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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. LOL - i was just about to ask whether there were any other sad Xmas songs besides this:
  2. I've been enjoying the hell out of the Josh ride. The story is unfinished and I hope and expect the highest of highs will happen before the final chapter.
  3. You must've had a tough mother.
  4. This is so true. I remember telling my kids after the Cubs finally broke their WS drought they were no longer the lovable Cubbies - they became just another team that idgaf about.
  5. There is no way I'd take the Jets over the Pats in what might be Belichick's last game as Pats HC. The hatred for the Jets flows through him.
  6. Agreed. Not sure where you stand, but I'm middle of the road. Nothing I've seen this year has alleviated concerns or inspired confidence over concerns
  7. Happy Birthday! You and my sister share the same birthdate. I always thought it was a kick in the @ss that every year there are massive parties on her birthday and they are never for her. lol. As to our Bills - the last time the Bills played on my birthday was the 12 man debacle. I hope and expect a better outcome on your natal anniversary. Have a great day. Go Bills!
  8. Thanks. It's an interesting discussion - and I respect the opposing viewpoint as well.
  9. While I understand your point of view, I'm completely unswayed. And while I don't expect to sway your opinion, I'll restate mine in a different way. The undefeated FSU team earned the right to be in the FCS championship - even given the very real possibility that they 'might' not play a competitive game.
  10. So it's more about what folks think will happen next rather than what actually happened on the field. Brilliant.
  11. Of all the excuses to exclude FSU this is the weakest imo. It flies in the face of actual competition and what FSU accomplished on the field. If one of the remaining top 4 teams loses their star QB a minute into their next game should we deem them unworthy and force them to forfeit the game?
  12. Quite likely. But imo FSU earned the chance. Otherwise, why bother playing regular season games?
  13. Another way to look at it is - why bother playing in a pointless game. Perhaps FSU should have taken that point of view before the season started.
  14. Was it ever about Georgia not being one of the best teams in the country (who actually claimed that?) or was it about excluding an undefeated team and questioning why said undefeated team should have bothered competing in the BCS in the first place? For the record I don't have a dog in this fight. Interesting sports convo, imo. But I fall on the side of the undefeated team being deserving of a spot to compete for the championship.
  15. What is this AWS algorithm you speak of?
  16. Frosted Raspberry Frosted Cherry Brown Sugar Cinnamon Another Frosted Raspberry
  17. Just for fun I googled their best songs and the top one is "A Love Like War". lol
  18. I'm an optimistic fan - but I have to admit that for the past month or so I feel like I have to brace myself at kickoff for whatever will happen in the ensuing 3-4 hours. The Cowboys game almost felt like cheating, lol
  19. The odd thing about the chart to me is that the two teams that currently look (to my eyes) like the class of their respective conferences (49ers and Ravens) are at the bottom of the chart with a combined 0-6.
  20. Vegas sent Carr home last year with two games left when they were still mathematically alive. Ironically it was also for Stidham.
  21. Similar story - my company expended way too much time and resources in 1999 poring through code. It made sense for the financial systems but was a colossal waste of time for most of the other systems where 'what's the worst that could happen' wasn't really considered. The funny part was 10 years later when an actual y2k problem that wasn't uncovered in 1999 reared it's ugly head. It took an hour or two one Monday morning to figure out what the problem was, fix it and remediate the fall-out.
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