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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. To me Tyrod missed an open Goodwin, Watkins & that newly signed TE Christian - that one was a back breaker.
  2. I thought 7-9, maybe 9-7. I want Pittsburgh. That's my playoff game.
  3. Defense is ****. Get this in losses here are the points against: 41, 38, 37, 31, 28, 13. That's a disgrace for someone who envisions being a defense guru.
  4. I told my buddy here they come. Surely Carr was going to find his stroke. The game changed and it seemed like we went into a shell defense. Instead of bending we broke.
  5. It's not over just yet. Beat Pittsburgh. Get to 10-6 who knows?
  6. Lots of blame to go around. What I find most disturbing is a defense that gives up so many points. Look at our losses and you'll see a disturbing trend.
  7. Hold up yo. Tyrod born August 1989 is 27. Wentz born December 1992 is basically 24. That's 3 years age difference. The way I see it is Tyrod didn't get to play from 2011-2014 so he have 4 years from 22-25 where is body didn't age. The point is this, Wentz isn't much younger than Tyrod and Taylor has had the benefit of learning for 4 years, however not playing doesn't truly allow you to prepare at game speed.
  8. I might be the only guy who knows what it's like to be looking over your shoulder wondering if that mistake will lead to your benching. Believe it or not most players play better when they know they have margin to make errors. Tyrod is the unquestioned leader of our team. Tyrod is the best athlete we have at QB. Tyrod is the best QB on the team. The issue I have with drafting a QB in 2017 is that it will inevitably, no matter what round send a message to Tyrod to look over your shoulder. For that reason alone, I am advocating the Bills bring in a competent backup, to compete against Cardale and the #1 spot. If there is someone we like in the draft I say take a shot. But understand from Tyrod's perspective every play could be his last. He could play even more cautious with that in mind. Given the likelihood of the above scenario if we stay on our current course, I'd like to see Rex take off Tyrod's training wheels these last 5 weeks. Why not try something radical? Tyrod needs to play better. That's it. Tyrod needs to play better. It doesn't matter that he is not a complete QB at this point. If we are being honest, the Bills will only go as far as their QB can take them. If we remain a 175 yard a game passing team we are a 9-7 team looking outside thru the playoff window. Our running game can only be so good. Tyrod Taylor has shown an ability to improvise and make something out of a busted play. With that in mind, I'd like to see the Bills do two things: #1 Implement a no huddle offense, #2 in that no huddle cut the playbook down to 10 plays. Simplifying the offense would allow Tyrod at times to run his own plays and give our offense another dimension to tire out the opposing defense. We heard Thurman talk about this earlier in the year. It's not how many plays, it's how well they are executed and the talent executing them. We have talent. What we need is a coaching staff willing to self assess and take a risk, and take a shot at making the playoffs.
  9. Of course he had by far the biggest day of his pro career against us running 32 times for 158 yards in the last game of the 2010 season. Jets 38 Bills 7.
  10. Raiders: 00-07-00-03: 10 Bills: 14-17-07-10: 48
  11. To be fair that was a slant route, not a screen. Sammy could excel on screens, but because we run a limited offense they mainly limit his routes to stops, comebacks, hooks, and vertical go routes. Very rarely is Sammy put in motion and sent on a cross. I don't think Tyrod is allowed to throw across the middle of the field. In Rex Ryan's world more harm than good can happen. Our offense reminds me of the Mark Sanchez 2009-2010 Jets offense with a more mobile QB.
  12. Most players with a chronic injury are given a rest day. I believe Charles Clay and his ever chronic bad knee get off Wednesday's too. Sammy will walk through most of practice Thursday and do light reps, then perhaps on Friday run 10 or so routes at game speed and then jump on the jet to Oakland Saturday. My thinking is he will play and will take some pain meds to ensure he can play.
  13. I do believe that having a hybrid QB/TE could also open the offense up to more wildcat and reverses with options for the runner to throw a pass. Anyone see Chris Hogan's toss Sunday? Imagine Thomas or Manuel tossing that rock!
  14. Our safeties should make receivers fear catching the ball in the middle. Remember Gronkowski getting popped by Earl Thomas? Yeah; those are the kinds of hits we need to be delivering.
  15. Talk about thin skin. Does Trump have a blind minority interest in the team, or was that Limbaugh who tried to buy in a few years ago? Either way nothing worse than billionaire crybabies who can't take criticism.
  16. I know he's my fantasy QB. I call him by his older bro's name. He's David Carr. Best way to get to him is bury him. He doesn't like getting hit and starts going ballistic on his Oline. With our front 7 we should be able to rattle him.
  17. Taylor needs to win. Win and everything else is moot.
  18. Mike Rodak revels in our misery. I would love nothing more than to whoop his Patriots ass regularly for the next 20 years and stick the mic in his face and shout "You like that?!?!"
  19. I prefer hybrid cannabis. A good strain is AC/DC which is about 4.5% THC and over 9% CBD, you get a great high very little psychoactive effects and a good full body numbness.
  20. Going 4-2 down the stretch would be awesome. That's a 9-7 record which may get us in. We would have a 6-6 AFC record. I can see 4 teams ahead of us tanking; KC, Baltimore, Houston, Miami. New England, Oakland, Pittsburgh, Indy, Denver, Buffalo. Does anyone here think that Baltimore, Houston, Miami & KC are better than us?
  21. The bigger area of concern is the defense getting shredded vs Miami, NY Jets and New England. On top of disappearing vs Seattle in the first half, and the offense choking in the season opener at home vs Baltimore.
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