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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. The funny thing is, the Dept of Justice has demanded/requested 1.3 million IP addresses of Inauguration Day protesters. Still waiting on the IP addresses used to coordinate the Charlottesville, VA United the Right event hosted by Richard Spencer.
  2. I haven't been paying any attention all offseason or preseason. Are we any good?
  3. Semantics aside I imagine heads on this board would be exploding if this was Eric Holder in the Obama years.
  4. Just when you thought the swamp was drained and the era of Big Brother was over, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III and his Dept of 'Justice' Demands 1.3 million IP addresses. http://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/346544-dreamhost-claims-doj-requesting-info-on-visitors-to-anti-trump-website
  5. To me Beane is a guy who has nothing to lose year 1. So he made some moves that we perceive to be bold. Does Beane want credit for his boldness? It seems he's disappointed that his boldness is being perceived around the league and by some fans as tanking.
  6. Trump loves adlibbing and making false equivalencies. If that was an Isis Muslim protest & a Muslim 20 year old who ran over 20 people killing 1 injuring 19, I'm pretty sure Trump wouldn't be condemning counter-protestors.
  7. The so-called "alt-left" was called out harshly today. On Saturday morning Neera Tanden head of the Center for American Progress called out the "alt-left" and blamed them for the rise of Trump. So in all of this is the origins of the term ''alt-left''. Look it up. Believe me. It was created by the right. Believe me. Look it up. It's fake news. Not a real term. Totally fake. Totally bogus.
  8. The best receiver that I've ever seen play in person is AJ Green. I think he's better than Randy Moss. I only saw Jerry on tv, in the later 1/2 of his career, but he was good. Not an athletic freak, but disclipined, hungry & reliable. Only guy to ever come back from an ACL injury in 13 weeks. He was a workout freak.
  9. I lived in Columbia, SC. They are taught to be suspicious of Yankees. If you are a conservative and don't mind changing your accent to 'conform' you'll fit right in.
  10. I've read through this entire thread and I'm not shocked by the lack of support for these far right Confederate Nazi southern racists led by Richard Spencer. As de-industrialization and the economic policies of neoliberalism have forced many of us to leave Western NY to pursue a middle class lifestyle, many of us have ended up south of the Mason-Dixon. Anyone with a Buffalo or Western NY accent is quickly greeted with passive aggressive terms such as 'Yankees', 'War of Northern Aggression' or worse 'carpet-bagger'. In the south they see President Lincoln as a great imperialist and conqueror. As someone who lived many years in the south it never ceased to amaze me when I was asked where I was from. Literally it was a daily part of life. Never did a black person ask me, always the white people. There is an expectation in the south that when you move there you conform to that society, say things like "y'all, fixing to, bless your heart." Many neighbors didn't say the N-word by used more modern disparaging terms like 'the hoods' in referring to black people in our subdivision or 'plantation' as they are all called in the south. Now I live far from the south. In the years since moving I've never been asked where I'm from or made to feel uncomfortable because my ancestors fought for the Union in the Civil War against traitors.
  11. !@#$ Obama. And Reverend Wright is a coward.
  12. Steve Bannon is the leaker & Stephen Miller is a punk. Want to start anew? Disavow Richard Spencer and the Alt-Reich thugs & tell Stephen Miller "You're Fired." A great expose on boy wonder, Mr. Stephen Miller https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/05/stephen-miller-duke-donald-trump
  13. Trump's senior policy adviser Stephen Miller is affiliated with white nationalist and protest planner Richard Spencer. They went to Duke University and were involved in some shenanigans while on campus. The key ideology of the Alt-right is white men are victims. The Confederate statue being taken down was a symbol of their victimhood. The irony is while they chant how they are 'true Americans' they are holding the seditious flag of the Confederacy. The irony is palpable.
  14. This whole shin dig was brought to you by Alt right founder Richard Spencer. College buddies at Duke with Trump senior policy advisor Stephen Miller. These guys are truly pieces of schnit.
  15. Oh lookie here, employer healthcare costs expected to rise 5% next year. http://money.cnn.com/2017/08/12/news/economy/health-care-workers/index.html
  16. Imagine Trump's condemnation if ISIS had crashed that car into the Anti-fa protestors.
  17. We negotiate fair prices and invest in the next generation of healthcare, in terms of education and R&D. The American system has costs that other single-payer nations don't have. Hospitals & doctor offices here have 4x the billing staff due to complex insurance coding. Insurance companies operate on a 20-30% overhead (profit), this money doesn't go into care. Medicare's overhead is in the single digits. So there are cost savings due to the government being able to negotiate prices with Pharma & directly with hospitals & physicians. It works in Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, South Korea & the U.K.. Another reason costs come down is the risk pool expands to the entire country. If we had one insurance company and mandated everyone pay into it, and that insurer had monopoly control of the market it would work in a similar way in terms of price negotiation with doctors and Pharma. I'm not advocating for a single-payer / private for profit insurer system just saying in theory it would function similar in terms of price discovery. As far as expanding our national investment into healthcare I think we should do that. Make healthcare a much bigger priority. Make public college free including up to doctorate level. Dramatically invest in the next generation of doctors and nurses, and biologists. That leads to the next generation of doctors and innovation.
  18. Doc Brown, I'm curious your thoughts on trade and banking. In particular the role of financial institutions in our economy being that they compromise 30% of our GDP by most estimates. Also monopolies. Where are you on them? Teddy Roosevelt 'trust buster' or 'free market' extraordinare. Last Bail Outs. Where do you stand on this issue. Suppose we incur another financial collapse. Do you believe in the B word?
  19. OMFG. When you have lost the debate. You sound like Lil Marco. You gotta do better than that if you want to stay on the debate stage with the big boys Lil Marco. At least whip out a Venezuela or Zimbabwe reference like Lyin Ted would.
  20. Medicare and private insurance acceptance are virtually the same. Moving to a universal system, would mean that all payments would come from the Medicare system. In most countries private for profit hospitals do not exist. The system is designed to serve the people, not enrich healthcare administrators and bureaucrats. The more important point is lowering costs. Medicare would negotiate prices directly and as the single insurer would end the grotesque price inflation in our healthcare system. Also right now Medicare is not allowed to negotiate drug prices. That would come to an end. The key is lowering costs and covering everyone.
  21. 47,000 people per year qualifies. What we need to do is regulate the supply and distribution of opioids much more firmly. Congress could pass a law today to do just that. Somehow I doubt that will happen. The pharmaceutical lobby is too powerful. Many corrupt doctors who are incentivized by pharma in our healthcare system don't care either.
  22. Come on Tom. Be a man. Engage in some real debate. Throw some figures on here with links and case studies, showing us how a Libertarian free market approach would be so much better than universal healthcare. And while your at it, show me the country that has implemented this healthcare system.
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