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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. A great college DE, too small to play DE in the NFL, and not athletic enough to play OLB. He wasn't good enough.
  2. Skimmed thru the comments. Tom is an alcoholic and has cirrhosis? Trump is taking them all down.
  3. Reminded me of Fred Jackson. He's got a ring, and could be a 3rd down pass protecting screen pass back for a couple more seasons if he can get healthy and in great shape.
  4. This is a classic example of beaucratic dysfunction. Someone or multiple people must be held accountable and if necessary relieved of their job.
  5. Dodd-Frank is a neoliberal band-Aid for the much stronger financial regulation Glass-Steagall it was meant to resemble. I assume most of your fathers hated when the Progressives of the 1930s signed this law. Last week Trump met with Wall-Street and now wants to roll back Dodd-Frank - that's fine by me, if it's going to be replaced by a more simpler but stronger regulation like Glass-Steagall 2.0. Let's keep depositors money outside of the brokerage side of the banking business. Trump rolling that back and doing nothing would be repeating the same mistake of Bill Clinton when he repealed it. So let's take a wait and see approach. This post will go dead, but when Dodd-Frank goes away & it's not replaced & the next financial crisis hits I'll happily dig this gem out of the archives.
  6. A great interview and worth the 4:50. Prof Mark Blythe of Brown explains the failure of neoliberalism globally and in the process sums up how Trump won, and Brexit occurred.
  7. Has it ever occurred to you that many of Belichick's wins are a direct result of the other teams organizational incompetence? I believe the aura of mystic around Belichick clouds people's thinking. Everyone wants that signature win. The Seahawks had the Patriots dead to rights and they blew it. Dan Quinn had a 1st down at the 22 of New England and came away with no points. A FG would have ended the game. Jauron didn't have McKelvin take a knee. Everyone seems to think there's a lot of luck, I'd argue that the tactical awareness is more lacking than luck. There's a ton of these games every year. We've all saw teams choke and beat themselves.
  8. I'll be honest I'm a huge Fox News fan. I agree with nothing they say outside of.....well nothing actually. It reminds me of this PPP board.
  9. From CNBC July 19, 2016 "Wall Street is not pleased. A top advisor to presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Monday that the party wants to reimplement Glass-Steagall, Depression-era legislation that was designed to prevent big bank "supermarkets," but which was repealed in 1999." https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2016/07/19/glass-steagall-wall-street-is-not-happy-with-donald-trump.html Bernie was right. Trump is a fraud.
  10. I don't argue back with name callers. Anyone care to read Romney & Gingrich's back and forth and comment? Or are you all going to punt? Except Buffalo born Republican Justice John Roberts who was the deciding vote. He said it was constitutional. Sorry but the corporate shill Republicans like Mitt Romney & John Roberts are two sides of the same coin with your enemies Hillary & Obama. You personally hate the ACA and would advocate for the system we had in place before? I assume - if not feel free to clarify your position.
  11. So even the Boston papers are bandwagon fans. Makes me wonder if Jerry Sullivan had an alternate story written at 3-28, proclaiming the end of the Brady era, only to write a non-opinionated synopsis which he rarely does after a Bills game. Sullivan was paid to go there and that's all we got?
  12. A bad hire in my opinion. Very unlikely he'll find success without Matt Ryan. Would have been better off learning how to finish a game.
  13. Wow lots of name calling and swear words. I could be a snowflake like DC Tom and "call the bots" or I can be a man and take on 100 fake ass conservatives. I'll choose the later.
  14. Apparently Yes or No questions aren't easily answerable to a hack. Ask me a question and I'll give you an answer. I won't be a chicken and call you names and obfuscate.
  15. Interesting discussion on another thread, about the ACA. Thought we could be a little more specific about where the whole idea of the individual mandate came from. More specifically a good policy debate between Newt & Romney dating back to 2011. I find it fascinating. "ROMNEY: Actually, Newt, we got the idea of an individual mandate from you. GINGRICH: That's not true. You got it from the Heritage Foundation. ROMNEY: Yes, we got it from you, and you got it from the Heritage Foundation and from you. GINGRICH: Wait a second. What you just said is not true. You did not get that from me. You got it from the Heritage Foundation. ROMNEY: And you never supported them? GINGRICH: I agree with them, but I'm just saying, what you said to this audience just now plain wasn't true. (CROSSTALK) ROMNEY: OK. Let me ask, have you supported in the past an individual mandate? GINGRICH: I absolutely did with the Heritage Foundation against Hillarycare. ROMNEY: You did support an individual mandate? ROMNEY: Oh, OK. That's what I'm saying. We got the idea from you and the Heritage Foundation. GINGRICH: OK. A little broader. ROMNEY: OK." http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2011/10/20/how-a-conservative-think-tank-invented-the-individual-mandate/#136f1f1f621b
  16. Answer the question on Blackstone. Do you agree that Obama or Trump in the future should be directing Fannie Mae to take on the risks of the securitization of their rental properties tranches?
  17. I've noticed that you don't ever say anything substantive. It's all insults and putdowns. Better you shoot the messenger than to answer a question. Which makes you a moron and a $&@!ing idiot.
  18. I've figured out this board. Conservatives outnumber liberals 100 to 1 and when a debate is lost in the immortal words of D.C. Tom some is called an idiot. Rather than call me an idiot come back with something better.
  19. He who casts the first insult loses the debate. Calling me a moron doesn't change the fact that taking risks on to Fannie's balance sheet isn't socializing the risk. Weren't you the one's mad that Obama took lowered the FHA mortgage protection insurance interest rate? So in essence, something that helps a vast majority of homeowners bad, something that helps hedge funds good. God bless America.
  20. He won't be broken mentally, his love of the game and desire to win are unmatched. Do you think our players could give up Duff's?
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