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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. You must have grown up in a bubble this is common practice in ghettos, barrios and Appalachia.
  2. The question is can the pass rush get home in 2.5 seconds the length of time Purdy and the Shanahan offense want to get the ball out? Purdy stats completion %, TDs to Picks, plummet past 2.5 seconds. Elam, Taron, Tre could cover anyone on the 49ers for 2.5-3 seconds. Neal, Rapp, Lewis, Dane & Benford 2-2.5 seconds. Milano, Hyde, Poyer, Bernard can stick with a man 2 seconds.
  3. Good to see Vick at practice. Every player should know his story and why they should avoid making the same poor decisions.
  4. He’s getting to the age - 25 - where it’s put up or shut up time. You can’t wait on a guy to hit 30.
  5. You can. Too many defensive weapons. Remember the pass rush needs 2-3 seconds to destroy the QB. Good defenders can stick with a man for 3 seconds. That means Purdy is getting hit on nearly every pass.
  6. There have been some great players who if not for the injury bug could have been some of the best players in the game.
  7. Purdy can only be exposed if teams start playing more man defense and find the stones to man mark Kittle and McCaffery. You don’t stop the 49ers offense by playing a soft cover 2 or cover 3 zone. You have 5-6 who are capable of manning up their 5 weapons. You dominate them, and turn your front 5 after Purdy and pound him into the turf.
  8. I assume we will know soon if surgery is required. Hopefully it’s a minor sprain.
  9. Lots of respect for him as a cancer survivor.
  10. Now do the Chiefs & Bengals. I’ll save you time - they have killed Beane in the draft since 2019. Hence why we have plateaued and they are the only two teams in the AFC who have beaten us in the playoffs. If Beane hits higher than 17/31 picks drafted since 2019-2022 still on team we are hoisting a Lombardi.
  11. Except Elam > Benford in man coverage. You don’t play the Fins, Chiefs or Bengals with a soft cover 2 zone. You press man them and jam them right on the snap. Elam is being misused in a conservative bend but don’t break scheme. Watch Poyer and Hyde continue to be a step too slow and the zone defense suddenly has gaping holes, especially considering Edmunds is no longer shutting down the middle further stressing the safeties.
  12. My problem is we need to play more aggressive on defense. The way you can do that is take more chances and blitz more, or play more man. Given the fact McDermott seems intent on repeating the zone heavy scheme I don’t see a far departure in defensive philosophy from Frazier happening. Elam can play press man better than Benford or Dane. Just last week we all saw Poyer take a bad angle and get beat to the edge. So while the safeties are getting older and slower, we seem intent on playing a soft shell defense. That can actually be worse than playing press with Elam. McDermott should rethink his defensive strategy and personnel for 2023.
  13. Benford, Elam & Bernard are good young leaders on defense. Cook, Kincaid and Torrence on offense.
  14. Ukraine running out of 30 year old US cluster bombs? Russians heading to “Kyiv” soon.
  15. Sources say he is retiring only to get NY media off Diggs trail.
  16. I enrolled into college to take advantage of the student discount.
  17. Extend Allen and modify contract.
  18. If I’m a team like the Rams or Patriots I make some sort of trade. A 3rd rounder seems fair.
  19. Allen loves throwing into coverages no QB since Favre would attempt. To make it spicier Allen also loves mimicking McCoy with the ball. All told Allen is good for 25-30 turnover worthy plays per season. It’s all part of the JA17 experience and I’m fine with that.
  20. It’s close but I got Buffalo Allen > Tua McDermott = Close Talker Diggs > Hill Davis < Waddle Shurfield > WR3 Cook > RB1 DK + DK > TE 1 TE2
  21. JJ Watt was on pace to blow by the record then reality set in. Realistically you need a guy to play 15 seasons and average 13.33 sacks per year. Seems doable. That’s playing to age 35-37 depending on starting age. I honestly think it could happen, but injuries have riddled some of the best contenders the past 20 seasons who came along.
  22. I don’t think it’s very constructive burning ppl before the real bullets start flying.
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