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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. "It's hard to cover in the NFL." Matt Patricia.
  2. Doug Whaley - his sinister plan has fallen in to place. Tom Brady - 44% completion percentage was just 4 points higher than his age, but 3 points lower than Tim Tebow's career average of 47%. Danny Amendola's Brain - chalk up another Concussion for Danny Boy. The pipes the pipes or Neurologists soon will be calling. Dontae Hightower's Knee - clearly Big Hightower suffered what appeared to be a less minor sprain and was lucky to get out without the dreaded PCL or ACL tear. Robert Kraft - got a new pair of Patriot color themed Air Force One's and proceeded to flub the tag line "Sweetest One Yet" or whatever obnoxious tag it was. All I know is it was great to see the Pats owner get his Boeing's fleet offense grounded & his defense completely shredded for one night. The New England Fans - 😐..........way to stick around till the end, and never give up! NOT! The stadium was empty with 5 minutes to go. It was fun to see the overprivileged obnoxious Boston blowhards get treated to a big slice of humble pie on opening night.😂
  3. I don't identify with either party, I'm just happy to see the debt ceiling get raised.
  4. Looks like Trump is drinking TPS & Dr.Sack's homebrewed MMT Kool-Aid. Deficits don't Matter, but not the way Commodore Cheney explained.
  5. I'm surprised Utah a 80% Republican state would even have a unionized police force. Seems a bit hypocritical.
  6. I haven't heard if the GOP has a fall back plan? So far we've had repeal and replace and the skinny repeal.
  7. Krugman, comes from the same school of economics as former Fed chair Greenspan, that couldn't see the 2008 GFC crisis coming. What economists try to do is shut down competing ideology and allow for a very lively debate within the confines of their orthodoxy. MMT, Austrians, etc seek to challenge the establishment neoliberal Chicago school of Econ.
  8. Most Austrians are also strong advocates of currency backed by commodities like gold, which we aren't going back to.
  9. That's why both parties seem to lack a cohesive argument. In TPS & my summation, Government can and should be spending much more, or taxing much less. Inflation of 0.0-1.9% which is what we've had per annum the last decade is not high enough to maximize our resources: full employment, labor & capital. This is the great fallacy of the political paradigm; that you must either tax and spend more, or tax less and spend less. We are advocating for spending more and taxing less. Let's look at one example of the Government spending more. By implementing Medicare-for-All, this would be a highly deflationary event. Right now the U.S. spends 17% of GDP on healthcare. Private health insurance operates at a 25-30% overhead compared to Medicare 5-7%. Some of this cost is inefficient medical billing on the insurance side and medical office side. Needless to say there is a lot of 'hole diggers & hole fillers' in the healthcare industry. In a more efficient healthcare system, you would see tens of thousands of unemployed from the inefficient system such as; medical billing 'coders' out of a job - a highly deflationary event. At the same time businesses would save on the HR expense of no longer managing health insurance policies and paying for their employees healthcare. These factors are the reason why you wouldn't raise taxes: higher short-term unemployment, and worry about deflation. You would want to encourage businesses to re-hire and the best way to do that is to lower their expenses (healthcare - ✔️) and taxes.
  10. No, because ultimately you need to win games in the NFL. If the Bills go 5-11, 4-12, 6-10, then this current GM-coach combo get shown the door.
  11. Sounds like you make in the ballpark of $5-7k a month. Outside of OASDI, Medicare, State, and local taxes that the elimination of federal taxes on your income level is totally doable.
  12. I think the new regime wants players who are robots first.
  13. A) Taxes are a fiscal policy set forth by the Congress, & collected by the Treasury. From a Monetary perspective, in a fiat currency system taxes are only payable in the national currency, so a government has a self-interest in having monopoly power over creation of the money supply. Same goes for US Treasuries as debt instruments. Any nation that holds US T-Bills is paid back in USD. B) If the government abolished taxes and stopped collecting revenue that could result in a huge spike in aggregate demand to the point where inflation occurs as excess capital drives up costs. For that reason taxes have often moved counter-cyclical to agregate demand.
  14. Simply stating how money is created in the U.S., the Treasury, Fed, and Congress all play a role in how money is created (spent) and destroyed (taxed).
  15. The USD is a free floating fiat currency. Whether you like it or not the Government can create money by spending it into existence. Money is not created by taxation. In fact taxation destroys currency. If a government were to tax more than it spends it is destroying money while expecting the economy to grow.
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