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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. Football is dying because they have failed to protect the players from concussions.
  2. Night time incident when Captain is off the brig. My personal opinion is Capt works hardest hours.
  3. What about ships that fly like Gi-Joe had in the 1980s?
  4. He's just a name. He is over-the-hill, and washed up. Check his stats from last year 67 receptions 584 yards 8.7 yards per catch 8 touchdowns. For those too young to remember, those are Larry Centers type numbers. 8.7 means he's basically toast and can no longer get down the field.
  5. It's definitely a neoliberal swamp. A few Libertarians, but in practice none, as most simply go along with whatever the GOP leadership is pushing. Making it a confused lot. They really have no core guiding ideology. Most are on here to lob insults and attack the oppositions grammar. I have a very defined ideology. Conservative Libertarians like Stefan Molyneux change on a whim.
  6. No I expect all of this. We live in a plutocracy. Obama did give a $400,000 speech to Wall Street recently. There are corpstists in both parties. The swamp is vast. Steve Mnuchin one West Bank? Kamala Harris CA attorney general couldn't prosecute him? Cory Booker takes big Pharma cash & votes down a drug import bill? Oh and he took $ from Kushner? MA Gov D Duval Patrick now works for Romney created Bain Capital? As George Carlin said "it's a big club and you're not in it." That's why I'm a Progressive. I don't want my politicians taking corporate money.
  7. I know you need their votes. How does the saying go? White supremacist votes matter?
  8. Someone said we dropped 26,000 bombs in 2016. That's so many there should be 1 happening around kickoff every Sunday.
  9. Lesson #1. When you can't defend the indefensible but don't want to agree, say the other side misunderstands. Here's an idea. Why don't you simply say, white nationalism is wrong. It is against everything our country is built on.
  10. Trump is poll numbers suck, and Congress has passed zero pieces of legislation outside of confining Gorsuch and sanctioning Russia. We are being ripped off. It's all theatre and the taxpayers get screwed.
  11. What's brave is all the posters on 4Chan taking time out of their day to say the woman died because of some conspiracy; and picking on her weight. Your side not mine. I'm glad I don't pail around with Nazi sympathizers who think it's okay to murder peaceful protestors.
  12. Another snowflake got triggered post. I like it.
  13. A quick read thru 4Chan reminds me how repulsive the white nationalists are. A woman dies and these are the repugnant things people post. Karma. http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/137831359/demand-to-see-heather-heyers-autopsy-report
  14. I'd put the over under at a 35% chance he resigns before November 2018. Reasons are plenty but tops are the gaffes and the damage he is doing to the Republican brand. Will it be enough to force him out and go to Pence?
  15. Was wondering now that Bannon is back as a private citizen if he will continue his mentoring of Richard Spencer.
  16. NFL teams should stop taking money from the military for paid advertising and passing it off as patriotism.
  17. Only I'm not tethered to the duopoly. I find both parties corporatism to be repugnant. As for Holder, he's now back in private law practice working for the same banks he refused to prosecute. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/eric-holder-wall-street-double-agent-comes-in-from-the-cold-20150708
  18. Didn't we just trade our #1 WR in return for a broken down Pinto?
  19. So Canada's only Confederate plaque is now gone? MCCA. Make Canada Confederate Again!
  20. How many Confederate monuments are in Canada?
  21. I was hoping someone would pickup on that. You sir, win the day.
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