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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. The problem with the D's is that they've become a national election party, and abandoned workers in the process. Instead of fighting for workers they've fought for Wall Street & Silicon Valley. They have no real message because the progressive wing is continually shut out from leadership positions. The establishment wants to continue neoliberal economic policies like the TPP, & they've become increasingly militant supporting 7 Obama interventions in the Middle East, & lately have turned to blaming Russia on the reason why Hillary lost, up to the point of starting WWIII. The Dems have lost over 1,000 states and national seats since 2008. If they don't change their policies they'll soon be irrelevelant. The DNC is stocked with lobbyists and political insiders, that is why they don't support fundamentally reforming the party. Sanders showed them a way they could reform the party, such as rejecting corporate money, but the leadership thinks they can win by calling Trump names. The electorate in the Brexit States which voted twice for Obama didn't suddenly become racist and xenophobic. They voted for Obama the guy with the funny sounding Muslim name, who was black, because they believed he could change the country for the better. Those same people voted for Trump to deliver fundamental change and revitalize the economy & hence increase their wages, & get them better jobs.
  2. Tom Perez is to the right of Trump on trade, he backed TPP. Hell from what I've seen he and Eric "Too Big to jail" Holder are to the right of Trump on Wall Street. Perez has no idea to "out Populist" Trump. He will rely on the tired PC outrage approach. You don't take on Trump with conventional political tactics.
  3. Thomas Jefferson was a libertarian socialist. If you have 5 min to spare listen to Chomsky on Libertarian Socialists.
  4. The country has moved in a populist direction, look at who drew crowds in 2016, and I'm not talking about half filled high school gymnasiums where incrementalism & maintain the status quo was preached. It would have been a much better show if it was Sanders vs Trump. Colmes vs Hannity, didn't get the respect it deserved. It's what drew me towards Fox. Highly entertaining and relevant.
  5. Curious your thoughts on this y'all hit it up.
  6. It's women like this whose husbands mysteriously end up missing. Next thing you know the pool boy gets a promotion to plumber.
  7. ^^^^^This and let's not forget illegal pot from Mexico (bad), legal pot that is TAXED & REGULATED by the state (worse). In case anyone was wondering just looking at CCA's stock. It skyrocketed on November 9th 2016. It's almost as if Trump has investments in Mexican drug cartels and CCA. He wins either way. Arbitrage at its finest. Guy is a genius. Worst explanation today came from Spicer trying to equivocate the opiate epidemic and cannabis. Dude needs to get high. It's legal in DC. The whole Trump Administration should call it a day 40 minutes early at 4:20 and go get high.
  8. What is the deal with state pensions? George Will explains... http://siouxcityjournal.com/news/opinion/columnists/will/george-will-america-faces-a-predictable-pension-crisis/article_2f30a67c-bcc4-5b0f-bd93-1f294ecc0732.html
  9. He was cast as the prototype of weak liberal, but far too often beat Hannity with simple arguments that served to amplify Hannity's extreme partisanship.
  10. Curious your thoughts on what will be Trump's BREXIT plan for the Midwestern states WI, MI, & PA that delivered his 78,500 victory margin.
  11. I answered what difference does it make how people answer? However politics and polling go together.
  12. Wicked smart. Surprised there isn't one technical school grad on here.
  13. But he's not taking a salary, and just because he's rich it just means there's more assets to protect like Trump Tower & Mar-A-Lago. Lots of shade being thrown on our first billionaire president. Shouldn't we be lauding him for his success and accumulation of assets?
  14. Well he campaigned on it and did what he could to implement a solution. While I disagree I can respect someone who follows through on campaign promises. Also killing TPP was a good move. He still has NAFTA, CAFTA, & the work on trade with China. There's a lot of things he touched on, that need to be addressed beyond rhetoric but we are only a month in. As far as draining the swamp he's even weeded out Flynn who did lied to Pence so there appears to be accountability and discipline. I'm not impressed with the cabinet picks, they are very swampy to me, but that's on the American people to judge. Maybe DeVos, Tillerson & Munchin do a good job. Who knows?
  15. I've talked to many Trump voters in OH, PA and they overwhelming despise neoliberalism, free trade, and austerity. Trump got many voters support by saying he wouldn't cut social security, or Medicare. He's delivered on his wall, and his Muslim ban. What makes anyone think Trump will turn his back on one of the pillars of campaign promise? Trump will not impose austerity by cutting either program it would be political malfeasance.
  16. Elon Musk the king of government investment is championing UBI - http://basicincome.org/news/2017/02/elon-musk-reaffirms-ubi-prediction-world-government-summit/
  17. If Paul Ryan submits what's been reported as "the skinny budget", which is code for austerity, does Trump buckle? Trump ran on an economic populist platform. He needs to remember he lost by 2.8 million votes, and his entire victory was based on a 78,500 margin in the states of WI, MI & PA. Those people didn't sign up for economic austerity. They want to get to work building infrastructure and to rebuild the manufacturing sector of the American economy. Trump must balance the deficit hawks and his constituents who voted for him to actually deliver on his campaign promises. It will take more than executive orders to make these people happy.
  18. Approve only based on the fact that he hasn't released his 2018 Budget.
  19. A few quick questions on Stephen Miller.... Also wondering your thoughts on the following quote: "Our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned."
  20. Stephen Miller said "You can't deny polls".
  21. We could automate virtually every job in the next 100 years. To the point man will pursue a life of leisure much like the .01%'s children do today.
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