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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. Fitting ST coach DeHaven was involved in perhaps the most famous ST play off all-time. #RIP
  2. The Pegula's are proven amateurs and have accomplished nothing except piling up a losing record since taking over the Buffalo Sabres, and the Buffalo Bills. They don't appear to have a clue how to run a "winning" organization.
  3. Why is it you can substitute out the word "elite" with a certain color and you can make it sound much more blasphemous?
  4. I assume EJ could be resigned at a cheaper price than Tyrod. Say it ain't "Pegula is cheap."
  5. Red wine should be banned like Bon Jovi in WNY.
  6. Tyrod is going to be our QB for the next 5 seasons. I'm fine with that. Let's build around the kid instead of tearing him down.
  7. Thank you for the offer Zulu Cthulhu are you so sure you don't need me to sherpa you to the summit? The sky is much brighter on the top.
  8. That's where I first heard it and I tend to agree with Francesa. Listening to that audio from 09.20.16 there's a lot of truth in his assessment.
  9. The Pegula's remind me of the Beverly Hillbillies. They are "new" money people. Unlike people who inherited their wealth like Trump, the new money people often remind me of lottery winners. They are gullible and spendthrift, making silly purchases that evaporate their wealth overnight. Pegula outbid the Donald to show he "arrived" and was a player. Trump smartly smirked laughed it off and said Pegula overpaid, and because he spent too much Buffalo would "never be a winner". By all accounts Pegula is a smart man, but with new de-regulation coming for the fracking industry there could be a boom/bust period in the natural gas industry. With federal lands being opened for development to fracking its possible the new POTUS who is as smart as he is wicked may still harbor a grudge against Pegula. When we turn to Pegula's spending we can see a cause for concern. So far Pegula has dropped $189 million on the Sabres, $1.4 billion on the Bills, and $102 million to his alma-mater Penn State. He's also splurged developing the harbor center which cost over $180 million. The Pegula's fell for the salesman Rex Ryan, like they fell for Russ Brandon's council. Want to rebuild a suspect franchise? Start by distancing yourself from company yes men. Add it all up and Pegula may be just about maxed out his cash reserves. What could hurt Pegula is the "Russ Brandon" effect or the general consensus that many long term fans are growing apathetic to the franchise. Apathy doesn't drive new revenue. This can be evidenced by tracking season ticket churn rate and the half empty stadiums thanks in part to the general concession tickets simply not selling in late season games. When this happened before Brandon was able to get liquidity by pitching the ludicrous idea that Toronto could stabilize the Bills franchise. This was sold as these are late season games that generally fans don't want to attend. I don't recall late season games being much of a problem in the late 80s early 90s. Brandon is a great marketer, but he looked amateurish in the video series of how the Bills traded up for Sammy Watkins. Brandon's lust for putting PR and marketing above developing a winning culture will almost certainly cost Pegula hundreds of millions of dollars. When Pegula realizes a new stadium is untenable due to declining TV and falling ticket revenue he will be forced to finance a stadium that a post-industrial Buffalo cannot afford. It can be said that Pegula is a lottery winner simply living a dream he hasn't woke up from. Sadly for us fans we are living a 17 year nightmare.
  10. Why not elect to defend the south end (opposite of the tunnel) after winning the coin toss in OT? The fierce wind decided the game. Carpenter was 0/2 kicking into the swirling southwest end zone.
  11. Deion Sanders sucked at tackling too. Most corners suck at it outside of Aqib Taleb.
  12. Maybe the red wine with Pegs is having an effect on Rex. Like Belichick who was known for defense Rex now has built a top 5 scoring offense. Cheers!
  13. Too much red wine last night for Rex & Pegs. That hangover clouded his judgement.
  14. Cardale is not an NFL starting QB you have to earn the job not have it handed to you.
  15. Russ Brandon recommended to Rex that Pegs liked red wine. The rest is history.
  16. I've been skeptical of Rex, but the players leaders who want him I say one more season.
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