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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. We spend $9,000 per capita on healthcare, and rank #27 in healthcare. We far outspend any other country by any measure when it comes to healthcare. We still have 28,000,000 uncovered, and Trumpcare could have expanded that to 52,000,000. We have to spend so much on military to "protect" our citizens, but when it comes to healthcare which I'd argue is more important, we just can't find the political will? Something is messed up in our nation.
  2. You are an idiot because you have one line of attack. That means you are an idiot. Physicians accept 93% of Medicare patients, 94% of private insurance. Did you click the link?
  3. Hubris is the last phase before the fall of all empires. We are witnessing the arrogance, extravagance of an empire waiting to implode. No one sees it coming. Cheers.
  4. Perhaps we could reallocate some of this defense spending?
  5. Most doctors accept Medicare. 93% to be precise. Apparently 7% of doctors can afford to be more selective in their clientele. I would assume that would continue after implementation of a universal healthcare system. http://www.kff.org/medicare/issue-brief/primary-care-physicians-accepting-medicare-a-snapshot/
  6. D.C. Tom, resorting to name calling instead of debating on the merits of facts since 1996. But I'll ask that DC Tom two questions. Question 1, do you use "socialist" programs Social Security & Medicare? If yes, why? Question 2, name one country where a free market Healthcare system exists?
  7. Hoping the planes pilots get plenty of flight sim practice due to flying 10 games per year.
  8. Every worker in the U.S. pays 1.45% into Medicare. Medicare polls at 78% positive favorability. Over 60% of Americans now support Medicare For All. The median American household income is $56,516. That's $820 a year already to Medicare. That same household is paying $450 a month in employer sponsor insurance, or $5,400 a year while their employer pays the other half. These costs are before prescription drugs, doctor visits, copays, or deductibles. That's $5,850 before additional medical expenses. Healthcare Savings Accounts, are you F'ing kidding the average Joe The Plumber? If we went to Medicare For All at 5% that family would pay $2,750 with no other expenses. And their employers would save on the the cost of administering & paying for the other half of their employee healthcare. This is a no brainer and would make American business more competitive with the rest of the industrialized world. Don't fall into the tired socialist cliches. Medicare For All is the answer.
  9. Watch New England's offense and realize it is predicated on short throws and winning one on one matchups. I think some on here think that every QB needs to be making Aaron Rodgers level throws into space, and there are only 3-5 guys who can do that in the league with consistency & Tom Brady ain't one of them, and yet he wins.
  10. Wilfork could have played longer. He could have made it to 40. Bianca gets him 5 years early.
  11. Cutler has no mobility. Surprised they didn't go after a guy with more mobility, who could run the read option like Tannehill could. Oh well, their loss is our gain.
  12. Newsflash Sherlock, the science is closed on CTE - chronic repeated brain injury.
  13. So you are okay with kids smoking? Or making people wait till age 18 to play football?
  14. Wonder if Chicago Bulls fans resent Michael Jordan for owning the Charlotte Bobcats?
  15. Russell Wilson is 5'10", Tyrod Taylor is 6'1".
  16. Cory Booker is pretty much owned by the lobbyists so any legislation he's pushing probably should be scrutinized. He's been shilling for progressive cred ever since he voted down the prescription drug import proposal and got called out for it.
  17. A quick read through this thread reveals that we have many posters still struggling with the THERE / THEIR conundrum.
  18. CBD oils do the trick. EVERYONE hear me out, if you suffer from chronic pain, CBD oil can help.
  19. I was disappointed that Shapiro used the same tired cliches that I heard on O'Reilly's show 20 years ago. Cenk leveled so many facts on Shapiro that went without a response. One fact that went without a retort was how the Governor of Kansas plan to drop taxes failed to spur the economic growth, to the point they needed to admit the plan failed and raise the taxes to avoid a debt default. Just when you thought you'd hear the tired conservative debate cliche "Venezuela or Zimbabwe" to the pitfalls of infinite money printing it was Cenk who battered Shapiro with that same accusation by saying it is Trump who doesn't believe in balancing the budget. Cenk then proceeded to lay out his case based on the facts that you can't cut taxes to the level Trump has been proposing and increase spending by $54 billion alone on the bloated defense budget, while just limiting the pace in growth of government spending. Another big victory for Cenk was the acknowledgement of demographics, that the U.S. is simply changing demographically, something that Shapiro failed to mention once, or how the right plans to win over voters that are breaking 4 to 1 for other parties over the Republican Party. Cenk rightly pointed out that coalitions must be built around policies which bring demographic groups together not divide them. And as Cenk pointed out, every year 1 million new citizens immigrate and become legal residents.
  20. Missing is definitive policy substance. Notice the Dems continue to put their thumb in the eye of the progressive base by failing to announce support of Medicare For All. Why is that? Because the corporate Dems in leadership want their campaign donations from big Pharma & the private health insurance lobby.
  21. Cut? No. Trade? Perhaps. The key point is he's under a rookie contract & has yet to make it to an NFL game preseason or regular. His ACL injury was a big hurdle.
  22. What's cool is the Rock is quoted as saying he didn't vote for Trump or Hillary.
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