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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. Agree with you on both points. My ideas are based on the idea that as a GM you are building for the future. If a good deal comes along we should make it. Back to my original point. McCoy is 29. He will hit a wall. The signs I'm looking at are based on the historical performance of all other top backs. I'm also acknowledging the fact that the Bills are accumulating picks for the future. There will be much turnover between now and 2018, & 2019. With every passing season McCoy loses value & gets closer to the end. The Bills could trade him and get a great deal. A GM needs to have an eye on the future and not worry about how the fanbase will react.
  2. 53 pages of a "nothingburger". I think at Charlottesville the Deplorables came out of the basement and showed America that a $4 Tiki torch and a Nazi style haircut doesn't make your argument cogent. Chanting "Blood & Soil", "White Lives Matter" & "Jews will not replace us" clearly shows these young kids have no idea the forces that oppress them. They are looking for identity and a sense of belonging and found it in their isolation online. They found out being a troll has much greater consequences in person then it does using a pseudonym on some message board.
  3. How many running backs have logged as many carries as McCoy and have not fallen off the proverbial cliff around 29-30? Maybe Marcus Allen? And I'd argue he had a few seasons of heavy usage early on in his career and went on to be a part-time back from his late 20s to mid 30s. McCoy still wants to be the guy. I think it's a mistake to think he can be depended on after 2017. I'd trade him now IF I could get adequate value for him. You want Green Bay to overpay.
  4. Cool guy who went to Africa with Kaepernick this offseason for humanitarian mission & connecting with origins of slavery. Great men. And Goodwin is one helluva athlete.
  5. News flash, he's 29. Running backs peak at 25. He's on the down side of the hill. Thurman Thomas at 29 in 1995 was sliding, Emmitt Smith 1998, Marshall Faulk 2001, Tomlinson 2008. Look at those backs, what they did before age 29 and what they did after, it's not pretty.
  6. This guy is a giant douche, and cheap shot artist. I'm glad he has been humbled.
  7. McCoy is past his prime and his hammy's appear vulnerable to injury, I'd pass if I were Green Bay, although I always wondered how ARod would look with an all-purpose back like Craig, Thurman, Faulk, Tomlinson.
  8. This is great because it highlights more polarization in our society, while distracting us from the important issues. This is what the media wants us to do. The media manufacturers consent but also division. And we are all being played. The media is silencing all forms of dissent, left and right. We need a media, state & corporations all saying the same thing and praising Dear Leader. We have wars to win, and natural resources to extract. Did you know Afghanistan has $1 trillion in rare earth metals? Mussolini once said "Fascism is the merger between state and corporate interests." Ladies and gentlemen I show you Standing Rock, Ferguson, Charlottesville, Occupy, every modern movement that has challenged corporate power has been crushed, marginalized and ridiculed. Neoliberalism better called corporatism is the current system of free market capitalism we live under. Kaepernick is a genius because he criticized both Trump's pseudo-populist fascist movement & Hillary's war-mongering neoconservative backed foreign policy & free market capitalism. Sadly the media saw Kaepernick as a threat to both and ally to none, so they crushed him from both sides. A true rebel, Kaepernick reperesents the spirit of the millenials. A QB without a team. A generation without a political party.
  9. End PC white snowflake outrage. These conservative heads are gonna explode.
  10. I'm all about my Bill$ like Stevie Johnson. $ on mind, $ on my conscious. I'm all about my Bill$ like Stevie Johnson.
  11. Careful Kraft is lobbying for that corporate tax break for corporate jets. We wouldn't want that loophole to be omitted in Trump's magical tax overhaul.
  12. When you tell someone else how they should deploy their lexicon, that is a snowflake micro-aggression.
  13. It's amusing watching these snowflakes meltdown about the precious anthem, and their beloved 'beautiful' Confederate monuments.
  14. So much for the pardon. Guess the AZBR can bust him out of the big house.
  15. Is that the same ESPN that earlier in the week held a fantasy slave auction?
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