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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. Here's the thing for me. With the exception of Josh Rosen I've paid no attention to the Cardinals in the past year. Had no idea who Wilks was when he was hired. Didn't see the Cardinals play all year. When he got fired my assumption was "effed up organization". Had no idea the color of his skin until reading through parts of this thread. Is there any reason to think that race was a factor in his firing apart from his skin color? Why not go to Keim is clueless first?
  2. Great player and by all accounts a great guy. After he left he wrote a great article on Derek Jeter's site (Players Tribune?). Have I said great enough yet? Sucks for me that he walked away and the Isles have nothing to show for it. Sucks worse that he's having his best year ever. No points the other night, but I think Toronto is coming down in the next few weeks. He should get a, um, er, great reception and I'm bracing for the worst. All good, he's the type of player you love rooting for. My loss, your gain, enjoy.
  3. Totally agree. The debate over whether there's a hiring issue has more legs. Bringing up firings cheapens that debate IMO.
  4. Disclosure: Islander fan. After losing Tavares - with nothing to show for it except salary relief - and watching Lamoriello bring in a bunch of 3rd/4th liners over the summer, expectations were even lower than usual. Amazing what a difference a coach can make. I think the big difference has been defensive responsibility. Enjoy the third period (but not too much) and happy new year!
  5. Yup the hate for Edelman is like that for Rodney Harrison, well deserved. As a Charger, Harrison was identified as the dirtiest player in the league by his peers. The Patriot way embraced it. Sometimes did stupid things? Spoken like a true Patriot apologist. They are/were both dirty players. Own it and move on.
  6. Plawecki: below average catcher, below average hitter without much power. But he makes up for it by being a slow base runner. Good riddance.
  7. This makes very little sense to me either. He was great out of the pen but I still seem him as a potential starter. At the least he provides some insurance for the rotation if any one goes down. I was a little surprised to see that he's 29, thought he was a bit younger.
  8. I live in Jets country and that was the big head scratcher. You'd be hard pressed to find a Jets fan that has anything good to say about Bowles. There's been a lot of speculation about Mike McCarthy and also a recent report that they'll try to pry Harbaugh loose. But to your point I wonder if they'd consider elevating Bates for continuity.
  9. No screen shot, but a recent movie thread was one I didn't think I'd ever open: "How often do you go.."
  10. Glad to see him announce now so he can get a proper home game send off. McDermott should line him up at QB and let him take a knee on the last play of the game.
  11. In the past two years or so we discovered the miracle of assigned seating. Half hour of trailers problem solved. At the risk of misinterpreting a post of yours for the second time today, #metoo First date with wifey-to-be was a movie. Can't think of another time we went to the movies since then without one of our boys.
  12. And that someone else came back the next year to reconfigure it? I suppose it's possible, but whether it was the guy that videoed or some guy he hires every year to build it, I'm still impressed with the set up.
  13. The fact that it goes through the front and back door suggests to me it's temporary. He has a lot of switches so my guess is he can disconnect the outside track, close the doors and run his trains on indoor loops. I also think this is a December thing for him. In his 2018 video the track also ran down the other side of his property, across the pool as well as between the wheels of his car. No way he's moving track every time he goes on a beer run
  14. Happens across different sports to many of the great ones. You call it pride, I'd call it drive, but either way I agree it's a big part of what made them great ones. I have no issue with players holding on for as long as possible, to me it's up to management to make the hard decisions. That aside, I hope you're right that Brady's decline is steep and swift.
  15. 35 years old, 14 year NFL career with the same team and he still has an ample combination of skill and leadership to decide whether he wants to play next year. Not many lineman on either side of the ball get the opportunity to make that decision ?
  16. The other speculation I heard was a trade for Stanton. Seems pretty far-fetched.
  17. That's incredible. I checked it out on youtube and some wise guy in the comment section said he should have build it over the pool. So this year he did just that.
  18. Not sure if I'm happy or sad that those days are in the past. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
  19. I'm not an autograph person but if I was any of the Hansons (was Dave the one with the glasses?) would be a prized possession. In my formative years I went to the local mall and waited forever for Tug McGraw to barely acknowledge me, scribble his name on a piece of paper and send me on my way. Maybe that's why I'm not an autograph guy. Many many years later I had the opportunity to high five Mr. Met on the way to our seats at Shea. When I relayed this to a friend who arrived a few minutes later he just shook his head at me and showed me the scorebook he had just gotten signed by Mr. Met.
  20. It is old and tired, you're like a pit bull on a soup bone. Doesn't make you wrong. It wasn't just KC/Seattle, I saw a number of great catches in Steelers/Saints too.
  21. This sounds highly unlikely. Do you also believe that a guy was nicknamed the Deflator due to his weight loss program?
  22. Just now. Merry Christmas. You should get one from me in 2 or 3 days.
  23. Not sure if you're as clever as you think. A late card is often obvious. Sounds more like planned obsolescence on your part. You seriously don't have people you want to send a Xmas card to? But you feel obligated anyway? Perhaps I've misinterpreted your comments, but why bother sending any if you only send when you receive? With that said, we employ your base strategy on a limited basis. Every year we identify potential drop-offs, one or two at most that we wait until we receive a card before sending and otherwise they get dropped. People we've fallen out of touch with or didn't get a card from the previous year (usually one and the same).
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