in 72 hours?
  5. Todays Mets headline: Mets Trade Smoker for SBU Alum Zamora I hope they hold onto the drinkers.
  6. My take is that Reimer deserves all the flak he's getting for his comments. There's no excuse and unless I'm mistaken the station already suspended him and/or pulled hm from the air. I thought Bradys last statement was admirable. Nobody would have thought less of him if he said nothing. But in all honestly I am about to choke on my own bile after complementing Brady so I'm done here
  7. I find it very hard to say anything good about Brady. I'm more inclined to look for the bad and embellish it. But I have to admit that he handled this about as well as anyone could be expected. He went on the air, made his point without theatrics while at the same time putting the radio station on notice. And then this morning I see this with regard to firing Reimer. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2018/01/29/brady-i-hope-radio-host-isnt-fired-for-comment-about-my-daughter/ "I think we all have careers and we all make mistakes. I would hate to have someone have to change their life over something like that.” Let's get this behind us so I can go back to hating him.
  8. It's not every day someone says something that results in this board universally backing TB.
  9. I seriously only heard this song one time before tonight. Probably 10+ years ago listening to Sirius with a good friend driving to Vermont on a ski trip. The song itself is nothing special and yet it's great (are you still checking in The Dean?) . There's a line about a $5 cup of coffee at Starbucks that always stuck with me and it brought a smile to my face 2nite. Thought it was worth sharing. Warning: NSFW
  10. We had a kid in the local high school do the railroad track video last spring. My understanding is that he had previously been a fire alarm puller. Sad.
  11. I have to admit that I never gave Van Hagar a chance. I wasn't happy either. The Red Rocker replacing David Lee Roth? C'mon man! And everything I heard on the radio reinforced my prejudice. But I do like the pizza joint analogy. No doubt I was looking for the same product.
  12. Clemens and Bonds were undeniably amongst the greatest players of their era and no-doubt first ballot Hall of Famers based on their accomplishments. It's a sad fact of the steroid era that they were both tied to PED's. My guess is they'll get in posthumously thru a veterans committee vote or some special steroid exception. I would be OK with either. But an asterisk is warranted. What bothers me more is a guy like Piazza who was a clear first ballot HOFer who suffered from suspicion. As far as I am aware, none of the voters ever had the stones to write a column about their suspicions but they had no trouble voting against him anonymously. My personal opinion is that every player in that era should be under suspicion. Guilt by association. And this includes "untouchables" like Jeter ad Mariano. They were all part of the same players association united front.
  13. They sucked after High 'N Dry. But I did get a chuckle recently when a board member thought that "Pour Some Sugar On Me" was "Awesome Sugar Honey" and questioned what it meant. Either way that song was probably the peak of their sucktitude. I do give them props for sticking with the drummer after the horrific accident. Happened at the height of their popularity and they all made it work.
  14. I'm late on the draw here, but Tre'Davious made a comment about the whole hood wanting Gronk. Any connection between Barry Church and Tre'Davious? Probably not, but it just occurred to me so I figured I'd throw it out there.
  15. Add David Lee Roth and Sammy Hagar to the list.
  16. The team is all-in on the XFL. This was the master plan all along. The NFL was the bridge between the AFL and XFL. Ralph kept the team n Buffalo for one reason only and saw this coming way before the merger. Connect the dots.
  17. Saving Nimmo...wish I said that. Why do you think Reyes is back? One thing I've heard (and if true Reyes would play into it) is why are the Mets trying to re-create their 2017 team? Sign Moustakos on a late team friendly deal and I will be happier.
  18. As an out-of-towner I can't get enough of the local recollections. I just can't add much to the conversation. I do remember walking into the local sporting goods store during the SB era and being shocked to see Bills jerseys for sale. That was cool. But I have a ton of respect for Bills fans who missed out on the good times and were die-hard throughout the drought. I'm looking forward to the day when this board can debate whether the Bills Super Bowl winning team is better than the 90's team. P.S. - it's the 90's team hands down
  19. I was always amazed that Groehl went from drummer to singer/guitar.
  20. When I was growing up, probably early teens at best, me and my bud went to the store with his grandmother and it scared the bejesus out of us. We ratted her out and it took her off the road. Sucked telling my buds Mom what was what. A few years back my mother got into an accident that she is lucky to have survived. I know because it was caught on tape. One of the hardest things I ever had to do was tell her that her driving days were over. Sucked then, still makes things difficult now, but better than where it was heading, So yeah, I agree whole-heartedly.
  21. Is it douchey to quote yourself? Sabbath also went from Dio to Ian Gillen. I may be the only jack-ass to buy that one. "Born Again" if I remember right.
  22. Black Sabbath went from Ozzy to Dio and IMO it was a win-win.
  23. Hard to compare a frontman with a bass player when it comes to band continuity. Not quite the same genre (and was never a big fan) but Genesis went from Peter Gabriel to Phil Collins. Wasn't doubting you, but thanks for the link. I guess what I heard was a cover story. Believable though.
  24. Never heard that....and forgot all about Clive Burr.
  25. Unless I'm mistaken, Paul to Bruce was a choice. My understanding is that the band thought Paul's vocal range was too limited.
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