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Posts posted by SinceThe70s

  1. 1 hour ago, Mr. WEO said:


    Another woman journalist, commenting on this woman journalist has already conceded that NFL women journalists have been relegated to being "eye candy" i.e. "sideline reporters".   


    All Clarissa Thompson has done is point out how phony this all is.  A token female prop tasked with eliciting inane BS form NFL HC's during games occasionally does not want to be bothered by the network's nod to the ladies who may be watching and refuses to talk, so the sideline reporter simply fills in the blanks on the HC's interview script.


    again, good for her.  This is all just network cynicism being exposed.  Give these women  something real to do as reporters or spare us all this goofy display. 


    So bring back Phyliis George?

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 4 hours ago, GunnerBill said:

    What a shock. Not. 


    So you saw this beat down coming? I'm curious what you thought about the Buffs comeback against USC. 


    For the record I don't care whether the Buffs are contenders or pretenders but their season has been entertaining and as a casual college football fan I thought last nights beat down was surprising - whereas you saw it coming.  

  3. 5 hours ago, Buffalo619 said:

    Agree. The nfl has become unwatchable because of two things: new rules and Vegas. 



    The NFL has become unwatchable?  I assume this is just hyperbole and you still watch.


    Either way, how does Vegas make it 'unwatchable' for you?  For me the only way Vegas would make it unwatchable is if I was convinced it was fixed. The rest is just annoying - which admittedly makes it less enjoyable (for me) to watch.  





  4. Fighting fire with empty words
    While the banks get fat
    And the poor stay poor
    And the rich get rich
    And the cops get paid
    To look away
    As the one percent rules America

    Spreading the disease
    Everybody needs
    But no one wants to see
    The way society
    Keeps spreading the disease

  5. 21 minutes ago, Another Fan said:

    Which ironically was November 13th last year as well and is ironically my birthday.


    The Bills bring me such happiness 😟




    LOL - we share the same birthday. I didn't remember that the Viking was also 11/13. We should have a happier birthday next year!

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  6. 6 hours ago, stuvian said:

    As bad as we have been, I believe in letting McDermott try to redeem himself for the remainder of the season. 


    Completely agree. I might feel differently if we had Leslie Frazier waiting in the wings to take over as interim and finish out the season. But as unlikely as a playoff spot (let alone run) looks right now, I'm not throwing in the towel on the season just yet and I have no issue with giving McDermott the opportunity to redeem himself. I will however admit to thinking we may be better off if he doesn't redeem himself

    • Agree 1
  7. 30 minutes ago, Joe Ferguson forever said:

    might be a repeat.If so, sorry.  Beautiful song tho


    If that might have been a repeat, this almost certainly is. Completely different take on the same song - personally I like the two covers more than the original.



    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Warcodered said:

    The worst part for me was as ***** awful as that game was we somehow got to watch them pull off a win at the end, only to still somehow find a way to ***** lose in the stupidest way imaginable.


    Not sure if this is 100% accurate but last night my son said it was the first time we had a win taken away after time expired. Will we be first franchise that has a win vacated the day after?  Seems like a natural progression. 


    As an Islander/Bills fan I've always paid attention to Islanders/Sabres connections. Just saw that Pierre Turgeon will be inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame on Monday. Congrats to him - had a few big years for the Isles.


    A number of other good players have played for both: Gillies, LaFontaine, Peca, Hogue, Krupp, Okposo, Vanek and of course Satan! 

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. And I thought, "This is a dangerous place" once again, you know
    Who should appear but two policemen


    Thela Hun Ginjeet
    Thela Hun Ginjeet


    (unscrambled "Thela Hun Ginjeet" is "In The Jungle")

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. On 11/6/2023 at 9:57 AM, oldmanfan said:

    I tend to be the optimist I all things Bills but there is no path to 10 wins.  The offense cannot score enough to help out the defense.


    The bolded appears oxymoronic to me. I claim to be an optimist too and I see all the warts that are on display, but an optimist could easily envision wins against the Broncos, Jets, Pats, Dolphins, Chargers and either Chiefs, Eagles or Cowboys. An optimist could envision an improved offense and defense that are playing their best football late season - as opposed to the poor football we've seen lately.


    I have seen many optimists, but with all due respect you sir are not that.


    P.S. - optimistic me has a hard time seeing this team making a deep playoff run.

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