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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. If this goes to the Supreme Court I see a 5-4 decision.
  2. I'm waiting for the draft. Haven't felt excited this year.
  3. He'd be a good 3rd stringer in Oakland. EJ could teach him how to carry himself professionally & Carr could show him a style of QB to emulate.
  4. I'm sure Russ Brandon will invite him to the preseason family night in 2018.
  5. Jim Kelly was a womanizing, boozing, self-congratulating punk from 86-96. He didn't become the man he is today till after his son was born. If we could transfer 2017 Jim Kelly into 1986 Jim Kelly I have no doubt we'd win a few championships.
  6. OP, I assume you are being serious. Given the fact you are and something like 10-15 new QBs come into the league every year and 10 make a team that's something like 50 QBs since 2013 the year EJ joined the NFL. The attrition rate is high. Ask JP Losman.
  7. LePen's chances of winning center around fear. The French typically ignore fear.
  8. The Democratic Party is wiped out at all levels of government. They hold 1/3 of city, county and state offices. And are the minority party in the house, senate, executive & soon to be judicial branch.
  9. Unionized prison guards, private for profit prisons love the faux war on drugs.
  10. $1 Trillion on infrastructure sounds great to me, but with Trump the devil is in the details.
  11. I've heard we collect about $3.6T per year in taxes. Any breakdown of where this comes from? For example, corporate income tax, tariffs, FICA, personal income tax.
  12. Anyone have a breakdown of the top 10 largest countries government spending per category? For example; military, healthcare, social security, interest of national debt, operations, etc?
  13. Curious what other countries spend on defense in comparison to the U.S. anyone know?
  14. Obama f'd this when he allowed the Blue Dog Democrats to strip out the single payer option. Medicare For All would be the most efficient system because you immediately take away the 30% overhead that the insurance companies charge. You'd shrink the labor force but expand the Medicare workforce which only operates on a 3% overhead. Last you'd get rid of the Medicaid - a huge funding source to state governments which is often "borrowed" against. Not sure how this would be addressed. That said they state welfare workforce would also shrink due to not needing to staff and manage a Medicaid office.
  15. How many national reporters actually report this? Who is talking about this? Trump tapped into something real and I'm convinced the idiot leadership in his own party will do everything in their power to block him.
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