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  1. I stopped shopping for my wife years ago. Spent a lot of time one year trying to find matching earrings for a necklace she liked and was pretty pleased with what I bought. And then she asked me to return them a few days after Christmas. I wasn't offended, just decided I wasn't gonna waste my time again. She knows what she likes and wants and now we're both happier. The only thing I buy her every year is a heart-shaped Christmas ornament. I've been doing that since our first Christmas together. The funniest was the year I had them customize the ornament with our names and when I got it in the mail noticed they had written Mark instead of Matt. At the time Mark was our next door neighbor so we had a few laughs.
  2. There are a few more I could hit but those three are in the regular rotation.
  3. For years a New Years Eve staple for my fam has been the Dub Side of the Mule NYE concert. Couldn't find video for this one but 3 minutes in is classic NYE horns: And here's the first song of the new year
  4. Reading through this thread reminds of the line "You can never build yourself up by tearing someone else down". Fortunately there's been good debate too.
  5. Squirrel Winters t-shirt remains undefeated. For the third week in a row I went to a different supermarket before the game wearing a Bills hat and hoodie. I didn't have any direct interaction with a fan but an older cantankerous looking guy looked me up and down with a disdainful look. I assume he's a Jet fan and hope he enjoyed the game.
  6. It says in the book: "burn 'n destroy... 'n repent, 'n redeem 'n revenge, 'n deploy 'n rumble thee forth To the land of the unbelieving scum on the other side 'cause they don't go for what's in the book 'n that makes 'em bad
  7. Squirrel Winters t-shirt is now 3-0 in 2024. More intriguing and less controllable is the supermarket/retail connection. Last week it was pre-game encounters with a Lions fan at Stop 'n Shop and a Bills fan at Kohls. Yesterday at Giunta's supermarket, random deli counter guy saw my Bills hoodie and hat and told me he had switched allegiance from Jets to Bills cuz he'd had it with the Jets circus. Good times. I'm torn about next week. Different supermarket? No pre-game trip to the supermarket? Both are out of my control - as are any fan interactions. Sometimes you just have to let the fickle finger of fate play out. Stay tuned.
  8. A stud goaltender, coming out? Not that there's anything wrong with that, just not how I grade draft prospects, lol. For the record I only dropped in to the thread to see comments after my Islanders got pummeled at home so ignore the above and congrats on the W.
  9. Another one I haven't noticed for awhile is PatsFanNH. I always thought that poster was well intentioned but got blasted for any defense of Brady. In hindsight maybe his disappearance coincides with the decline of the Pats.
  10. The Spags back and forth with Howard was epic. It took a bit before I caught on to the shtick. Good times.
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