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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. GG defending Obama. Wow. I've lived long enough to see conservatives full embrace of Obama!
  2. Mnunchin does like forclosing. It depends if he's long or short Blackstone. But back to question at hand. Does someone who purports to be an "economic populist" do a bailout? Is it right that Blackstone's profits are privatized while their risks are socialized by Fannie Mae?
  3. They come here because they know their legacy is tainted. Imagine if Norwood made the winning SB kick only to find out the Bills had tampered with the ball and that it was under-inflated? Hell on a side note, I mean we all saw Parcells call a TO, start screaming at head official Jerry Seaman, in that time could a harder ball been swapped out? I'm curious to know the plight of the ball. Have we had a chance to investigate the PSI to ensure Belichick & Parcells didn't over-inflate it? We live in a world where almost everyone cheats. We buy into conspiracy theories because of the blatant evidence that comes up every day. Maybe someday Wikileaks will hack a Patriots email or server and uncover a wealth of knowledge dating back to the 2000 SpyGate. Goodell ordered the evidence be burned at Foxboro so we'll never know to what extent the Patriots cheating mechanism favored them. I find it curious though that with Matt Cassel they go 11-5, if Brady is the GOAT. Manning goes down and the Colts went 1-15.
  4. 3-35 > 3-28. Backup QB, backup RB. Playing against a HoF QB.
  5. Let's take a trip down Cheaters memory lane: 01 SpyGate year, video taped Rams walk through *W 03 SpyGate *W 04 SpyGate *W 07 SpyGate exposed L 11 L 14 DeflateGate *W 16 W (let's wait for leaks & rumors become confirmed) Not to mention the outside of cheating the last two titles were basically won by the other coaches incompetence.
  6. Does it make you hate the Bills even more knowing how easy the Patriots seem to make it look?
  7. Would Trump have done the same deal with Blackstone?
  8. Crazy thing is with under 5 minutes to go the Falcons had the ball at the New England 22 1st and 10. Any logical coach would have gathered himself went jumbo and slammed the ball 3 times into the line. Assuming 3 1 yard losses you're looking at 4th and 13 at the 25 with 4:20 to go assuming New England used all 3 timeouts. The game essentially become out of reach with a 43 yard field goal which is converted 80% of the time. Now you kickoff up 11 and the Patriots need to get 2 possessions to win. No chance.
  9. Sean McDermott can't be any worse then Dan Quinn.
  10. Most untrue statement. That corporate Democrats led by Obama passed a watered down healthcare plan with many elements created by the Heritage Foundation and implemented by Romney? Yes apparently you think Obama is a progressive I can unequivocally say he is not.
  11. I'm a Progressive but can tell you the ACA was never supported nor endorsed by any credible progressive. I think it's a huge Corporate takeover of our healthcare industry. You see it as a government takeover, it's not a true Medicare-For-All program, what I want, is not the ACA. As far as I'm concerned I hope Trump & the GOP dismantle it so when a Progressive wins in 2020, they'll pass universal healthcare.
  12. Atlanta putting the hurt on the Cheaters.
  13. I know many on the right fail to read and forget that the ACA is a Heritage Foundation creation and was implemented by Romney in MA as Governor.
  14. What I find ironic is we've heard nothing from Trump on this. No twitter barrage? I mean this is the guy who said Crooked Hillary was too close to Wall Street and big finance. Makes me think the election was more about rhetoric than actual change. Good President if you were highly educated. If you were making cars in Michigan or Ohio and are now working at a soon to be closed Sears for $7.25 an hour you're f'd. For 73 days Obama had a super majority and failed to deliver. He could of raised the minimum wage to $9 or $10 an hour but the donor class said no. He could have fought for single payer in the ACA but cowered to Blue Dog Dems and passed a right wing Republican Healthcare plan written by the Heritage Foundation. Obama gets a middling grade for steering the ship straight but much of the gains were a result of Federal Reserve QE and modest financial gains at the expense of workers and for the gains of stockholders equity gains.
  15. When the Democrats became the Party of Wall Street under the Third Way restructure that started in the 1980s the Democrats effectively hollowed out any chance that any objective person could say they represent workers first. Trump saw this weakness and exploited it by rightfully making the Clinton's the poster children of free trade open markets advocated by neoliberal economics. Obama the hope and change candidate effectively extended the neoliberal streak and in the final week of his Presidency delivered to the finance titans who donated so much to make him President. "So in its waning hours, the Obama Administration gave a completely unjustified bailout to private equity landlords, that Fannie Mae is guaranteeing the income of all but the bottom tranches of Blackstones latest rental securitization." http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-25/how-obama-administration-quietly-bailed-out-private-equity-landlords-expense-middle-
  16. PTR and we all know Flutie has no axe to grind because he's originally a Boston College guy. Why taint the franchise? Heard Chris Mortenson or one the national best NFL reporters heard this in passing convo and Flutie retracted before it went on record. Where there's smoke there's fire. Also how does New England get basically a free pass for SpyGate which covered 2000-2007 and then with DeflateGate a much lesser offense they get destroyed? It's because Goodell did a makeup call for not coming down hard enough of SpyGate. Belichick should have been removed from football for one year like Sean Peyton but he cleverly threw Brady under the bus as y'all remember. And using Brady as the scapegoat allowed the CBA and union protections to delay any punishment for Brady. Would have been better if Goodell suspended Brady for a season like he did Sean Peyton.
  17. I'm not a religious person but hope you find comfort in his memory & you will meet again.
  18. Lady Gaga don't care about your bubbler or metal halide lights.
  19. The last project I worked on removed 220,000 kWh a year from the customers electric usage or the equivalency of 164,000 pounds of coal burned in one year. That's a CO2 reduction of 155 metric tons. Smoking doesn't cause cancer says 1 "doctor" out of 100. So D.C. Tom & LA Bills fan start smoking.
  20. Hillary also had the backing of a majority of Bush's foreign policy advisers. It's quite clear that the establishment Democrats have become two faced on the issue of war. This used to be the party that condemned war, and voted protested against it. Now they vote for illegal wars, drone citizens without due process, and conduct 7 interventions while dropping 26k bombs a year, so much so that they ran out of them. This is not your grandfathers Democratic Party. They are pro-fracking, pro-war, pro-regime change, pro-Wall Street bailouts, pro-big Pharma, pro-private health insurance, pro-a $7.25 minimum wage. Their entire platform was platitudes and PC outrage. They paid lip service to the millennials that voted enmasse for Sanders, and after getting his endorsement ran towards the center hoping to gain the endorsement of surbia traditionally white Republicans. Bill Clinton said they wouldn't need Sanders voters. Chuck Schumer falsely predicted for every white working class voter they'd gain two surburbian Republicans. The strategy failed epically. If no one was paying attention Hillary's entire campaign message was Donald Trump is a horrible person. What was her campaign message outside of that? When given the choice between and Republican in policy and a real Republican, voters will pick the Republican every time.
  21. Show me the climate scientists who say the earth isn't warming, and I'll show you an Exxon Mobil shill. We've saw this before with Big Tobacco buying off medical doctors and suppressing facts that tobacco causes cancer.
  22. I see a lot of commenters on here keep on regurgitating Chicago school neoliberal establishmentarian economics. Have we really digressed into an era where empirical evidentiary facts are dismissed as "political"? If climate change is real, and it is as confirmed by 99% of all scientists & even the NSA & the CIA agree, then can we also use empirical data which clearly show right to work state workers make 3.2% less? That is a fact. Let's debate in a fact based world. If you don't like opinions, fine. But come with facts. It should be also pointed out that private sector union membership is near a 100 year old low. The correlation & causation can be blamed on many factors, but there can be no denying the fact that Trump WON the vast majority of private sector union workers in the mid west. Why not embrace this new coalition instead of attacking it?
  23. Audi is a status purchase. Nissan not so much, but their Infiniti brand that's swag too. Who doesn't want heated seats, heated cup holders & a helicopter button Bondesque option?
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