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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. Same. I never understood the autograph thing. Nothing against those that do, just not my thing.
  2. Love this point. The World Series game 7 mentality has crept into every playoff game to the point that they manage scared too often for my taste. Taken to an extreme if a starter opens the game with two off the plate the analytics will say the batter will get on so why not bring in a reliever to stop the bleeding? With that said, Counsell's pre-game plan to start the lefty on short rest and pull him after one batter was great. Didn't translate to a win, but what a smart move.
  3. When I win...and I will win because it's my destiny to triumph magnificently...I'm gonna need some help I live a reasonably happy, comfortable existence and i think I could eke by with let's say $47 million of the take (after tax of course). After that the money goes to building a Bills Super Bowl champ. Problem is Terry and Kim don't give a flying eff about my new found wealth and aren't selling. So how do I make this happen?
  4. Old news...but sometimes old news is still good news.
  5. I don't know enough about the Brewers pitching staff to have a strong opinion, but one night later Counsell burned through his starter and best reliever with 4 innings left and down one run. Last night he had the stones to let a reliever hit with the bases loaded n the 5th, up 3. Today he went to a PH bottom 2nd 2 outs two men on, down 1. I think tonights move will come back to haunt him.
  6. Was gonna post that...weren't they just laughing uncontrollably throughout?
  7. To this day "Settle down Beavis" is one of my go to responses to anyone who needs to, you know, settle down. My wifes rants often provoke this.
  8. Nice stats OP, thanks. I was led to believe by this site that the D-line and LBers were some combination of trash, old, undisciplined and/or over-rated. Now I'm supposed to buy into they''ll quit because the offense sucks. Defense has been playing pretty well. We'd probably be talking it up more if not for the problems on the other side of the ball.
  9. Breaking news...the esteemed Peter King has determined that the Bills inexplicable faith in NP has put them in a bad position at QB. I for one didn't need PK or a new thread for confirmation of any of this.
  10. So by "extension" you're refuting your own point. Ray Rays dreads should have resulted in sticky hands and had nothing to do with the muffed punt, likely just the opposite. I appreciate when posters can walk back from their original misguided premises. Maintaining anything else would be a bald-faced lie and I'd probably wig out.
  11. OP makes some good points. No doubt a crucial first down was lost due to Ivory's glorious mane. But Ray Ray muffed a punt because he wasn't able to concentrate due to his well-maintained coiffure? That's really splitting hairs. On the contrary, his pre-game attention to tonsorial resplendence should have allowed him to concentrate fully on his in-game punt catching responsibilities. Now if you want to argue that residual hair product on his hands impacted his ability to secure the catch I'm willing to consider that aspect.
  12. Any of you anti-dreadites ever hear of a dude named Samson? /dread? No, /thread
  13. Disagree. To be a professional should require a level of competence that Peterman hasn't shown.
  14. I don't disagree with either statement, but AJ may have lasted a bit longer then Peterman. Either way, I think Josh would've started today. In hindsight, bringing in Bridgewater might have been the better play. Water under the bridge, I'm less interested in what might have been than I am about what might be. Unfortunately it's easier to be negative than positive about whats to come right now.
  15. Isn't this a results-oriented league? The results haven't been there consistently and repeatedly. I can't stand the "Fire xyz" threads that follow every loss but he has to go. I just hope the Allen injury doesn't give him a roster sport for another week.
  16. Y'all oughta just keep running straight to the unemployment line.
  17. Turned it on late. Jets had 7 FG's, so they scored 10 times.
  18. This was a one hit wonder for me: ....but this evening I came across this, so maybe a two hit wonder:
  19. A lot of game to go so no guarantees but they just mentioned this on the broadcast. The Brew Crew is inching closer to a 12 game win streak and a free burger promotion that dates back to the 1940's: https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2018/10/11/thanks-year-old-prediction-brewers-win-friday-means-free-burgers-all-wisconsin/?utm_term=.d70c9763d38b
  20. If I heard the announcers correctly, Woodruff's HR against Kershaw was the first HR by a lefty swinging pitcher against a left handed pitcher in the post season - EVER. And as my son pointed it was hit by a relief pitcher.
  21. Verducci in the booth is like nails on the chalkboard to me.
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