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Everything posted by SinceThe70s

  1. In unrelated news, the Yankees revealed alternate jerseys for 2025 featuring horizontal pinstripes.
  2. Why do husbands usually die before their wives? Because they want to.
  3. The best unconfirmed Lasorda story is he supposedly sent Don Rickles out to the mound to make a pitching change.
  4. A favorite song from an OK band.
  5. “‘She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s $1,000 right there. You know the words – it’ll be easy."
  6. No doubt about not having to seek it out. But Dak got more national exposure out of those Chunky commercials than I recall Josh ever getting and that was without an MVP or championship. I'm guessing Josh has already passed on opportunities.
  7. I would watch an Incognito documentary. I'm actually glad he hasn't been in the news, the last I recall was reports of unhinged behavior at a funeral home.
  8. Agreed, he'd be great. And I'd watch SNL for the first time since I can remember. I'm just skeptical that's something he'd have any interest in. He's great when he's in the spotlight, but I don't get the impression he seeks it out.
  9. On the same day I saw this story there was another about 2013 Dolphins draft bust Dion Jordan. Smells like a documentary incoming.
  10. To win more? But make less money? Is that what you're hanging your hat on? Ridiculous/snarky comment on your part, why bother defending? I'll hang up and listen.
  11. SNL was must-see TV when I was growing up, but I think it ran from 11:30 PM - 1:00 AM EST so maybe a different perspective if you were on the left coast. In general, once I hit clubbing age I stopped watching SNL On topic - and I'm 100% cool with sidebars - another one I liked was Pure Massacre by Silverchair. Can't find a link, SNL seems very protective of it's content
  12. I saw that after the fact. As I recall the performance included Don Pardo and for sure the slime coming out of the TV monitors. As a huge Zappa and SNL fan that's one I wished I'd have seen live.
  13. He could sell it. Not sure how this doesn't work for him.
  14. It would have to be discretionary imo. Unless they're going with it has to bounce before it reaches the catcher. Not sure why bounced pitches bother folks so much. Simple answer to me is to watch slo-pitch softball.
  15. Next up? Led Zeppelin: Hammer of the Gods
  16. I want my Vogelbach Vogelbach Vogelbach. Vogelbach. I want my Vogelbach Vogelbach Vogelbach. Vogelbach. Chili's Vogelbach ribs!
  17. Just read an article about 50 years of Saturday Night Live musical performances and the ones that stuck out for me the most weren't mentioned. What were your most memorable? I'll start with Devo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvqnC5GRcvw
  18. What would be their motivation?
  19. Anecdotally it didn't help with the New Jersey Giants fan base. While I was reveling in the Chiefs loss they were wallowing in misery at the Eagles domination. The ones I know turned it off 3rd quarter. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
  20. LOL - if that happens my next years "The Bills won because of you" contribution may change.
  21. I went in to the game with a similar Giant D*uche vs Turd Sandwich perspective. And for sure it was a crappy game - seemed like time travel because when I grew up crappy SB's felt like the norm. With that said, I enjoyed the hell out of watching the Chefs get cooked and I'm glad I watched from start to finish. Good times.
  22. Back when I was in grade school there was this thing that I think was called the associative property where if a > b and b > c then we knew for sure that a > c. Folks apply that to football and it's often a fallacy.
  23. I didn't boycott but I also didn't think I'd enjoy this SB at all. I was wrong.
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