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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. Thanks for the opportunity to derail this thread. Are you referring to the Greg Holland who was tied for the NL lead in saves in 2017? That's gotta be a record for a middle reliever.
  2. To my eyes Yadier is Hall-worthy, but I understand your sentiment. I think it's fair to say that the HOF is slanted towards hitting. As much as I love what Piazza brought to the Mets, he was an average catcher at best. Bench is probably the greatest all-around catcher I've seen.
  3. I wonder what Molina's legacy will be. Hall of Famer? He's a perennial All Star but in this day and age most people get so wrapped up in offensive stats. Personally, I'd put him in the Hall and I tend to be a tough grader.
  4. I heard that the choice between d'Arnaud and Plawecki comes down to the batting matchup with the opposing pitcher, not who's starting for the Mets. We'll see how it plays how as the season progresses. Ideally one of them wins the job outright.
  5. I don't follow this line of reasoning. He's under contract AND everyone heard his non-committal statements after the SB. I have a hard time believing a trade/retire scenario is realistic. And why the hell would the Pats trade him anyway with Brady getting closer to retirement?
  6. I posted a few memories in the Rusty thread but I found out since that I actually witnessed his last HR at Shea. Never knew that before today. Very cool that the opening day crowd today got to pay their respects. I wasn't there but they had a moment of silence for Ed "The Glider" Charles, a longtime employee and Rusty. And not to be morose, but if you weren't aware Bud Harrelson has been in the news lately due to Alzheimers. Circle of life. Lets Go Mets. Wish we were playing tomorrow.
  7. I'm not down with the Cabrera/Tejada comparison. Ruben Tejada has done nothing in this league. He's three years younger than Asdrubal and was fattening up before he ever established himself. Asdrubal has had a nice career....which he's been on the downside of since we got him. I'm not wild about Asdrubal at 2B either (although thrilled it's not 3B), but he's a gamer, has given the Mets two solid years, much better than anything Ruben gave us.
  8. Now is as good a time as any to channel my inner Mead: 162-0, baby!!
  9. Wow, where to start? A Pinto, the guy peeing on the fence, "The Magic Is Back", a Kingman HR, the powder blue away unis...best part was Mookies double. That was also George Fosters first game as a Met.
  10. He only played part of his career with the Mets and his best years we're probably with other teams, but the Mets fanbase loved him. In the early 80's me and two friends went to Nostalgia Night at Shea. They were giving way NY Giants and Brooklyn Dodgers hats. Late in the game Rusty came up as a PH and hit a screaming line drive HR into the loge section....except it was a foul ball. A pitch or two later he hit a HR over the wall in RCF and one friend (a Yankee fan) called it a bloop HR setting off a fierce, beer-fueled debate. To this day we still laugh about the bloop HR. I also remember in 1973 when he injured his shoulder running into the RF wall during the playoffs . He ended up playing WS games in RF where he could only throw the ball back to the infield underhanded. RIP Rusty. Thanks for the memories!
  11. @Gugny and @Tierlifer So you guys like Conforto in CF? I know that he's held his own out there, but I prefer him in LF or RF. But I agree with Gug, I love Lagares in CF, just frustrated the switch hasn't turned on for him at the plate yet.
  12. My bad on the spelling...Bertuzzi. Strange thing, as far as I remember he was never a goon, just a guy that lost his mind.
  13. I remember McSorley getting a big suspension but it might've been Bertruzzi with the assault charge. Can't say for sure, too lazy to google
  14. I half-watched a few innings of the game today. Was happy to see Nimmo and Rosario rip a double and triple respectively. Most people fall in love with the long ball, but give me the frozen rope every day of the week. I still remember seeing John "The Hammer" Milner hit a rope that rocked the right field wall at Shea and Jesse Barfield hit a line drive HR at Yankee Stadium that was over the wall before you knew it. These days they'd call it exit velocity, back then it was just "Wow!". I have a hard time seeing how Nimmo fits in, except if Bruce moves to first at some point as you noted. Made me think. The OF situation is still messed up. For the life of me I don't understand how Cespedes can play CF and LF but not RF....where his arm would be more valuable. It'll never happen but I'd love to see Conforto in LF, Cespedes in RF and Nimmo/Lagares in CF. I'd probably get sick of watching Bruce play first pretty quickly, but I'd like that outfield alignment. Anyway, Lets Go Mets!
  15. Are brake failures a common occurrence for you? I had it happen once and it was a brake line failure. Maybe I lead a charmed life, I had the Firestone tires but they didn't fail on me. Anyway, the 94% preventable stat is interesting. I wonder how it includes weather-related accidents where the human error may have been to be out driving in the first place.
  16. Foreign Object Debris (F.O.D.) in a car? I thought that was an airplane thing. Glad it turned out OK.
  17. I'd be shocked if the Browns trade out of #1. They swung and missed on Kizer and will try again this year. What wouldn't surprise me is the Giants taking Barkley at #2, not saying I expect that to happen, but it wouldn't surprise me. If that happens I could see the Browns trade out of #4. Bills could should be talking with the Browns about either the #1 or #4.
  18. Triple A is probably better for him than the bullpen. Someone in the starting rotation is bound to get hurt or not pitch well. If Wheeler gets his act together he'll be next man up.
  19. Making the playoffs for the first time in 17 years seems like a reasonable first step towards turning things around to me. The front office has done an excellent job positioning the Bills to grab a QB despite making the playoffs. I'll admit that I want the splashy trade-up to get the can't miss prospect (as if that exists!), but if that's not available, on to plan B!
  20. I'm not an advocate of the tank. Just wondering if there's an NFL franchise that turned around their fortunes by tanking. The Colts and Luck comes to mind, but he hasn't won a thing.
  21. I agree with this, but what if a trade up to Get your QB isn't possible? Take the QB available at 12 (or even trade-up out of desperation) and hope for the best even though you don't believe in him? Take a non-QB at 12 and then try to use your draft capital to get the guy you don't believe in before 22? This Jets trade-up is like sand in my gears. Fun times though, looking forward to how it plays out. Trusting the process.
  22. You're wrong. I bring this up every chance I get.
  23. The Falcons have yet to win a SB...with or without Ryan. I get that Ryan was a good pick, but your sarcasm misses the mark for me.
  24. I get the safety issues, but agree with OP's premise. I'm not looking for a shift to make the game defensive-oriented, I love great play on both sides of the ball. I'm just looking for a better balance. I had to look this up to confirm the details from my cloudy memory, but I remembered watching a ridiculous MNF game between the Packers and Redskins where both teams were scoring at will. Turns out it was a 48-47 Packers win from 1983: https://fs64sports.blogspot.com/2013/10/1983-packers-defeat-redskins-in-48-47.html Fun to watch at first, but then it turned into a joke as the game went on. That game was an aberration back then, nowadays it's not unexpected. A lot of people thought this past Super Bowl was a great game, but with only one punt it was way too offensive oriented for my taste.
  25. Geez. I don't follow him but it seems like every 5 years or so we get a Dykstra story...usually bad with the occasional he's gotten his act together story. Dykstra epitomized the phrase "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog". He was a flat-out competitor who got the most out of his talents. He played with intensity and I assume lives his life with the same (probably misguided) intensity. Loved him as a Met, sad to hear the latest. P.S. - a random/obscure Dykstra memory. I remember seeing a highlight from spring training camp 1987 where Franklin Stubbs (L.A. Dodgers) was mocking Dykstra from the 1986 NLCS series walk-off HR, running and jumping with fists in the air . That was one of the first times I realized how much that '86 team was hated.
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