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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. Imagine how much worse the opiate epidemic will be in Appalachia once we start giving 28 million Hillbillies a $1000 / month check.
  2. To be fair, Trump has made a few good decisions up to this point politically; #1 fulfilling his campaign promise to kill TPP, #2 signing an executive order to build a wall between Mexico and US, #3 his quote on quote "Muslim Ban" executive order. All 3 issues were what got him elected and he would have been stupid to ignore these.
  3. Pretty good poll results. Will see about adding a 3rd question.
  4. Surprised considering 50% of all workers make $28.5k & under, and 65% earn less than $47.5k.
  5. Hard to feel sorry for someone who makes $500k and doesn't have CTE or some kind of opiate addiction to blame their fiscal insolvency on. Judging by the cast of characters on PPP I doubt many of them suffered traumatic sports brain injury outside of DC Tom.
  6. I think the Trump administration lackey that went on George Stephanoppolis show on Sunday was amazing. "Vota frawd", "You can't deny", "Everyone knows this", "we will make the facts available at some future time". Then points to the Kansas ® who created interstate cross-check. These guys are so loose on facts they make Kim Jung Un look like a lightweight.
  7. We have 14 rich mofo's on PPP. Explains the Libertarian bend.
  8. Tiberius what % of UB students never graduate?
  9. Exiled, I saw your comment over at PPP on this. I'm curious your math. I'll gladly run the numbers for you and give you the ROI.
  10. Revis hasn't yet given a statement to police. This could get interesting.
  11. Did you ask Holder about the rigging of the Democratic Primary? Eric Holder is backing Tom Perez for DNC chair. That's where the Democratic Party is in 2017, continuing to trot out neoliberals who run on identity politics and PC outrage. The economic agenda has been ceded to Wall Street, Big Pharma, Silicon Valley, and multinational corporations.
  12. This polling data is great. Come on keep voting.
  13. Canadians can vote in our poll. Your vote counts as 3/5's of an American vote. #'MuricaBack2BackWWChamps
  14. This poll is being conducted for a research paper.
  15. Only drawback I see is we will be making visibility better for opposing QBs. Could be worse against passing teams.
  16. Sounds like this is a proposed project. Not only will it save on energy and maintenance, but also result in better light levels down at the field level. Will better lighting result in more home victories? New Era Field, New Field Lighting Friday, January 6, 2017New Era field (previously known as Ralph Wilson Stadium), located in Orchard Park, NY, is home to the National Football League’s Buffalo Bills. The stadium has undergone extensive renovation over the past several years. However, the field lighting at New Era Field has not been upgraded since 1999 and the lights have continuously dimmed since 2003. The current stadium field lighting consists of six (6) poles each with sixty (60) 2000 watt Metal Halide light fixtures. Because the lighting is so outdated, replacement fixtures are no longer available or manufactured. Constant maintenance and repair of the old fixtures is an ongoing problem. The lighting renovation project is being designed by Joe Hallmark, PE, a Senior Electrical Engineer at Watts Architecture & Engineering. Joe is proposing new LED light fixtures that will reduce the overall energy consumption by 425 KW. The new lights will greatly reduce maintenance frequency, thanks to a longer lamp life. The design will provide an average brightness of 215 footcandles (FC) compared to the existing measured footcandle level of 185 FC. The increased FC level will now meet the NFL lighting criteria and will provide good depth of field and increased visibility for the players and spectators. The well-lit field will also allow for increased resolution for TV camera lenses, meaning a better picture for viewers at home. https://watts-ae.com/about/news/article:12-21-2016-12-00am-new-field-lighting-new-era-field-2015-2016-year-4-capital-improvement-allowance-projects/
  17. 70,000,000/140,000,000 workers in the U.S. make $28,500 or less. Wow.
  18. You don't give up your QB, to go to a guy in Cardale who was benched his final year at Ohio State and only started 14 games.
  19. Of course I did. You can get rid of many programs by moving in this direction. Hence it's a conservative principle as it's designed to simplify bureaucracy and shrinks the size of government, and the best concept is that it conserves money as it is the most efficient system. Conservatives love the idea of conserving money and not wasting resources - hard to argue. I could take this a step further and say if we move to a national universal healthcare we can eliminate the VA, Medicaid, ACA, and simply expand Medicare as the healthcare for all solution. Universal healthcare is more efficient per capita than our current healthcare system.
  20. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/08/why-arent-reformicons-pushing-a-guaranteed-basic-income/375600/ Indeed Milton Friedman at one time did support a basic income via a negative income tax.
  21. Keep Tyrod. He's going to take us to the playoffs in 2017.
  22. Nixon was able to get UBI passed twice in the House. UBI is a conservative idea. Roll back Welfare state, everyone over 18 gets a check per month. Milton Friedman & Thomas Paine advocated basic income. Ask an Alaskan if they like their oil dividend.
  23. Richard Nixon kicked this idea around way back in 1969.
  24. *50% of all workers in the US make less than $28,851.24 per year. *158,186,786 wage earners. *67.2% of all workers earn $44,569.20 or less. "The "raw" average wage, computed as net compensation divided by the number of wage earners, is $7,050,259,213,644.55 divided by 158,186,786, or $44,569.20. Based on data in the table below, about 67.2 percent of wage earners had net compensation less than or equal to the $44,569.20 raw average wage. By definition, 50 percent of wage earners had net compensation less than or equal to the median wage, which is estimated to be $28,851.21 for 2014." https://www.ssa.gov/cgi-bin/netcomp.cgi?year=2014
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