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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. Now that the Democratic Party has been nearly wiped out the question now is do they double down on their neoliberal strategy first adopted in 1984 or develop a new ideology? Basically the path forward for Democrats is to continue their virtually identical Republican Light corporate friendly agenda, AND bend on social issues that serve as the last differentiator of establishment Democrat & Republican orthodoxy, OR move to Progressive economic platform with key acquiesces on nationalist and social issues such as the 2nd amendment, religious freedom, abortion, and cultural identity such as immigration. The problem is the corporate influence over the Democratic Party means that the ideological stagnation keeps the Party from adopting a progressive platform. We can trace the roots of the Democrats embrace of neoliberalism back to 1984 and the formation of the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC) under Al From. The founding philosophy of the New Democrats included; economic centrism, national security, and entitlement reform. Becoming Republican Light served the Democrats well and helped Bill Clinton win in 1992. By 1996 Clinton had passed legislation that was long the corporate donors dream agenda: NAFTA, welfare to work, and the '94 Crime bill. Clinton even managed to stave off impeachment and passed a sweeping overhaul of the 1930s era Glass-Stegall bank regulations setting the stage for the 2007-2008 Great Financial Crisis. So in essence it took a Democrat to pass what Republicans Bush Sr & Reagan couldn't. In 2009 Barack Obama passed a healthcare reform bill with many policies crafted by the Heritage Foundation & implemented 5 years earlier by Gov Mitt Romney - on a national scale. Under Obama the largest financial institutions weren't prosecuted by Attorney General Eric Holder. They were bigger in 2017 than 2009. In essence the crowning achievement of Obama's legacy is 7 foreign interventions and dropping 26k bombs on Muslim majority countries in 2016.
  2. So the tunnel linking NJ to NY is 100% NJ's fiscal burden? What am I missing.
  3. 16 sacks 55 tackles, 5 for a loss, 7 pressures, 1 fumble recovery, 3 forced fumbles, 1 TD, NFL Defensive POY.
  4. Bruce Smith, cut in 2000 he went on to play 4 seasons (00-03) for the Redskins appearing in 62 out of a possible 64 games and adding another 29 sacks to become the NFL sack record holder. This was akin to the Chicago Bulls cutting Michael Jordan if he was willing to play in 1999 in the interests of saving money.
  5. My only concern is does Pegula and the fans have the stomach for a possible and I stress possible 3-4 year turnaround? It may take 1 to 2 seasons to bottom out, another 1 to 2 seasons to build the right core talent. That means we are looking at fielding a championship caliber roster by 2020, 2021 at the earliest. It could take some time. I hope people are patient. These clean sweep rebuilds as you describe from the foundation up take time. Even Jimmy Johnson in Dallas needed, 1989, 1990, & 1991, then in 1992 he won the first title.
  6. There seems to be a tremendous amount of hubris from the .01% that there won't be another recession. Built into this hubris is the feeling that IF there is another recession the taxpayers will again bail out the over-leveraged asset speculators / bond holders. That Vegas stadium is a frog on a hot plate waiting for the next recession. When, not if, there is the next recession, the tax revenue assumption that is being assumed to finance the debt on the stadium will crumble, forcing the local government to tax the citizenry to make up the difference. Just like Lake Meade's water table has dwindled over the past 30 years, Vegas will bleed residents as they inevitably are forced to raise taxes to cover the debt payments. I see the Vegas franchise folding in under a decade and moving to a more stable market. The Raiders foray into Vegas and the new stadium finance scheme is a classic example of casino capitalism run amok. I hope the Pegula's take a more prudent approach and utilize a cheaper retrofit or build a modest stadium in collaboration with local colleges, universities, the city, county, and state.
  7. Durability & availability seem to be the same thing. Am I misreading?
  8. Dareus is done in 2 seasons like Haynesworth. He doesn't show the commitment to his body or love of the game to stick around in his 30s.
  9. Whaley is a smart guy. He had 2014, 2015 & 2016 to win. He dealt with some tough circumstances including an ownership change and a coach quitting. All told he did an alright job. I'm sure he's learned some things that he would apply at the next stop.
  10. Wade was a great coach. Probably our best since Levy. He did wonders with a veteran crew & got the most out of Flutie. His decision to bench Flutie will forever linger as a great what-if. I think we win that Tennessee game & would have found our way to the Super Bowl. No telling what our defense could have done to stop the greatest show on turf.
  11. Another classic example of governmental incompetence. The policymakers at the DOD really bungled this.
  12. I grab em by the P, I don't even ask, was allowed to speak at the bastion of Christian morality?
  13. Did Sammy really say that? Damn, that's pretty conscending.
  14. I voted to fire him. For two reasons, reason #1 Brandon is reaching 50 an age where most executives peak. surely there is someone younger whose been taking notes that has better ideas or a fresh set of eyes that can be promoted from within. Reason #2, fair or not Brandon is one of the last strings associated with the playoff drought. Ultimately Brandon should be judged on W's not $'s, and I'd say Brandon has done a horrible job of bringing in W's.
  15. Tyrod is our guy in 2017 until beaten out by Peterman. I don't see that happening just yet. Not saying it can't, just that Tyrod being near his prime and entering his 7th year has a slight edge. He has a stronger arm, is quicker footed, is faster, has proven he doesn't turn the ball over in the NFL. He's played .500 on Rex Ryan coached teams. Now give him a better coach, and I think he's only going to do better.
  16. Swag Kelly would never pass the Patriot Way test. He's too dumb.
  17. Eliminates the chances of a "hung" jury at his next trial.
  18. I wonder if they autopsy his brain they'll find evidence of CTE?
  19. WGR rountables remind me of a circular firing squad.
  20. I would only because you've given up a small fortune to acquire Watkins. We can't keep on losing 1st round talent, and the 5th year option is designed to help you retain those players. Is Watkins a top WR? No not yet. Will he ever be? Remains to be seen. There's too much upside with Watkins, that's why not picking up the 5th year option makes little sense.
  21. Obviously Marrone cited his experience around Drew Brees. If only Bortles was half the QB Brees was Marrone could actually keep his job the next 2 seasons.
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