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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. This just in, Boeing SC is doing a multimillionaire ad buy to defeat unionization efforts by the International Machinists Union. Imagine what a big defeat this would be to big bad Boeing.
  2. Buy American, Bleed American.
  3. States Rights??? What the hell are states rights? Gerluch is a states rights guy......hey that's clever Trump!
  4. It is an empirical fact that right to work state workers make 3.2% less or $1500 less per year. This should be interesting and put Trump at odds with the neoliberal recalcitrant GOP old guard. http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/gop-introduces-national-right-to-work-legislation/article/2613428
  5. 26k bombs dropped by Obama last year in 7 Muslim majority countries. The question is if he will outdo Obama?
  6. Chuck Schumer is still upset about Bannon missing the Holocaust props to his granddaddy.
  7. Has anyone noticed Steve Bannon has yet to release a statement clarifying that Breitbart is fake news click bait?
  8. Sources: Trump went into the meeting ready to fight, leaves "negotiation" empty-handed. Apparently Trump doesn't want to fight for the American people. What a sad, sad joke this is. It took one meeting for this little corporate B word to buckle. Talked a great game, and buckled like a little B word.
  9. He could be Steve Young, or he could more easily be Rob Johnson.
  10. 49 year old Columbia, Harvard & Oxford educated. Lots of interesting case decisions my favorite being his opinion for the 2015 case of "Energy and Environmental Legal Institute v. Joshua Epel". A few contradictions: for the death penalty, but against assisted suicide. Also never understood the strict interpretation of the constitution, as social issues on the 1790s are different. As far as a central bank and specific industries they did not exist at the time our founding father wrote it. A few pros: he is for states rights over federal power, which will do me well in many states with legalized cannabis. Overall he is not going to be someone who shakes things up and overturns Roe v Wade which is the fundamental line in the sand for most liberals. His appointment should be swift and I expect the only push back will be from the corporatist Democrats like Boxer, & Booker. When comparing and contrasting Garland vs Gorsuch there is not much of a difference.
  11. That's how I feel every time i come across a Tim Graham or Jerry Sullivan Bills article. For now I'm keeping to catching the Sal Capaccio updates on twitter, inbetween the Trump rants.
  12. Simplistic way to answer work backwards: 1024 GBs per month / 2,592,000 seconds per month = 0.000395061728395 GBs per second * 1024 = 0.404543209876543 MBs per second * 1024 = 414.2522469135802 KBs per second. That's a lot of BitTorrent.
  13. In a not so shocker Trump who once said drug companies are "ripping us off" now wants to deregulate and give them tax cuts. Campaign rhetoric: I will take on Big Pharma and get them to lower prices. Post election victory: I will give them whatever they want and maybe they'll lower prices, who cares? The top 5 only makes $50 billion in profit per year. www.cnbc.com/amp/2017/01/31/cramer-warns-pharma-still-not-safe-to-own-despite-trumps-softened-stance.html
  14. .404543 Mb/sec x 2,592,000 seconds in a month = 1,048,576 Mb / 1024 mb per gb = 1024 GB
  15. Comcast gives me 1024GB a month or 1TB of data. I'm not sure what happens when I exceed this I assume I'll be throttled. Didn't realize they had a cap. Looks like I'll be getting some competitor quotes.
  16. Saudi Prince also offered to bail Trump out a third time. This is Hillaryious. You know things are bad when Saudi princes are trolling Trump. http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_56aafa72e4b0010e80e99806
  17. He was more gracious than his friend Donald Trump would have taken it. Like he said, how can he be bitter with $15 million more to come?
  18. Trump isn't mentally ill, he is a narcist though.
  19. Reasons: Lots more miles than Mexican border, highly armed society, recent right wing terror attacks, Canada is home to a high percentage of Muslims, left wing ideology - they have universal healthcare.
  20. Trump's FCC chairman Ajit Pai is in favor of dismantling net neutrality. How would you be impacted? www.technologyreview.com/s/603432/what-happens-if-net-neutrality-goes-away/amp/
  21. Justin Trudeau can always deport his right wing nationalists to the U.S. where they will be welcome.
  22. Does this fall more on Steve Bannon or Sean Spicer? Who is writing these press releases for Trump?
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