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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. The biggest positive I take away from this is that they have finally stopped keeping the seat warm for Wright. I don't expect him to be cut or bought out but at least they are moving on from an on-field standpoint. I just came across this from a few weeks back and the Wilpons continue to act like small market owners. They're getting back 75% of the contract through insurance but then complain about the insurance premiums. Wasn't that a sunk cost when they took out the policy? Seems like a cost of doing business to me. http://www.nj.com/mets/index.ssf/2018/01/mets_finally_confirm_david_wrights_contract_insura.html "When you're talking about $20 million and we're still paying 25 percent, that's a big number... We don't look at it that way. It's in the budget that his contract is what it is and there's a new deductible period that will start, and you only get 75 percent -- it's not just 75 percent as a total -- and then there's costs against that. We had to pay for the policy, which is not cheap. "
  2. No, not the same exact situation but similar in nature. I still maintain that Atlanta's problem was taking the sack more than the play call..although I do agree run was the safer option. One thing that sometimes gets over-looked in these decisions is the assumption that the FG will be made. Atlanta would have iced the game with a FG assuming they made it. For Philly all it did was force a 2 point attempt if they gave up the TD, not inconsequential but not a game ender. A first down would have ended the game.
  3. What a difference a year makes. Falcons pretty much did the opposite last year and. I'm not saying the Eagles were right and the Falcons were wrong because I think there's room for a judgement call by the coach but it is an interesting and difficult choice to make.
  4. I liked the Cure Auto Insurance commercial: "if you cheat on your auto insurance, you get arrested, but if you cheat at football, you marry a supermodel."
  5. I wish this were true, but the 40 year old just won the league MVP and set a record for passing yards in a SB. I've been reading about his decline for a few years now. I'll believe it when I see it. Reminds me of Mariano Rivera whose drop off years were still better than everyone elses. Bradys greatness aggravates me to no end and certainly time will eventually catch up, but what makes you think it's coming so fast?
  6. No way of knowing, but one things for sure...Foles has a SB win and Wentz doesn't...that could turn out to be an albatross for Wentz.
  7. My balls feel deflated.
  8. I didn't get past the line about the horrific offensive game plan. 500+ yards passing, didn't punt once....but the offensive game plan was the problem.
  9. I saw his comments but not the question that prompted them. He sounded like he was seriously contemplating retirement. He was in concussion protocol for a long time. As fans, I'm not sure we fully appreciate what these players go through after these big hits. The Aaron Williams Players Tribune article touched on it a bit. I wonder how Cooks is doing.
  10. My kids were asking me before the game why I couldn't stand him. Now they get it. The way we watch games and the way they are announced is suffering from instant replay IMO. Collinsworths commentary during the Ertz review was a prime example. Stoking controversy where there is none.
  11. My mother always told me that if I have nothing nice to say then I shouldn't say anything so:
  12. One of my favorite ad lines: I put that $%#! on everything!
  13. I was just telling the wife that we need to add shrimp to the menu. Unfortunately mine will be pulled out of the freezer later today.
  14. In the past few years a post like this would often result in the snarky response: "Playoffs!" More often than not I found that response annoying.
  15. Pretty basic in my house. Pre-game we'll have chili and during the game: Cheeseburger Sliders Pigs in Blankets Chicken Wings (hot sauce) Mozzarella Sticks Chips and salsa Is the Thai chili sauce homemade or store bought? Could you share the recipe or brand? Love Thai chili but I've only ever had it out.
  16. I've said it before and it's no great revelation, but it sucks that we can't celebrate OJ's greatness. He is arguably the greatest Bills player ever. I'd say it's either Juice or Bruce.
  17. This makes me wanna revisit Love, Electric and Sonic Temple.
  18. These are the people who win the office football pools.
  19. Love that song but I have to admit that I never listened to it in the context of a guitar solo, just a great song to me even though the solo was there all along. On one hand I think that's the mark of a great solo, it just blends into the song perfectly. But I would expect it to be played note for note anytime I hear it. Kind of like the Comfortably Numb solo...which is an al-ltime great On the other hand, I love guitarists that improvise live. Far more impressive to me but can be hit and miss.
  20. If the RaIders had a guy known as the Deflator they would have laughed in everyones face and said hell yeah he's the Deflator. The Patriots try to pass it off as a guy on a weight loss program. And their fans believe it.
  21. I've probably made this point in the past, but apart from the obvious, one thing I hate about the Pats is their self-rightousness. Back in the day everyone knew what the Raiders "Just Win Baby" motto meant. Cheap hits? Penalties? Cheat? He hate me? Just win baby. There were no pretentions whatsoever. The Patriots aren't that different than the Raiders, they just don't own it.
  22. If your schtick is to respond in Foghorn Leghorn quotes I am fully on board and hopeful for the future.
  23. Have to admit I needed a double take on that one, but don't kill me when I repeat it a year or so from now.
  24. Armored Saint? Nice. I was in on them from the EP. I wonder if that's still out there. John Bush also breathed life into Anthrax for a while.
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