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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. Admittedly ignorant question II: ticketmaster runs stubhub? If so, I had no idea. What about the other secondary sites that seem to have the same tickets?
  2. I'll leave it to others to argue whether the Packers could ever be moved/rescinded. I usually go back to "nothing is certain but death and taxes". Right now and for the foreseeable future there's no motivation to "rescind" and from that standpoint I get your point that it's different. An admittedly ignorant question: is the NFL benefitting from those StubHub sales? Do they care?
  3. The main takeaway from tonight: Gugny needs to attend more Mets games! Hope you had a great night bro! Glad you got to see a good one! Enjoy the bobblehead and make sure your friend gets his!
  4. The public ownership is a twist I don't fully understand WRT to the small market discussion. But I doubt the NFL would view that as an impediment they couldn't overcome if they thought the market didn't deserve a team. But you raise a great point...the fan base thats committed to season tix for years to come is probably enough to keep that team on the relocation/new-stadium back burner Totally different seems like an overstatement. Do you think the NFL sees public ownership as a long term thing they just have to live with and the Bills are an easier mark? That aside, I don't know the first thing about what their getting for primo seating...does it rival (or include) PSL's and does it generate revenue for the NFL? Great point. I grew up in an age where the Packers were irrelevant from a competitive standpoint. Would the discussion differ if Favre and Rodgers were replaced by two guys that sucked? I suspect it would.
  5. Could the same line of thinking apply to Green Bay? Is Lambeau that much better then New Era and Green Bay that much more affluent than WNY?
  6. If DeGrom continues on this pace it will be an interesting vote. When King Felix won the Cy there was a mini-uproar because of the won-loss record, but a general consensus they got it right. Since then stats/analytics have become even more ingrained in player evaluations. If the season ended today I think DeGrom would deserve it. BTW, since the 70's (groan) I've thought ERA was one of the truest stats in the game. More recently I've come to like WHIP as well, although I still think there's room for subjective evaluation. Anyway, as bad as this season has and will continue to be, Lets Go Mets!
  7. Nice stat and nice point about the Mets other hit. It's mind boggling that DeGrom is pitching this well and sitting at 5-7. King Felix won a Cy Young with a 13-12 record. I'd love to see a comparison of the run support he got that year vs. what DeGrom's gotten this year.
  8. I'd rather not know but I always check. Can't help myself. I have a lot of respect for the bands that play a different set every night. Only thing you know walking in is what they won't be playing.
  9. Yeah I grew up on Kiner, Murphy and Nelson. The happy recaps were classic, but do you remember "and the Mets win the damn thing!" https://www.amazinavenue.com/2013/7/25/4553784/new-york-mets-history-july-25-bob-murphy-says-mets-win-damn-game
  10. You make it sound like a bad thing. Come to think of it Lois should probably make this list.
  11. Good stuff. Vent all you want! For the record, I've only recently come around to the Wilpons are cheap rally cry so I get your point about the signings. My problem is they never seem willing to bury their mistakes (bad contracts) by spending more. I didn't see the game today. Surprised to hear about Bautista. From what I've seen, he's played hard. Callaway is spineless, in way over his head and maybe more to the point wholly unprepared to handle this market. Regardless, Lets Go Mets!
  12. Couldn't decide whether this fit better here or in the Mets thread, but the day after Jose Reyes gave up 2 HR's in the Mets 25-4 loss, he hit two the following day. http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/24256733/jose-reyes-new-york-mets-makes-history-two-home-runs-loss
  13. Sorry if I misinterpreted your post. I love when you and others talk up guys in the minors, I know you've been on Borenstein who is an unknown to me. WRT to the trio and Callaway, at this point I'm not sure what scares me more. If the trio goes, Callaway goes too. If one or more of the trio stays I don't know what to expect. Pessimistic guy says it doesn't matter. The team is rotten from the head (Wilpons) down. I thought Sandy did well and had this team positioned for success despite the Wilpons. And then things happened.
  14. Not sure what's up with your boy Borenstein, but I seriously doubt Callaway is the blocker. Calloway barely knows whats going on in his own dugout and the games he manages let alone what's available in the minors, through trades or free agency. From what I can tell (see the Cespedes situation) he and the trio don't even talk.
  15. I couldn't possibly come up with my top 5 favorite albums, just too much to love. 5 that stick out off the top of my head: Zeppelin/IV: overplayed it and at times convinced myself that they made better albums. This is still their best. Maybe the best rock album of all time. The Who/Quadrophenia: for some reason I never get tired of this album. Ever. Aerosmith/Rocks: wish I had seen them back in the day (on or before Live Bootleg) Never Mind The Bollocks Here's The Sex Pistols: defined a genre, I would have a hard time keeping this off my top 5 list Janes Addiction/Strays: an instant classic the first time I heard it
  16. The plot thickens. Who knows whether this is just spin from the agent but the claim is that Kelley was upset because one ump was telling him to speed up and another to slow down. Still doesn't excuse his tantrum. http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/24256076/washington-nationals-reliever-shawn-kelley-says-umpires-sparked-mound-tantrum
  17. Interesting aftermath to last nights drubbing. Shawn Kelley got nicked up for a few runs in the 9th and had issues with the umps over how fast he was pitching. After he gave up a HR he had a mini-tantrum and threw his glove to the ground. Today the Nat's DFA's him. http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/24253305/washington-nationals-dfa-shawn-kelley-throwing-tantrum-mound So somehow the Nat's managed to come away from a 25-4 whitewash of the Mets with a slightly bad taste in their mouth.
  18. My son just pointed out that it's been a historical year for the Mets. They opened the season with their best start ever and now they have their most lopsided defeat ever.
  19. First three pitchers for the Mets had the following ERA for the game: Matz: 94.03 Rhame: 27.00 Petersen: 20.77 Conclusion: we're trending in the right direction. EDIT: jumped the gun: Bashlor: 40.30
  20. At the end of the game yesterday Gary mentioned this amazing factoid. The last time the Mets won a 1-0 game in Pittsburgh with the pitcher knocking in the only run was 1969. And it happened twice in the same day. Koosman knocked in the run in the first game of the double-header. Not sure who got the RBI in the nightcap.
  21. On the broadcast last night Gary said that although the Mets were taking phone calls on their starting pitching, they weren't inclined or looking to make a deal. The other interesting thing I saw last night is that Kilome was ranked the 10th best prospect in the Phillies system and now he's ranked the 5th best in the Mets system.
  22. Great posts, my favs have been the pop stuff I forgot about (i.e. - Dido). Nothing mainstream here. The ska/rock/punk thing was great
  23. A solid player for the Mets. Surprising power, played through injuries and seemed like a good clubhouse influence. He was the guy who came up with removing the batting helmet of the HR hitter when he got back to the dugout.
  24. You sound like a great advocate for the kids. One of my sons falls out of the "range of normalcy” socially. I think it bothers/worries his Mom and I but not him.
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