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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. If he was kneeling for the national anthem I'd have more respect for him as a leader.
  2. 30% of the public say they support living under a strong autocracy.
  3. Remember in Chicago they flipped Bernie votes to Clinton. http://www.inquisitr.com/3022058/election-board-scandal-21-bernie-votes-were-erased-and-49-hillary-votes-added-to-audit-tally-group-declares-video/
  4. I have no doubt in his football IQ, toughness & hands. He's a good player. I'll wait for the real bullets to fly to reserve ultimate judgment.
  5. "It's not the age kid. It's the miles."
  6. If the Bills FO was truly interested in having a quarterback competition they would have Kaepernick on the roster over Yates. And that goes for most NFL clubs that don't have a perennial All-Pro. I'd say the bottom 12 teams #21-32 should have Kaepernick on the roster competing for a roster spot. The idea that Kaepernick is not afforded the opportunity to compete for a job shows how weak the NFL and their corporate sponsors have become to the vocal minority, I'd put it at 40%, who hate Kaepernick with a passion. It's rather ironic as these are the same people who throw the term "snowflake", "cuck", and political-correctness around like they're going out of style. So congratulations vocal minority. You are the same people who seem to have no issue with white nationalists first amendment right to protest and carry Nazi & Confederate flags. Imagine if Kaepernick carried an equivalent flag of hate like the ISIS flag. I imagine your heads would explode. I'll close with a question, if Tim Tebow had the same career so far as Kaepernick and decided to do the same protest by kneeling to pray and protest the treatment of black society would he be on a NFL roster?
  7. Yes. Watch the tape of his playoff games shredding Green Bay's defense with his arm and legs. It's a thing of beauty.
  8. I thought Tyrod was wearing the new helmets that are 70% better against concussions?
  9. 100 votes so far. I think I'm #100. Mark me down in the other category IF Tyrod concussion ends up lingering.
  10. It would suicide to put Peterman on an NFL field. Kaepernick deserves a shot. I'd give him a call if Tyrod appears to have a long-term concussion as we see in the NHL that holds players out a month or more.
  11. Also went from lead back in a run first offense to lead back in a pass first offense. Gore is much more solidly built and a different style of runner than McCoy. Gore is one cut and a cloud of dust between the tackles. McCoy is a bounce outside get the edge and maybe find a cutback lane. I'd say looking at their styles a back like Gore can age more gracefully as his style is predicated more on sheer straight line speed and power than McCoy's style which requires elite quick twitch cutting, jukes and bursts that men in their 30s rarely possess.
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