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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. The fact that you were there to celebrate potty training puts this in the you-can't-make this-poop-up category.
  2. Great points, I pretty much agree with all of this. What worries me about the intentional walks is the next logical step. On a HR over the wall the batters and runners just return to the dugout and don't have to touch the bases. I saw that in softball and was appalled. Instant replay does add time, but pace of play is the bigger issue. The batter shouldn't have to scratch his balls in between every pitch. Limiting mound visits made a lot of sense, I think that gets really bad in the playoffs. And yes yes yes on the human element of umpiring. Having a close call go the wrong way is a part of the game that I have no issue with. Replay should only be to fix the blatant missed call..unfortunately that cat is out of the bag.
  3. Now you've hit a raw nerve for me...shorter games. If they want to shorten the games ( I am perfectly fine with 3 hours...the 4 hour playoff games not so much), keep the batters in the batters box, make the pitchers throw pitches. I hate the idea of a pitch clock and we're too sensitive a society to allow the umps to dictate the pace of play by calling a ball or strike on the player delaying the game. What really grinds my gears is the intentional walk. In this day and age the intentional walk is exceedingly rare, yet to "speed up" the game they came up with the no-pitch walk. Took away actual play but didn't shorten games in any meaningful ways.
  4. I'm not sticking up for Callaway, until further notice I think he's in way over his head. When I first read the Daily News article I was skeptical because it relied on Wally Backman's quotes and he might have an axe to grind. For sure Callaway could be deflecting but after hearing his Rosario comments, maybe there's something to the Daily News article. I totally agree on your small ball comments. There are only a handful of players on any roster that I'll give a pass to if they can't lay down a bunt: mostly sluggers and closers. Kind of scary if they have to teach fundamentals at AAA and above. The league is increasingly trending toward the three outcome at bat: HR, strikeout and walk. It absolutely wrecks our good friend Keith which helps make him a great listen.
  5. Calloway just made post-game comments that he likes playing Rosario 5 games a week and using the other two days to work with coaches on his game Which reminded me of this article that I don't think I posted questioning the Mets player development: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/baseball/mets/ny-sports-alderson-backman-mets-development-harper-20180625-story.html So the Major Leagues has become on the job training?
  6. Noah gets the win in his return. I wonder how many wins Mets starters have had since he's been out. Off the top of my head I put the over/under around 4.
  7. A month or so ago I came across Under Cover. This should've been on it.
  8. Birthday was yesterday? Guess I'll have to find a card in the belated section. Maybe if I wait long enough he won't notice he never got one from me.
  9. Yup, the K Corner was born. In '85 we ponied up the cash for box seats to watch Dwight lay waste to the Pirates. They never stood a chance and the stadium was electric. Can't remember Shea or Citi rocking like that for a mid-season game except for Subway Series games. Local radio station made a great comparison today between DeGrom's season and Craig Swan's in 1978 when he went 9-6 and led the NL with a 2.43 ERA for the last place Mets.
  10. If you were watching tonight you already know this. DeGrom and Gooden are tied for best ERA for a Mets pitcher at the All Star break at 1.68. Well sort of...Gooden edges out Jake 1.677 to 1.678. Gooden did it 1985. If you weren't around to see it, the buzz at Shea every time he pitched that year was unforgettable.
  11. I'd be happy if they were all underground. JK.
  12. That may be true, but I recently vacationed in Canada and every time we had fries (albeit not fast food) they were outstanding. My wife even agreed and that's saying something.
  13. Hadn't considered that either. Is there a comparable guy whose legs broke down? He still looks strong as an ox, just can't run.
  14. Many years ago I was talking up Anna Kournikova and my friend told me she looked like Yeltsin. I never looked at her the same after that.
  15. Not sure how far you're taking that. My opinion on DW is that his back issues are legit (anyone remember when back issues scuttled Don Mattinglys career). They came at a bad time from a contract standpoint and now both DW and the Mets are letting it play out since insurance is covering the majority of the contract. What I hadn't considered until your post is whether insurance is playing into the Cespedes situation. I wonder how much of the season he has to miss before insurance kicks in. I'm skeptical that's what's going on and not prone to conspiracy theories, but it's worth considering given the Wilpons thrifty nature.
  16. Looks like he's destined for more rides on the bus. A cheap shot on my part...anyone who gets to put on a MLB uniform has accomplished something that most never will... but this is getting tiresome. As my son pointed out, this looks like a September roster. And WTF is up with Cespedes? I can't think of a superstar power hitter that has missed as much time as he has due to leg muscles. Has he even been diagnosed with a pull or a tear?
  17. I'm with Another Fan, this is a go to thread for me with contributors I look forward to hearing from. I was on vacation the past week or so with spotty connectivity at best. I relied on scores when I could get them but more importantly commentary from you guys when I could connect, so thanks all. As I type this, Hansel Robles just came into the game for the Angels trying to hold a one run lead in the 8th. I hope he gets lit up.
  18. I caught the Blue Jays broadcasts this week and felt the same way.
  19. Best part was he struck out his first batter and grounded out the second and you know those Angels fans were thinking they got a steal. Been there done that.
  20. Hansel Robles got off to a fine start with the Angels on Sunday giving up an extra-inning HR in his first outing. https://nypost.com/2018/06/25/going-out-west-did-nothing-to-help-ex-met-hansel-robles/
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