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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. Defense is better IMO. Schematically our players are still learning the Ryan system. The system is working. We cut New England's point total in half. Tyrod has been a revelation. Put in Tyrod versus Cincy & Jax and we likely are 7-5 or 8-4. Thus this thread would not evem exist. If the Bills beat Philly things start to get real interesting.
  2. Tyrod has shown clutch ability vs Tennessee; his 2 big scrambles & dime to Hogan.
  3. Monday night Cleveland fails to execute a simple game clinching field goal. Tonight Detroit fails to defend a 61 yard hail mary. What last second heart wrenching loss do the football gods have planned for Buffalo?
  4. Who would have ever guessed the actor turned NFL backup would beat Tommy?
  5. Watt is a great player but he is human. Here are his weaknesses: Won't consistently get the edge on tackles with his get off or quickness. Plays high at times, can be blown off the ball by the double team, but does fight hard to hold ground. Lacks some lateral mobility both rushing the passer and playing in space. Will occasionally give up outside contain.
  6. Beat the Hoyer led Texans. 6-6 > 5-7. Beat the Sanchez led Eagles. 7-6 > 5-8. Beat the Cousins led Redskins. 8-6 > 5-9. Beat the Cassel led Cowboys. 9-6 > 5-10. Beat the Fitzpatrick led Jets. 10-6 > 5-11. We can whine about what could have been after this season, but I am holding out hope.
  7. Wasn't a fan of Marrone. Rex is 5-6, 5-4 sans EJ. Give Rex Tyrod and we are 6-5 & it's a whole different story.
  8. Imagine if Rex screwed conventional wisdom & never punted past the 50. 4 runs / receptions at 2.5 yards is all you need. Sprinkle in a few play action bombs to Sammy and who knows.
  9. OP is proof positive that Bills fans are the drunkest in the league. Yeesh! Put the bottle down & step out of your car.
  10. Yesterday especially the second half Taylor needed to make a play with his feet as he did in Tennessee. It appears he's not able to make those dynamic runs. If he was can make 1 or 2 big scrambles a game it would force teams to play a safety closer to the LOS and back the corners off.
  11. Might I add not properly charging the radio headsets in the linebacker & quarterback helmets during the Jacksonville game. The NFL even said it was an issue with us not charging the devices. Don't we have our own analytics guy? You would think he could show Rex a chart on the importance of radio communications. I mean damn....
  12. The NFL should fire 25% of these officials per year. Holding officials accountable for ****ty results would fix the problem.
  13. We are not mathematically eliminated. There's your hope for optimism.
  14. That's the correlation. Find a franchise QB. Taylor has 6 games to show he can be that guy.
  15. I don't buy into the conspiracy. That's not to say that I don't believe that a few zebras could have possibly been bought off through the years. What I do buy is Belichick & Ernie Adams have a contigency plan for every scenario. When the Bills beat the Pats in 2011 Belichick lobbied hard for Fred's game clinching catch to be called a touchdown. When the officials said no, Belichick went ballistic. What happened next shows the Pats level of gamesmenship. With victory guaranteed and the Bills in kneel down mode, Wilfork tried to bludgeon Fitz by dribbiling his head into the turf. The Cheats claimed thet were trying to cause a fumble on the kneel dow. Everyone knows they were trying to cause a retaliatory strike from a Bill. Thankfully the ensuing melee resulted in no Bills penalty which would have put the field goal in jeopardy.
  16. Woods had a ball stripped out fighting for extra yards earlier this year. Again one has to wonder if the coaching is asking them to do more after the catch or if they are told to go down.
  17. 31 yards was not a first down? If you are referring to another play wasn't that based on the official determining where forward progress had stopped?
  18. Then why even post this? The guy is a 3rd option and eclipses 90 yards? The critique of what he did on the 31 catch is invalid. He made the catch, period. I've watched the play 10 times he wouldn't have broke free, if anything going airborne saved him from getting clipped in the knees which saved him from injury.
  19. If Corey Graham makes a tackle on 3rd down after Mario Williams chips the RB releasing into the flat, McKelvin doesn't fumble and Carpenter hits a field goal we win 16-13. Thanks in large part to Hogan's 5 grabs for 90 yards. Where is the crusade against these 4 higher level players?
  20. The more I think of it it's these little execution plays - the simply check down, always gaining positive yards and not shooting yourself in the foot, that add up to make the difference. Take Brady, he's won 4 Super Bowls by 13 points. He's plus 6 points in 6 Super Bowls with a 4-2 record. Now back to Monday Night's game: IF Leodis doesn't fumble (Pats fg -3 pts) and Carpenter kicks a field goal (Bills fg +3 pts), and Mario chips the running back which enables a Corey Graham tackle the Pats settle for a field goal (Pats -4 pts). Those plays in our favor make the score 16-13 Bills. That plus 3 points is the Brady margin in Super Bowls.
  21. Espn Sports Science did a nice analysis of the Brady sneak. Go to 1:13 of this video. How come other QB's teams not do this. Especially an "athelete" like Tyrod?
  22. Meanwhile Brady is 91% or better on converting QB sneaks from 2 yards and closer. http://mobile.nytimes.com/2015/02/01/sports/football/a-tom-brady-sneak-is-the-patriots-unstoppable-play.html?referer=&_r=0
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