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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. Tom Brady needs to get pummeled. Too bad the Suh hit a few weeks ago didn't break his lower leg. Nothing would be be better than seeing Denver's D knock him out of the game. Wade Phillips doesn't strike me as a bounty kinda guy like Gregg Williams but I get the feeling Denver's D is going to buzz Brady's legs a few times early in this game.
  2. AFC East strategy = 6 games per year we are going to hit Brady low and hard maybe even late once per quarter. See if he survives.
  3. Imagine our rushing stats if our defense was keeping teams out of the end zone. Just imagine 1/2 the touchdowns were just field goals. We would have been dominant. I'd love to see a dominant D. Thinking 2016 the defense gets back to a top 10 d & we cut the touchdowns against way down.
  4. I still think you need to dive into Brady's leg. Suh clearly took a shot at Tom and used the face mask as justification. It was reminiscent of Wilfork taking a pop shot at Losman's knee. Suh got into Brady's head and the game ended on that hit. I watched the game. Brady was scared of Suh the rest of the game. https://cdn0.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/QPEneQp7glIb8wj2SZEoYsvY0ro=/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/5870965/suh.0.gif
  5. Definitely a Geneva Conventions violation up there with mustard gas & uranium.
  6. Allow me to play Nostradmous for a moment; Pegula buys the Sabres & Bills. Pegula hires the brightest minds Rex & Whaley, LaFontaine, promotes Russ Brandon. Now the truth comes out, the Sabres & Bills are to be run into the ground to move both franchises to a bigger market. How is this achieved? Tank both teams and draft a proven savior, insert Eichel & a Bill yet to be drafted. Now fast forward to 2020. Donald Trump coming off a "winning" first 4 years as POTUS, invades Canada & takes over control of Ontario. To quell the secretarian violence Trump installs Pegula as regional chancellor of Ontario. And gifts Toronto the Bills franchise. The Bills go on to win a few sham Super Bowls and become Canada's team and Trump & Pegula go down in the annals of history as the greatest Americans who ever lived.
  7. Amazing how 1 guy can beat 22. Give Brady a JV team and he is nothing. It's not Brady. It's everyone else around him including his ownership and coach. Is Brady a top 10 all-time great? yes. But he is just one man. For those that don't believe me wait for the next QB Belichick replaces Brady with. He will magically best us 90% of the time and our fans will have a new excuse.
  8. Pegula may be on to something. The Pittsburgh model of stability has shown quite effective. No reason to make sweeping changes for the sake of change and not have a more viable plan to move forward.
  9. Consensus is that Rex is Ditka 2.0. Rex's old man used to coach for the guy. Rex will roll out the legendary 46 defense and crush your run game. Add in 50 mph Lake Erie winds and your Jets will be packing their bags driving to Newark & heading south for the winter next week.
  10. So when Tyrod or EJ had a poor 1st Half & padded their stats in the 2nd half attempting a comeback due to the defense backing off, it is not considered garbage time but a failed comeback?
  11. ^^^this and the fact that Pegula has the ability to print money. Let's not forget he outspent "the Donald" by some 300-400 million. If Pegula determines Rex is not the answer and part of the problem expect Rex gone.
  12. Polian is right about two things; Tyrod is not a franchise QB & our offensive line is poor. But our offense has not been the problem in 2015. Rex failed in keeping the defense as a top 5 unit.
  13. This stat is pretty misleading as most bad teams rarely win A game let alone multiple games in a row. Rex is 6-8 this year and will likely end up 7-9 assuming the Jets come to play.
  14. Rex had the quality secondary in Darby & Gilmore to improve the interceptions. The shutdown corners should have led to more picks IMO however we have rarely led which helps get garbage time picks.
  15. It's been surprising to see this evolve. The team is fracturing and change is coming to OBD. TT is a game manager and unfortunately Rex was unable to make our defense good enough to make up for TT's deficiencies.
  16. #10 - “Jerry Jones Is Coming to Town” – The Pegula's #9 - “O Holy $#*t” – The 12th Man featuring Hamer’s Lot #8 - “Step Into Offsides” – Jerry Hughes #7 - “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like the Past Millennia” – Promo The Robot #6 - “Rockin’ Around the Middle of the Draft” – Whaley & the Water Coolers #5 - “(There’s No Place Like) Home For the Playoffs” – Chris Brown & the Spin Doctors #4 - “Do They Know it’s 16 Years at all?” – Ken “Pinto Ron” Johnson & the Road Warriors #3 - “O Come On! All Ye Faithful” – Jerry Sullivan & the Trolls #2 - “Little Saint Doug” – Doug Marrone & the Hacketteers #1 - “You’re a Cheap One, Mr. Pegula.” – Jeffrey Littman's Band
  17. It comes down to not scoring enough points and giving up too many. If the offense produced more drives that ended in scores, if the defense stopped touchdowns and gave up only field goals. Speaking of kicking, Dan Carpenter has been garbage this season. Makes you understand why Rex didn't attempt the 53 yarder last week.
  18. Mario Williams has been a great addition. 42 sacks in 60 games so far. 95 career sacks and only 30 years old. Before we cut anyone lets consider availability and age. It's easy to scapegoat one of the highest paid defenders on the wrong side of their prime, but Mario has lots of tread left on his tires. We are better off if both Kyle & Mario Williams are Buffalo Bills in 2016 & beyond. Consider this...there's a long list of guys who produced well over 50 sacks past the age of 30. Jason Taylor comes to mind. The guy was 6'6'' 255, 40 lbs lighter than Mario, but still managed 59 sacks (age 31 to age 37) his final 7 seasons. I see Mario following in the Julius Peppers mold another guy of similar build. Both are born in January and are 5 years apart. Since the season Peppers turned 31, 2011, Peppers has posted 43.5 sacks the past 5 seasons. In case people are wondering any guy we might draft would be lucky to get 40 to 50 career sacks. The talk on here of, many of whom are advocating "cutting" Mario now while still under contract is short-sighted. When looking at the facts and hard data, the guy will likely produce another 25 sacks by the most conservative of estimates over the remainder of his career. On the high end Mario will likely get 50 sacks. Now is there a need to restructure Mario? Of course. Now is the time to lock him up through age 35, or the 2019 season. Amortizing the cost of retaining versus the uncertainty of replacement one could easily ascertain Williams' value at $8,000,000 to $10,000,000 average per season over the next 5 seasons. This is Jerry Hughes level money. With a cap hit of $7,000,000 by cutting Mario in 2016, it makes sense to either trade him, which likely won't happen due to the remaining contract, or to simply renegotiate a long term contract that represents the value he will produce over the next 5 seasons. This is similar to what we did with LeSean McCoy's contract.
  19. Tyrod has played 11 games & is 6-5. He's getting better & it appears he's reading the defense more & stepping up in the pocket. Still the last 3 games will decide what we should do at the QB position. It's time to cut Tyrod loose and see what we really have. He's 0-5 when attempting over 30 passes. Also Taylor's completion percentage is falling as more of his targets are downfield throws.
  20. We have a young core of players. As they age the assumption is they will get better. How much longer do the elite Teams with older QBs have left? Hopefully we turn the corner in 2016 or 2017.
  21. Whatever happens I'm looking forward to a better record than 6-7 at this point next season. Looking at our weaknesses now we could use: a true do-it-all kicker, punt returner, and a difference maker at linebacker and younger depth on the Dline. A prototype possession jump ball WR in the mold of Demarious Thomas or Brandon Marshall.
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