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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. Bumping @WhoTom's last post. Lyrics feel right.
  2. No one knows what it's like To be the bad man To be the sad man Behind blue eyes
  3. After how many years? I had to look it up and was shocked....15 for Marvin.
  4. The song is over I'm left with only tears RIP.
  5. Give me alchemy, give me wizardry Give me sorcery, thermatology Electricity, magic if you please
  6. Oh no, I don't believe it You say that you think you know the meaning of love You say love is all we need You say with your love you can change All of the fools, all of the hate I think you're probably out to lunch
  7. Up in the mornin' and out to school The teacher is teachin' the Golden Rule American history and practical math You study 'em hard and hopin' to pass
  8. @ExWNYer - you got your DH!
  9. Strange to me that a Steeler fan thinks that Diggs could be the last piece of the puzzle to solidify their WR room while a Bills fan wants to remove the best piece of the puzzle in our WR room - presumably because of tweets.
  10. The second side of Abbey Road deserves a mention (with no disrespect to the first side).
  11. Do you think Diggs sucks?
  12. Love this band!
  13. It's worse than that - Red Wings have lost 7 straight. Meanwhile my Islanders have been shutout twice in a row after they won 6 straight. I had left them for dead before the win streak, then was high as a kite last weekend - it's a roller coaster. Still time for the Sabres to make a playoff push when your chasing teams like the Red Wings and Islanders.
  14. In addition to beating the Islanders, they also got help with the Red Wings and Flyers losing.
  15. Someone posted this in a music thread awhile back. A great version of of the original (1975) by (presumably some) band members in 2011
  16. I'm sure I've shared this before, but I just found out that Dweezil is touring again and it's likely he'll play this so forgive me. One of my guilty pleasures is Frank's extended guitar solos. Dweezil crushes this one imo:
  17. Just learned that Dweezil will be playing at my local venue celebrating the Apostrophe and Roxy Live albums - happy to see that whatever legal impediments to playing Frank's music have been overcome. Dweezil has always been cool about highlighting his Dad's albums from anniversary years and these were both from 1974. Can't wait. And then I have a conundrum. On May 3 I had every intention of seeing Queensryche and Armored Saint at the same local venue as Dweezil with my heavy metal friends. Just found out that the Scofflaws (local ska band with a modicum of success but mostly unknown) will be playing the same night at a local bar. There's a venn diagram of friends who would go to both, gotta figure that one out.
  18. As an Islanders/Bills fan I'm checking in to say holy heads - thanks for the Red Wings beat down. But don't do it to us on Thursday !
  19. This is a few weeks old - and maybe belongs in a baseball blooper thread - but since it's 2024 spring training Yankees and happened while Boone was doing an in-game interview I'm putting it here. https://nypost.com/2024/03/05/sports/aaron-boone-horrified-by-yankees-awful-play-during-espn-interview/ BTW, doesn't bother me in the least that they were playing the Mets. Good times.
  20. Too many to mention but the one I'd really like to watch has been mentioned multiple times already: Curb Your Enthusiasm.
  21. I'm so disappointed that injuries took away such a great and fun Bill from us. I remember sharing a clip of some of Tre's on-field antics with a Jets fan and he thought it was awesome. Good times.
  22. For most leagues the collective winning percentage is .500. Not so with the NHL where the collective winning percentage is currently (assuming I did the math right) at .560. Logically I have a problem with having more winning teams than losing teams. Emotionally I'm not OK with handing out a winner 'trophy' based on same. I love hockey, but I stopped looking at wins/losses/ties awhile ago. Points and games played/remaining are what matter to me - and yes I understand that a regulation win counts more than an OT win for tie-breaker - for now I put that in the same category as many NFL tie-breakers, be aware but worry about it when it matters.
  23. All good, but then how do you define having a winning record? Usually it's more wins than losses and there's a tacit assumption - at least on my part - that there will be as many teams with winning records as there are with losing records. Not the case with the NHL. It devalues the notion of having a winning record IMO.
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