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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. Hard to critique his game. How did he grade out on PFF? Was it me or did it look like he was doubled all year? When a big play was needed he usually was the one collapsing the pocket. Does he come back in 2017?
  2. Jay Cutler is a bottom 5 starter. He's flunked out in Denver, and now Chicago. Notice the trend?
  3. What's up with all this appreciation and pity? He's a god damn billionaire, one of the 100 richest dudes in the country. Pegula needs to get these franchises turned around. The fans are hungry for a winner. It's not good enough just having pro sports. What matters is winning.
  4. There is no other NFL free agent QB I want. If they want to draft someone to take on Cardale and Tyrod then bring it.
  5. He has a horrible arm and doesn't throw with accuracy. Hard to be an NFL QB without the two main ingredients.
  6. He's a great talent with a lot of promise. He turns 24 in June. Keyshawn Johnson was a 24 year old rookie. I think the kid will put these injuries behind him.
  7. Place is starting to resemble some of my favorite adult sites.
  8. Lots of travel, flights, miles, rental cars, hotels, food, apparel, Sunday Ticket. Scary thought I said $1k-$5k but it could easily be $5k-$10k.
  9. AVP can be the OC, he knows the west coast offense and can probably give Tyrod insight into how to use his athleticism to improvise in the pocket like ARod.
  10. Harrison has the perfect body type 6'0" 275 plus he's bow legged and can use his leverage and superior strength to get below the tackles. Think most tackles are now 6'5" or taller and Harrison is so compact he just blows past them and really can bend to make himself lower. I'd run at him early and wear down his 38 year old legs.
  11. Philip Rivers comes up small in the clutch. Dude is a career loser, he's over the hill, and he has virtually no mobility. No thank you.
  12. Adding Romo to a roster undergoing a serious rebuild is foolish. Also Romo isn't durable or reliable to be the long term answer. Think back to McDermotts interview with Chris Brown and even Whaley's interview. There appears to be more of an emphasis on a long term sustainable vision or plan going forward. I don't see how pursuing a 37 year old with a bad back goes with that thinkkng.
  13. Both coaches run a West Coast Offense. Lends more evidence that Bills intend on keeping Tyrod Taylor.
  14. I hope that guy gets beat by an angry mob, or gets Terminated by Ahnald.
  15. John Murphy Needs to retire. He's so angry at this team and it shows.
  16. Tyrod should be the starter until someone beats him. Cardale is a joke & Hoyer gets injured more than Romo.
  17. OP the premise of your post is based on your observation and you've framed the debate as if it's a fact that neither QB developed from 2015 to 2016. I think Tyrod's dip in passing performance can be largely attributed to Watkins missing 10 games and Woods tearing his MCL, and the fact that Clay has a chronic knee and doesn't practice. Goodwin was also banged up. So Tyrod's performance was expectedly off due to personnel injuries.
  18. Lynn hasn't had much success getting promoted, but he finally got his shot and did well as OC this year. Tyrod is his QB will that prevent a conflict with Whaley and management assuming that's what they discussed in his interview today?
  19. Here's my ranking of our top trade bait: Dareus - age 26 (possible 1st round) Gilmore - age 26 (possible 1st round) Watkins - age 23 (possible 2nd round) Taylor - age 27 (possible 2nd round) Darby - age 22 (possible 2nd round) Glenn - age 27 (possible 2nd round) Lawson - age 22 (possible 2nd round) Miller - age 23 (possible 2nd round) Kouandjio - age 23 (possible 3rd round) J. Hughes - age 28 (possible 4th round)
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