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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. It was good to see Sammy celebrate with Goodwin and Salas on their TD's. Sammy just needs the ball more and the more playmakers we uncover the better.
  2. Tyrod has been average, and needed to be great. I agree op.
  3. Yeah, the Bills have the fire power to surprise people early but like a punch drunk boxer eventually fall. The Bills without Dareus the dline is getting run down and gashed on early down runs.
  4. You want Taylor to win like Tebow. In order to win with his legs he needs to be more like Cam Newton pass first run second.
  5. Arizona: 07-03-07-14 - 31 Buffalo: 10-03-00-00 - 13
  6. I give us a 10% chance to win. Cards win this 9/10.
  7. We will be lucky to be leading after the first quarter, I give us a 40%, leading at halftime 30%, leading at end of 3rd quarter, 20%, leading at end of 4th quarter 10%.
  8. What are the stats on Rex bringing pressure, 5 or more pass rushers this season?
  9. Weird, I wonder if he can get Tyrod out of his slump.
  10. The Seahawks aren't a good offensive team. Their defense hasn't been forcing turnovers and their specia teams isn't special anymore. Meanwhile the offense can't convert on 3rd downs.
  11. Survivor, the hunger games all this comes back to Rex's lap band surgery. Put the lap band back in.
  12. I said it elsewhere. The Patriots will run a lot of 7 lineman formations and play smash mouth football. The Bills inexplicably will force the ball to Watkins even in a driving rain storm. This has 27-7 written all over it.
  13. Thursday night both Darby & Gilmore were beat bad on several occasions. That does not excuse the lack of defensive scheming and lack of a pass rush and the safeties being caught out of position and not in position to take away deep passes between the numbers.
  14. Ok so we are on the same page. I agree they should be heavily in involved. They cut the checks. Show me a good NFL team and I'll show you a dialed in owner.
  15. Tyrod's lack of touch and accuracy in the midrange game and screen game definitively would hinder him in that offense. EJ has the arm, but his inability to recognize defenses would likely be his downfall. It's not that EJ is inaccurate in that so many of his throws are late and thrown without anticipation. So much of the Payriots offense is about timing and reading coverage.
  16. More than likely. Expect 7 offensive linemen and a lot of Blunt. The Patriots are probably going to benefit from God and it will be a monsoon which will further benefit their strategy. Meanwhile the Bills will try to force the ball to their playmaker "Sammy Watkins" and fall behind thanks to not adjusting their strategy to the conditions.
  17. If the reports are true the Pegula's have been analyzing this since the tail end of last season, over the offseason, and up till now. To think they've been tuned out and away from the pulse of the team is a bit off. They've done their due diligence, would you not agree?
  18. Which QB would work better in the Patriots short pass game system, EJ or Tyrod?
  19. Agreed it's a pass first, pass happy offense but much more vertical & quick strike. Patriots relies on a lot of rub routes & two tight end sets. Saints personnel work in their system and Patriots too. Outside of Gronkowki very little of Patriots white boy receivers would work in Saints vertical pass offense which requires size and explosion off the line. Conversely a receiver whose over 6'2 is almost too tall for the Patriots crossing patterns which expose receivers to a ton of hits. You need a shifty receivers in their offense.
  20. To anyone whose worrying about Pegula's burning a few million on coaches, it's really no big deal. Do the math on 10 million divided by 5 billion (0.002) it's like you or I spending $110 on Bills tickets and concessions. ($110 / $55,000 = 0.002)
  21. It's really the Patriots offensive system. The play design is awesome. Yes a QB needs to know the system and have talent, and yes you need the right personnel but much like the Steelers defense it is more about the system and being able to plug in the right personnel than it is about individual greatness. Case in point look at Welker, Amendola, Edelman and now Hogan. These aren't world beaters and wouldn't work in systems run by teams like the Saints, and Giants offense.
  22. Jimmy G report is no broken bones. Usually that injury is a clavicle break like what happened to Romo & Aaron Rodgers. It's probably a bad bruise, or possibly tissue damage like a torn labrum. Jimmy G ain't out of the woods yet.
  23. Their business, their money. They should be involved. Nihil is getting ready for his next parody song. But how do you top Gotye's "The Bills I used to know"?
  24. I wonder if Jim Kelly and Joe Namath went double or nothing on this game? On a side note, Kelly's daughters are smoking hot.
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