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Everything posted by Dr.Sack

  1. The GOP health 'uncare' bill 3.0 is pure shite. The GOP has made it unclear what they oppose. What t F are they for? Can anyone on the right articulate their ideal healthcare system?
  2. I respect the fact he cares about this issue and wants to encourage a dialogue about how we can treat people equally. To that end, I have some ideas starting with the basic tenet that life and the pursuit of happiness starts with the ability to have one's health. If we as Americans are all in this together shouldn't we have a health care system that treats us all equally?
  3. Yes Woods & Watkins would both be gone. Woods would have cost too much to retain. Watkins was worth a player & a #2.
  4. JW, I actually have respect for AP writers like you. You have always been fair in your coverage, and haven't led with opinion over fact. My main point of contention is against the sensationalism that has become the sporting News. Sully & Bucky thrive on the Chuck Dickerson news delivery approach. I do appreciate reporters like Joe Buscalagia and Sal Capaccio for delivering factual football based coverage. I also dig metrics and the science of sports. So I appreciate 538 & PFF. In that field, a person I've started following the past few years is Sam Monson with PFF. I have lost patience with the self-loathing opinion based sports writers. If you care to point me in the direction of real writers I'm open, but the ship has sailed on supporting the News.
  5. The reason mainstream media is dying and alternative media is thriving is because we don't need to be told how to think. I can get more information out of Cover 1, and many die-hard posters on here like Yolo & Promo than I can off the News.
  6. I'm sorry to say that I would think twice before subsidizing the #3 richest man in the U.S., Warren Buffett, and his company Berkshire Hathaway which owns the Buffalo News. I personally have decided to invest my $3 a month in Berkshire Hathaway stock so I can profit off the good loyal Bills fans you are. Ha! I will stick to lively and good debate on TBD & other social media platforms that have taken over the old print media. The Buffalo News is welcome to join this modern business model any day. Don't let the News fool you, they make $ hand over fist. If they don't find ways to make new revenue they will die. ESPN is struggling and recently fired staff as more Americans cut the cable tv cord in an effort to save money. Don't forget 1/2 of all workers in the U.S. earn less than $30,000 a year. Buffalo is a poor town. $3 a month isn't much, but it's worth more to someone making $30k than it is for someone who's worth $50 billion. To me this is just another case of rent seekers trying to make a buck off your fandom. A few years ago it was revealed the NFL took millions from the Pentagon to do paid-Patriotism. Greedy Billionaires who milk public tax bases for hundreds of millions, were now taking a few million from the Pentagon to push Patriotism. More corporate welfare for billionaires like Pegula & Buffett is not what the loyal fans of the Bills deserve. These billionaire capitalists are trying to shame the masses to pay for inferior products on and off the field. If you field a good product people will spend money. I don't think people are spending money on Bucky & Sully. Tim Graham for all his good work and hard hitting journalism hasn't asked a tough question in 5 years. Graham left Buffalo for greener pastures and was a victim of changes in ESPN himself. The new economy hits people at all levels beside the 1%. Why not let the billionaires feel our pain for once? When will people draw a line in the sand? When does sanity kick in?
  7. Chuck Lester gets fired tomorrow if I'm Russ Brandon.
  8. Belichick is a robot, and wins. McDermott will get props IF he wins. Right now he's a .500 coach.
  9. Lorenzo & Kyle Williams played well. I don't think they're back next year due to age. On offense McCoy is aging fast and Taylor should be benched. McDermott looked bad tactically today. On a positive, Beane's trades could end up being hits with future draft picks. What's not to love?
  10. What is that darn awareness rating for in Madden? Guess it applies to situational football & turning around for the ball on 4th and 11 with 16 seconds left.
  11. Captain Checkdown needs his short white dudes.
  12. All I know is the Bills franchise has already toyed with the idea of Seattle in the 1970s and Toronto. I'm sure there'd be some fans stay on but over time they'd all have died off similar to conquered tribes they'd be forgotten by the time the last living Bills fan was deceased.
  13. Never say never. If the SCOTUS pick showed one thing it's when the GOP wants something they can deliver. I think Roe v. Wade is next.
  14. Nancy & Chuck are neoliberal tools of the establishment. If they are consistent on one thing it's in doing things that don't result in blowing up the economy, like not raising the debt ceiling. Trump isn't an Austrian and hasn't swallowed the Peter Schiff Jim Richards sound money Kool-Aid and won't be moving the USD back to the gold standard. I'm wondering why some on the right are surprised considering he was quoted during the Republican primary as saying something to the effect of; 'we can print money and have largest central bank in the world.' Trump is a businessman first, he's not going to make deals with guys like Paul Ryan who have spent an entire career working inside D.C. and have no idea how our nation finances work, Ayn Rand be damned. On this issue, Trump would rather align with Wall Street neoliberal Democrats than Tea Party conservatives.
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