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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. Agreed that Dom should have been playing first since the last call up (regardless what I think of him). Felt bad about the LF mishap the other night. Not fair to have him learning a new position at the major league level. But I like the way they've handled Rosario. He's played the lions share of games and has gotten better as the season progressed. I see nothing to complain about with him, he was pretty bad at the plate early on. Didn't McNeil start the season at AA? He's hitting great, no guarantee that happened if they called him up sooner. Plus he still looks raw at 2B. I was just reading today how they dicked around with him in the minors playing him at 2b, 3b and OF. I also agree wrt to the Bautista, Frazier, Bruce, Wright logjam. Throw in Cespedes and I just don't know how they construct a team for next year with some of those guys still around.
  2. Fair enough, I'll take back my no brainer comment. I can agree that you shouldn't change the lineup on a daily basis solely on metrics. But I still wouldn't put Dom Smith up against Bumgarner and leave the guy that hits the lefties better than anyone else on the team on the bench. I get how that's analytics based, but I also see it as good sense. Plus I still have no use for Dom Smith.
  3. He did him a favor sitting him against Bumgarner. Mets scored one earned run against Bumgarner today. That raised Bumgarners ERA at CitiField. Before the game it was below 0.50. Batting Wilmer against the lefty was a no brainer.
  4. He'll be in Westbury, NY next March. Strange venue, its in the round and the stage will be rotating throughout the show. I'm done with summer concerts, but might head indoors for Magpie Salute n September and Steven Wilson in December.
  5. You and this guy have similar issues. My favorite line is around the 49 second mark about UPS and FedEx. (warning: this includes harsh language).
  6. That was great, I've never seen that! But I did see the Mad Hungarian at Shea when he was with the Cardinals. My father hated his act, I thought it was pretty cool.
  7. Didn't mean to bring you down! There's a lot I agree with in the article, some I don't, but I still watch nearly every night. In an attempt to get that good feeling back, me and the fam' just shared a good laugh about the Steve Lyons incident. Even wifey laughed out loud:
  8. I came across the following this morning and thought it was pretty good. The main theme is Hall of Fame players with a get off my lawn mentality about the current state of baseball. It's definitely a one-sided article, could've used more perspective from the analytics folks, but ironically the writer uses stats throughout. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2791455-i-find-it-very-difficult-to-watch-why-mlb-greats-think-baseballs-in-trouble?utm_source=cnn.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=editorial
  9. How many years have they been playing this Wiliamsport game? It was new to me, what a cool idea. Best part was hearing the crack of the bat. And maybe I should head over to PPP but this cracked me up. I was asking my youngest which Little League team was sitting behind home plate and he told me it was Mexico. I wondered out loud why they got so lucky and he told me it was probably because Trump would "shoo them away" afterward.
  10. I always have a hard time comparing QB's from different eras. Times change. But this one seems straight forward to me. Brady is the best of his era. Peyton Manning gave him a run for the money for a while, but Brady's been better. Jim Kelly was great, but he was never the consensus "best of his era".
  11. This ones for the old timers. Probably the only song I know from The Hollies, but a great one.
  12. The Jets open the season with 3 games in the span of 10 days, two on the road. That alone might be reason enough to delay Darnold's debut until after opening day. Granted it's not the toughest competition, but the NY media will have a field day if things don't go well.
  13. That's great. During the telecast they mentioned that Arietta gave up more runs in his 7 losses then DeGrom has given up all year.
  14. IMO, if the season ended last week he deserved it. Yankee game and today just added to my opinion. But with 6 weeks left a lot can happen. Scherzer and Nola are crushing it too. Jacob's ERA will need to continue to be much better to win it. Right now its 1.71/2.11/2.24. If that tightens up or Scherzer/Nola have big games in big spots it will be a tougher sell to give it to a guy on a bad team.
  15. Complete game (including a rain delay), 0 earned runs and he's finally over .500. The season Jacob is having is remarkable. I'm happy for his individual success, seems like a great guy. A great competitor without the attitude. Lets Go Mets.
  16. Right there with you. Just before game time NFL Network announced that Bills/Browns would be shown everywhere except Buffalo and Cleveland...and then they put on Panthers/Fish. Never realized that I live in Buffalo. I wonder if there's a Duff's nearby.
  17. Happened to me on a flight from Orlando to NYC. Hit me just before take-off.
  18. Rico Brogna! Nice. But how could you forget Dykstra? And then you have to include Juan Samuel. For the old folks: Del Unser and Mac Scarce (and no, I didn't make that name up)
  19. I'm not surprised by that at all, just disappointed when I see it. In my profession I've seen tech folks put into managerial roles because that was the next step up, not because that's what they were good at or even wanted to do.
  20. You may be a sociopath, but I don't think that's a precept to basic managerial skills (just a means to an end): set expectations, ensure they are adhered to or exceeded otherwise replace. Rinse and repeat.
  21. Holy crap. I wish I could say I forgot that, but Bowa as a Met didn't even register and I had to google. Bob Boone was a decent catcher for those Phillies teams and brought us Bret and Aaron.
  22. I'm coming into this late and haven't read the responses so I may have missed additional facts. It sounds to me like mistake #1 was not starting the meeting by ensuring that anyone expected to contribute was not "present". That's on your bud 100%. Attempts could have been made to loop her in or failing that, mea culpas and a promise to follow up appropriately with the missed info she was expected to provide. As to Linda, on the face of it "some type of food poisoning incident" is way too little to decide on her professionalism. She apparently tried to let your guy know (last minute) she couldn't make it. That's a good sign. Whether the food poisoning was legit or she should have said something sooner is something your guy needs to figure out. In the end he needs to be able to trust his employees.
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