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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. Same deal except it was a Betta for us. I worked with a guy whose dog was getting close to the end so in preparation he started digging the hole in his backyard....with his dog watching. I always thought that was messed up.
  2. You my friend are a true visionary. Since they aren't playing until 4 hours later, how do you see this going down? Arrest? Practice injury? Slapped by beaver tail? Or maybe deported by ICE in a case of mistaken identity?
  3. You said Eli wasn't elite. I agree. Bart's point was that non-elite QB's getting paid as elite QB's makes it tougher to surround that QB with talent and the QB better be able overcome that (see Aaron Rodgers). I thought he made a good point.
  4. A few months ago I was listening to Bart Scott assert that when the Giants paid Eli everything changed. Too much money tied up in a guy that couldn't make up for the guys that would inevitably have to leave because they couldn't get paid.
  5. OP guidelines didn't preclude college QB's, so with an acknowledgement to SkyTroller: Dickey Hurts
  6. What they both have in common is a bad OL. Where that differs is the Giants tried to fix theirs with the high priced Solder and the 34th pick in the draft.
  7. Might be pressing my luck here so I'll try to be discreet: "Previously mentioned Packers QB" Smoker
  8. As a Mets fan, I concur on all counts. As enjoyable as last night was (in a highly vindictive, douchey and jealous way) I'd rather see the nail-biter game. Yanks/Sawx have had some great ones.
  9. Corollary question: how many forest fires before someone discovered ganja? Or if they ate it first, which caveman Einstein determined incineration/inhalation trumped digestion? But if they ate it first, how many cases of tracheal poison ivy did they endure before they struck gold?
  10. Answers seem pretty straight forward to me: not very often and they usually bust. Do I get a 100 and a smiley face sticker? Here's two for you: How often do "can't miss" QB prospects actually pan out? Do they usually bust or is there a lot of examples of guys that have actually worked out?
  11. Yup. I think they brought Anderson in to improve the backup QB position. It's an upgrade to backup QB, nothing more. And a welcome change IMO.
  12. A lot of posters are connecting Anderson to Allen. I connect Anderson to Peterman. I'm thrilled they may finally be moving on from the infatuation with Peterman.
  13. I would love to hear Ace of Spades C/W style. If possible, please post. Were you aware that Lemmy hooked up with Slim Jim Phantom of the Stray Cats for some rock-a-billy with The Head Cat?
  14. If I were the Red Sox I'd be concerned about their middle relievers pitching at Yankee Stadium. They couldn't throw strikes at home.
  15. That throw that Betts just made to almost double the guy off first was sick.
  16. Interesting perspective. Good on ya for sticking with the team for so long. I hope you live well enough and long enough to see us win it all. But as much as I appreciate the (short term) impatience for a winner and the skepticism based on the past, it doesn't change where we are right here and right now. And in my opinion it starts with Josh Allen proving he's legit. And then it's up to McBeane to complement through the draft and available cap space. Time will tell whether Allen/McDermott/Beane make it happen, but like it or not it's probably in their hands through the 2019 season. Go Bills!
  17. At the end of the season we have no need or interest in looking for a new starting QB.
  18. A running joke for me and my friends is whenever a band asks for requests, or better yet if they don't, the answer is simple... MOTORHEAD!! Back in the 90's in between sets of a funk band we tried to convince the bass player to at least strum a few chords of Ace of Spades between songs but the dude wimped out on us. Anyway, any mention of Lemmy and the boys deserves a bump.
  19. Does this qualify as a solo or just Joe Satriani doing Satriani things? Either way I'm a fan.
  20. Mic drop post for me. Couldn't have put it any better. I bought into the feel-good redemption story his second time through Buffalo hook, line and sinker. Wish he and we were still on that path, but something is clearly amiss. I wish him and those close to him all the best. He's made some disturbing headlines since last season ended.
  21. OK, so I admit this is a stretch for the Mets thread and I didn't get the specifics, but watching Rockies/Cubs they just posted a stat to the effect that the Rockies pitcher was ranked 2nd in throwing pitches (or strikes, not sure) on the outer part of the plate. The tenuous Mets connection: Bartolo was #1. So Bart is a master of not leaving the ball over the plate and working the batters outside/inside.Keeping the ball down in the zone probably helps too.
  22. Richie as the victim. You are either a fool or a troll. I suspect both.
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