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Posts posted by SinceThe70s

  1. 6 minutes ago, Gugny said:

    I don’t think you are wrong. Beltran, Rojas, now this guy?  

    Cohen is the common denominator, here. 

    No bueno. 


    Actually, Cohen inherited Rojas - but this does feel like the same type of hire.


    My son asked a friend who is a Yankee fan what he thought of Mendoza and his answer was "who?" Didn't even know it was the Yankees bench coach.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, Another Fan said:

    @ExWNYer @SinceThe70s @Gugny


    Well this hire came out of left field completely to me anyway.  I'm assuming Craig Counsell didn't want to leave Milwaukee.  


    But my first honest reaction on hearing the news was Carlos Mendoza.....  Okay.  Who The Hell Is This Guy?



    I'm assuming you will all have some strong and ,  opinions on this topic!  


    Actually Counsell went to Chicago. I don't really care that the Mets 'missed out' on him, but the other names I heard weren't inspiring. Case in point: Carlos Mendoza. I don't like the fact that he was the Yankees bench coach and as far as I know he's never managed so he steps up the plate with two strikes. But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and also  hope he's not a puppet.

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  3. 7 hours ago, Prospector said:

    Sounds like you have issues because you posted here… Eichel and Carrier scored tonight. If the Sabres let him get the surgery he needed, maybe he wouldn’t have left with such disdain. Either way, thank you for bumping my thread, making it easier for me to find


    I have many issues - starting with the Isles blowing a 3-1 lead to a team that always has our number. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Beck Water said:


    I guess I’m dating myself, but when I was a kid, self-service gas pumps were a novel thing only just getting started.   Pull up to a pump, and someone would actually pump the gas for you, wipe your windshield while it filled, and maybe even check the oil and the air in your tires.


    I’d tip for that, but it was actually just something the service stations offered in those days IIRC.  

    Or maybe they did it for free for my mom?

    Mom was a Brick House in those days.


    She was mighty mighty.... (sorry lyrical response diversion :) )

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  5. 17 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    Yeah... But you have to realize they may be making lower than minimum.  It's not entitled. It's necessity. 



    Another option would be to get a job that pays minimum or better and not rely on the tipping practices of the general public. Or perhaps the companies profiting from their aggrieved employees could increase cost of product and by extension employee wages/benefits. The former seems like a better strategy.

  6. 43 minutes ago, Fetou said:

    Tipping before a service is rendered is a silly expectation. It's really a bid for service through a middle man the way they have it set up now, and not actually a tip in the traditional sense.


    I understand why they want to incrementally increase the cost as the customer proceeds, so they have already invested time in selecting items etc. If they charged a reasonable fee for the delivery instead of the "tip" and presented all the costs up front it would ward off a lot of business.


    By the time everyone is paid a fair wage and the middle man gets their fee, that's a very large bill to wait an hour for some ultimately cold food thrown together poorly in styrofoam or plastic containers. Restaurants and takeout are already deteriorating in value proposition with increasing cost of labor and declining quality standards/portions since COVID. Best to cook everything yourself these days other than special occasions.


    WRT the bolded - in-person tipping ahead of service can be classy and effective in person. Saw that first hand many years ago at a crowded comedy club when a friend insisted we tip the server up front (also tipped when we closed out). Server took care of us and we took care of her. 


    Tipping ahead of time for delivery is not the traditional sense IMO - and stupid and entitled..

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Ralonzo said:


    Just before covid there was a -25F morning at breck, it was magical, you see snow like you never see any other time, kinda like nanosnow. Refracts rainbows all around.


    Yamma hamma, how much wind? I never experienced -25F. I don't think I have the gear for that. And if there was any wind fuhgeddaboudit - I'd be seeing rainbows, unicorns and who knows what else :)

  8. 1 minute ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    sometimes the conditions are just too extreme.  mother nature can be tough!


    My 'too extreme' story was also at Mt. Snow. Woke up to sub-zero temps on Sunday morning. Went to the mountain and explained that we didn't like the snow conditions (you couldn't say weather) and asked for a refund. As we were walking back to our car we saw a group of 4 headed to the lifts that had to be in their 70's.  I felt shame. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    Anyone ever get frostbit?  Hurts like hell.  for months.   A lifty wouldn't let me up a T bar in college once.  Asked why and he said, "the tip of your nose is white".  Skiing in N New York is not for wimps.


    Years ago we skiied on a brutally cold day at Mt. Snow. First lift up was notorious for being very cold and windy as you approached the summit. We all geared up covering every inch of exposed skin - except for one knucklehead friend who left his face exposed. They were checking every one getting off the lift pointed at my friend and told him to go inside the summit lodge. He protested until the guy whipped out a mirror and showed him the patch of skin on his cheek that had turned white.

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  10. 18 minutes ago, muppy said:

    we won a weekend there including  condo after winning a radio station contest. It was in the spring and people were literally skiing in shorts. Gorgeous sunny day. We were having such a good time we barely stopped all day. I paid for it later than night.  The sun was so bright reflecting off the snow my eyeballs got sunburned. We didn't even ski the 2nd day. We needed ER prescription for eye drops to help. The pharmacy said we took the last dose they had. Oh My


    What I do remember distinctly was how many deer we saw in that area . Notably so. It was a road trip for us but we loved it. 


    What a great story - obviously the eyeballs and missing a ski day sucked - but in my experience the best memories weren't when everything went according to plan. Thanks for sharing.  

  11. 11 minutes ago, Buffalo Super Fan said:

    As a New York Yankees fan because I grew up with Thurman Munson the 1976,1977 and 1978 Yankees in Buffalo. With the Yankees Burger King cards and the Reggie Bars the Yankees were really good when I started watching baseball and there games were on channel 29 in Buffalo. The New York Mets you needed cable and my suburban area Clarence where I grew up wasn’t wired for cable until 1980. International Cable stopped at transit road where Eastern Hills Mall is. That is when my home got WOR 9 Mets games and WPIX 11 Yankees games along with TBS Atlanta Braves 1980 when Global Cable wired Clarence town past Transit Road. I saw Mets games before that but it was either NBC game of the week, Monday Night Baseball or Montreal Expos games that Buffalo got on CBC along with the Toronto Blue Jays games on CBC and CTV that was it until 1980 cable for me personally. 

    The New York Mets blew it in Buffalo with there 4 year affiliation with the Buffalo Bisons. The Mets treated the Buffalo Bisons really badly and I know bought the Syracuse Mets after the Buffalo Bisons gave up the Mets to Las Vegas for the Toronto Blue Jays. But Syracuse isn’t half the sports city Buffalo is especially baseball. You can thank Fred and his meddling son Jeff Wilpon for that. They were meddlers especially the son. They wanted the Buffalo Bisons who had there nickname since 1877 to change it to Buffalo Mets. Crazy stuff like that along with bad triple a teams along with the meddling son got the Mets shown the door in Buffalo. It’s unfortunate because the Mets really missed a huge opportunity to create more Mets fans and good will in the Western part of New York State by not being so controlling and jerky about it. Your not reasonable to me asking a triple a team to change their name to Mets after over a 100 years. It would have potentially bankrupt the Buffalo Bisons the backlash. Because one Buffalo is a very traditional sports market that doesn’t like a lot of change and two Buffalo roots for multiple MLB teams and putting a MLB team name on the Buffalo Bisons. Limits the interest to New York Mets fans only potentially. Buffalo Bisons you can be any MLB fan and wearing Buffalo Bisons merchandise is ok if you are a New York Yankees fan or a New York Mets fan. So from a business perspective the Bisons changed the colors for the Mets but that was all the Mets were getting in Buffalo. Because putting a MLB name on a triple a team isn’t good for merchandise sales which the minors need that merchandise revenue because they don’t get huge television money like the MLB teams get in my opinion. Go Bisons! Go Yankees! Let’s Go Buffalo 


    I'm happy that you're a Yankee fan. Have a nice day.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  12. 51 minutes ago, muppy said:

    My recommendation would be Breckenridge. I recall it being known for a good beginners intermediate type mountain. This is from my experience having skied at  Breckenridge, Copper Mountain, Keystone, Crested Butte, Steamboat Springs, Monarch which may or may not even be still open. I think that's it. 


    What was Crested Butte like? That place always looked intriguing - but maybe hard to get to.


  13. 6 hours ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    do a place outside tahoe called,,, shite can't rememeber  wood something. lots of locals smoking pot and buzzing steeps.  Cali side.  Homewood?  Mt rose is excellent in /reno and cheap!  Really good skiers u can learn from....Allegiant flies to reno... and cheap!  I enjoy  getting deals, here.no dementia



    Or maybe Kirkwood? I had a great day there on my one trip to Tahoe.

  14. 17 minutes ago, ExiledInIllinois said:

    Ribbons work... You can spot the ski.



    Yeah but if you just use ribbons then you miss out on overspending for powder straps at the base lodge. Same premise though.

    4 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    skied a lot in Lake placid.  holding an edge on Niagara falls was crucial.  talk about N Face....

    Lake Placid, so Iceface Whiteface? Never made it up there.

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  15. 31 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    i have atomics.  185's.  not powder skis for me.  Orange and black? first rossi racing were the same.


    My Atomics aren't strictly powder skis but they perform really well in the powder. Probably around 180-185. Which was a far cry from the Salomon's which were over 200. Those were a lot of fun for skiing in the east but unmanageable (at least for me) out west.

  16. 1 minute ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    vail.  i lost a ski



    Damn, how'd you get back? 


    Had a friend who dropped a pole in the back bowls and we spent awhile looking for it in the powder. He finally decided to give up, let out a curse and slammed his other pole down. Clink! Right on the 'lost' pole. Good times. 

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