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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. Senator Susan Collins ® Maine said over Twitter that "The Administration's omission of the Jewish people in a Holocaust remembrance statement is an historical mistake." Is this a mistake or something more nefarious? How does team Trump already marred with accusations of being apologists for the alt-right forget to mention the plight of the Jewish Europeans during the Holocaust? Will this strain relations with Israel? http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_TRUMP_THE_LATEST?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2017-01-30-15-00-35
  2. Looks like another white nationalist inspired by Trump. Add in the mosque arson in Texas and that's two attacks in two days. Alexandre Bissonnette, 27, has been accused of killing six people in a "barbaric" terror attack on a Quebec City mosque. http://heavy.com/news/2017/01/alexandre-bissonnette-quebec-city-canada-mosque-shooting-attack-suspect-gunman-shooter-photos-pictures-video-motive/?ref=emailshare
  3. In a move that baffles national security experts Trump has elevated chief strategist, ex Goldman Sachs banker, Breitbart founder, Steve Bannon to the National Security Council. Says John McCain: I am worried about the National Security Council. Who are the members of it and who are the permanent members? The appointment of Mr. Bannon is something which is a radical departure from any National Security Council in history," McCain said on Face the Nation on CBS. Is this a move based in transparency or ideology? What qualifications does Steve Bannon have?
  4. This is very important for equity, rates, and Forex investors because it shows that the next U.S. recession is more than two years away, and the chart [below] also shows that the election of President Trump delayed the next recession by five months, Slok wrote. This all points to a continued U.S. expansion, which means higher equities, higher rates, and a higher dollar. The current market expectation is that the Fed will be back at zero interest rates in 27 months, Slok wrote. In April 2016 the expectation was that we would get a recession within 11 months.
  5. 1 day after Trump's Muslim ban, mosque attack leads to 6 killed and 8 wounded. https://www.rt.com/news/375554-quebec-city-mosque-shooting/
  6. Nazi sympathizer Richard Spencer tries to normalize Steve Bannon - gets face punched in.
  7. This precious snowflake has taken more shots to the face in the last week than Ke$ha. Guy has proven Nazi metrosexuals have glass jaws. It's been a bad week for the white nationalist Hugo Boss movement.
  8. Buffalo has high property taxes, but relatively reasonable state income taxes about 7.90%. That's $197k on 2.5 million. Federal at 35.6% would be $893k.
  9. A few camo wearing counter protestors have shown up to airports to counter protest. Apparently a few conservatives don't have jobs. Maybe Trump will deliver that job he promised them. 😂😂😂😂 "Cash me ousside."
  10. I'm tired of all liberals and conservatives arguing about stupid ****. "Cash me ousside."
  11. Chan is my favorite Bills coach besides Marv.
  12. I like POWs that support torture. #MATA make America torture again.
  13. Was this written by a ghost writer whose real name is Donald Trump? Seems he's still butt hurt about getting beat by Pegula.
  14. He's just one player for a team that preaches doing your job. Once he can no longer stay healthy, or consistently hit open receivers in an offense that throws more balls in under 2 seconds he will be discarded.
  15. I said he will win a Super Bowl, and we should keep him. Look at the list of Super Bowl winning QBs and runner ups and you see plenty of QBs that weren't as good as Tyrod. Jay Cutler, Tony Romo, Mike Glennon, Nick Foles, anyone else more confident we would win a Super Bowl with one of those guys? Not me.
  16. We don't know what will happen but we know how Trump will govern. He's aloof and often shows lack of attention to detail. Think of Sal Cappacio's report on Rex Ryan being last on in, first one out. Trump was reported to have asked potential VPs to basically be the President doing all the hard grunt work. Does Trump who has no understanding of government have the time or the energy to learn the job? To me it seems akin to asking Terry Pegula to be the head coach. Of course Pegula would ask an assistant to act as coach, while he would reserve himself to more overall policy direction. There are structural problems that Trump is walking into. Capitalism and countries that are capitalist have usually gone 4-8 years between market downturns. There hasn't been a downturn in 8 years. The probability is Trump will have to endure a financial downturn. As far as foreign policy we don't know about what Trump intends to do with our longest war Afghanistan or Syria. We don't know if he will continue the bombing of 7 different interventions. Our military is certainly bleeding our economy. In some ways Trump knows he can slow defense spending pull back and reallocate those savings to rebuild infrastructure or simply use to pay down the debt. Time will reveal how he fares, but I'm not optimistic that a confirmed con artist with no governing experience will do well. Maybe he will phone it in and let Pence do the job things go well; and he'll take all the credit.
  17. Obama had an average Presidency. Trump will have a poor Presidency. Obama inherited an economy that was hemoragging 800,000 jobs a month and would continue to do so for the first 9 months of his Presidency. He did what he could do to stabilize the economy passing a small infrastructure bill, and continuing Bush's bailout. He struck out on healthcare reform, acquisiecing to the conservative Blue Dog Democrat wing and took out the public option to the ACA. Obama's foreign policy was an utter disaster. His best call was Bin Laden, his worse call helping to topple Libya. His Syrian involvement was a violatation of the Geneva conventions, and the Iraq War was handled well as far as the troop drawback Bush W agreed too. I wasn't a big fan of the McCain warmonger "surge" in Afghanistan. I feel we will never leave Afghanistan. We have now spent $3 trillion on those wars and accounting for long term veterans healthcare are on the hook for another $4 trillion more. Obama failed on any real financial reform. He appointed the same Goldman Sachs bankers to run the Treasury and the Federal Reserve that McCain or Romney would have, and now we see 6 Goldman Sachs with Trump. The economy was artificially resisitatated thru central bank Federal Reserve QE and interest rate policy. The bailout proved that the bond holders aka the 1% would be first in line while the sellers of CDO, MBS and other toxic debt instruments went off scot free. During the 87 Savings and Loan crisis Reagan actually prosecuted the fraudsters the banksters that crashed the market and put hundreds in jail. Obama prosecuted no one. His attorney general Eric Holder even said "we'd have to prosecute too many". So the Dept of Justice and the financial regulators made deals with the Wall Street banks and imposed fines that were akin to mere slaps on the wrist. "Cut it out", is not a good financial regulatory policy. Had Obama truly been the change candidate he promised he would be we would have universal healthcare, and the largest banks would have been smaller in 2017 than they were in 2009. The Ponzi scheme continues, the inequality is now greater than ever, and for the first time, their is a sense of defeatism from the reality that our economic system is built on fictions. $7.25 minimum wage is unsustainable, the top .01, gained 90% of all new income as Thomas Pickitty pointed out, and neoliberalism the economic dogma of Republcians and Democrats the past 40 years is over. Trumpism is more of a symptom of this economic decline. I find it quite tragic. Trump comes to power at a time of decline for the American empire and the funny thing is Trump knows it. America cannot sustain herself when so few have so much and so many have so few. An entire generation is wasted. Rightfully so you don't invest in 20-40 year olds that have no real skills. Our society as a whole can longer operate as it did 30 years ago. There are no more factories left for the hedge fund managers to buy and move to poorer southern states or abroad. The tariffs imposed by Trump will only result in a higher cost of goods of all products made in China consumed by the impoverished masses. Did I mention 50% of all workers earn less than $30,000 a year? When half the country is poor they cannot cover a 30% tariff on that microwave or vacuum cleaner. A great con has been perpuated on the American people. And that is the choice was between Trump or Hillary. They are both the same elite's that are malleable to the desires of the ruling class. Goldman Sachs runs this country. The rent seekers like Trump run this country. They will find a way to cut taxes, yet somehow convince us that our neighbor is too blame. She's a teacher, has a nice union job. Will get a pension. She's too blame for your economic reality. And therein lies the problem with Republican and Democrat ideology. There is always someone else to blame. Could it be that greed is the reason we are in the position we are today?
  18. So many good one liners attributed to Trump's electoral college victory. I'd like to hear your favorites and rationale. I'll start with mine. "Grab them by the kitty". When Trump secretly echoed this phrase to the Bush family famous metrosexual Bill "Ryan Seacrest" Bush in 2005, little did he know this would help in win the election. While the mainstream media including those at RNC hq Fox News regretably conceded the bad optics and damaging words I came away differently. You see, for years the post-Industrial Midwest had been marred by high unemployment, and untreated male erectile dysfunction. Many baby boomers longed for a job, but more importantly one that would provide health insurance for their now impotent penises to grow erect once again. Upon hearing Trump, a true man of the people, say these now 5 infamous words, men "Sprung" into action. It was as if just hearing these words, erased a generation of feminist empowerment and hearing the words became akin to Pavlov's dog. Pensises all over the Midwest were once erect again. Porn searches of "grab them by the kitty" skyrocketed. An entirely new genre of porn sprung up. A whole new cottage industry. Men everywhere mostly those with 40" pants or greater were fondling women. Women were shocked at first but eventually succumbed to the hysteria. It was fantastic. A new slogan was erected #MakeAmericaErectAgain and Trump won PA, MI & WI by the slimmest of margins 78,000 votes.
  19. He's a bad player, and he's never going to be a good player sober or not.
  20. I live thousands of miles away but can report my brother and his buddy are stopping after a 15 year run. They just can't stomach the losing anymore and when Whaley and Brandon were retained they lost all hope that Pegula was going to get this turned around.
  21. Maybe when they're in there they could add some bend to his knees.
  22. Under the 2011 CBA I believe teams have to spend 89% or so to the cap. We have been doing that and even outpaced many teams.
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